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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 93 Gorthan -2
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As the battle erupts between the colossal Gorthan and me, the sheer magnitude of the creature's power becomes painfully evident. The ground quakes beneath us, each thunderous step of Gorthan sending shockwaves through the air. The scent of earth and sweat fills my nostrils, mingling with the metallic tang of anticipation. My heart races in my chest, a symphony of adrenaline pounding in my ears.


"Agh!" I swiftly dodge, my movements guided by instinct, narrowly avoiding the bone-crushing weight of Gorthan's massive claws. The rush of displaced air brushes against my skin, tingling with the raw energy of the encounter. The ground trembles beneath me, threatening to throw me off balance, as the reverberations resonate through my bones.


Gorthan's claw slices through the air where I had just been standing, striking the stone wall with earth-shattering force. The impact reverberates through the chamber, creating a cacophony of crumbling stone and the sharp clatter of debris. The scent of dust fills the air, carried by the gusts caused by the monster's assault. The sight of deep gouges in the wall leaves an indelible image of the monster's terrifying strength.

"!" I leap and twist, narrowly avoiding another devastating swipe of Gorthan's claw. The air crackles with the raw energy of our clash, filling my senses with a charged atmosphere.

Each near-miss leaves me with a chilling reminder of the monster's destructive power, a shiver running down my spine. 'I'll die if I get hit with full power, right?' I ask in my mind.

'Undoubtedly,' Blaze calmly replies.

"Grr" A guttural growl rumbles from Gorthan's throat as it lunges at me, its jaws gaping wide. The rush of hot, fetid breath washes over me, carrying with it the scent of decay. I dive to the side, the rush of wind from its jaws grazing my cheek, leaving a cold trail in its wake. The impact reverberates through the chamber, a rumble that vibrates in my chest.

I scramble to my feet, adrenaline surging through my veins. I run, my body pushed to its limits, the pounding of my footsteps reverberating in my ears. The air is heavy with anticipation, crackling with the electric charge of imminent danger. Gorthan's massive form casts a shadow over me, its presence suffocating, as if darkness itself looms above.


Gorthan slams its massive paw into the ground, causing shockwaves to ripple through the chamber.

"Whoa!" The ground trembles beneath me, a rhythmic quake that threatens to unbalance my every step. The force of the impact sends me hurtling through the air, my body weightless for a fleeting moment, before I crash against the stone wall with a bone-jarring thud. Pain courses through my body, radiating from the impact site like tendrils of fire. The cracks spiderweb across the surface of the wall, a visual testament to the monster's devastating power.

I push through the pain, the desire for survival fueling my every move. I roll to the side just in time to avoid another lethal strike from Gorthan's tail.


The impact creates a thunderous boom, a sound that reverberates through my eardrums.

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"What the fuck?" The ground beneath me gives way, a testament to the force behind the monster's attack, leaving a deep trench in its wake. The earth quakes beneath me as I scramble to find my footing, my senses on high alert.

I take a breath, gathering my focus

 amidst the chaos. With each stride, I manage to narrowly avoid the devastating swipes of Gorthan's claws. The air crackles with the raw energy of our clash, the distinct scent of ozone tingling in my nostrils. Each near-miss leaves behind a trail of residual heat, a palpable reminder of the monster's destructive potential. It's a relentless pursuit, an unending battle of survival against a foe that seems invincible.

'You call it a clash? But isn't it just you dodging the attacks, though?' Blaze interjects, his words resonating with truth. This fight feels more like a one-sided massacre.

This type of fight continues for a while, with me constantly running around to avoid getting hit directly.

"Hey! What's that?" I ask, noticing something large in the distance and directing my question to Blaze.

'What?' Blaze doesn't understand until I start running in the direction I was looking.

And immediately Blaze blurts out, saying, "It- It's an Elder Tree Pillar!... But not now: PRINCESS, GO THERE!!"

I don't know what that is, but suddenly, I spot a glimmer of hope amidst the mist-filled chamber.

A towering pillar rises in the distance, its surface adorned with ancient runes that pulse with a soft, ethereal light. The air around it shimmers, carrying the faint scent of magic, an aroma both familiar and foreign.

The engravings hum with latent power, a beacon of possibility amidst the chaos. The sound is a melodic vibration that resonates in my bones, a harmonic rhythm that reverberates in my ears. The soft glow cast by the runes casts shifting shadows on the chamber walls, illuminating the swirling mist and creating a surreal spectacle.

I sprint towards the pillar, evading Gorthan's attacks with newfound determination. The monster's enraged roars echo through the chamber, reverberating in my ears and vibrating in my chest. I leap and twist, narrowly evading its relentless assault, the gusts of displaced air caressing my skin. The ground beneath me bears the scars of our battle, cracks and fissures snaking through the stone, a testimony to the immense power exchanged.


Gorthan's claws tear through the ground, leaving deep trenches in its wake. The force of the impact sends shockwaves rippling through the chamber, shaking the very foundation. The ground quakes beneath my feet as I leap over the crumbling earth, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Haa haa, what now?" I feel like my heart is about to leap out of my throat because I ran with such a surge of adrenaline.

'Push the mana into the pillar and channel the magic spell within!!' Blaze shouts. I can feel Gorthan closing the distance between me and him.

I reach the pillar, its runes pulsating with an otherworldly glow. The radiant light emanating from the carvings casts a soft, ethereal glow on my face, warming my skin. I extend my hand, fingers trembling as I make contact with the intricate carvings.

"!?" A surge of energy courses through me, electrifying my senses and making the hairs on my arms stand on end. The chamber quakes, and the mist begins to swirl with renewed intensity, wrapping around me in a whirlwind of ethereal tendrils.

In the midst of this turmoil, I feel a searing pain in my head, as if my very being is being torn asunder. It's a sensation unlike anything I've ever experienced, a maelstrom of agony and power.

I grit my teeth, refusing to let go, pushing through the torment to channel the magic within. The pain radiates through my skull, pulsating with each heartbeat, a symphony of suffering and determination.

As I channel the power of the engravings, a blinding light envelops the chamber. The swirling mist takes on an ethereal glow, casting shifting shadows that dance on the chamber walls. The ground beneath me trembles violently, sending vibrations through my body. Gorthan, sensing the imminent danger, roars in fury, its voice echoing through the chamber like a thunderclap, a deafening symphony that reverberates in my ears.

With a final surge of will, I complete the connection between myself, the engravings, and the magic they hold. The runes blaze with radiant light, illuminating the chamber in a dazzling display. The brilliant barrier takes shape, encasing Gorthan within its confines.


The creature's furious struggles are met with an invisible force, trapping it in a prison of its own making. The air crackles with energy, and I can taste the lingering flavor of magic on my tongue.


I collapsed to the ground, spent and battered, my body throbbing with pain. The mist begins to dissipate, revealing the chamber in its entirety. Cracks scar the walls, and the ground is littered with the remnants of our battle. 

The scent of scorched earth and burnt ozone permeates the air, a testament to the clash of powers that had unfolded. Gorthan, once a towering force, now stands confined, its rage contained within the spherical dome magical barrier.

"At last, we defeated.....huh?" My sentence was left hanging in the air as I saw something I didn't like at all.


"Dumbass! Your mana is nowhere near sufficient to sustain the form of this dome! Run and get to those swirling engravings!" Blaze commanded. Is it not over? Fuck!

I tried to get up, but I was no longer able to conjure any speck of mana at all. Fuck it.


I just started running without even reinforcing my body, towards the direction where I remembered seeing the swirling engravings.

"Haa haa," each step made me more and more tired, and... it was painful to even walk, much less run.

After a few minutes, I was near the wall and able to see the slightly familiar engravings. Now I just had to... mana! I didn't have mana! How was I supposed to activate the spell within it?

Instant fear took over my being, and I felt numb for a second.

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"And here comes the bastard," I muttered. It looks like the barrier broke, and now Gorthan is headed here.

'Princess, it's just... there's no point in thinking. The matter is already out of our hands. We ought to give up,' Blaze said. He's correct... hands? Hand!!!!

I looked at my left wrist at the moment, and it was there! The bracelet given by Marilyn. It had the mana stone of Thargtusk at the center.

I hastily removed the bracelet from my wrist. "I hope this works," I said, praying for it to work.


I smashed the stone in the engravings. Yes, I smashed it so it could release whatever small amount of mana it held after being processed.

A light green miasma arose from the broken mana core, and the swirling engravings began to glow and... swirl? They swirled, trying to suck me inside, like it's sucking me inside the wall and I just let it until...


Something just clawed onto my rear as half of my body was already through the wall, and "Aghhhhhhhhbb!" I winced in agony. I knew this sensation. I don't have legs now. This bastard just ripped my legs apart.


And just like that, whatever remained of my body was sucked into the wall.


[On the other side of the wall.]

Inside a completely different chamber, I lay on my back with my eyes wide open, trying to suppress the amount of pain I was feeling.

"Say something, princess," Blaze approached, and only one thing came to my mind, which I said.

"Why always my legs?" I was baffled. Do these monsters like to rip off legs or something? Because it didn't feel good if that was the case.


[A/N: 700k,hehe]

[A/N:If you are looking for a editor and proofreader for you personal then you can contact me on my discord server.]