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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 77 Crystal Veil Cave
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After what feels like an eternity of constant swimming, my body is on the verge of collapse. Entering the grotto, I had hoped for a path leading me upward, a way out of this watery abyss. But just like my entire journey, nothing is as simple as it seems. The passage before me is filled with intertwining stalagmites and stalactites, twisting and turning in unexpected directions.

"I have a feeling that this visage won't hold for too long," I think to myself. Since the encounter with the Serpenthian Abbyssalor, it started developing cracks, and now it feels like it'll be done in a few more minutes.


'And one more.'Another crack resounds through the cave, causing my heart to race. Time is running out, and the fragile sanctuary I found will soon crumble.

'How much longer, parasite?' I mentally send the question, frustration and impatience seeping through. Swimming becomes increasingly challenging while carrying this entity within my chest.

'I'm not exactly enjoying myself here, princess! It's equally difficult for me when you're running low on mana. Just be patient; we're nearing the surface,' Blaze replies, his words echoing through my mind. He has been repeating the same assurances for hours, and I can feel my skin suffering from extended exposure to water.


My eyes widen in surprise as a glimmer of light appears on the water's surface. Could it be? Is this the end of the water's grasp?

Summoning my last reserves of strength, I push myself upward with renewed determination. Impatience overtakes me, and I abandon any pretense of remaining calm. Escaping the water's suffocating hold becomes my sole focus.

With a final burst of effort, I propel myself upward, my hands cutting through the water with all the strength I can muster. But then, disaster strikes.


The Visage that had protected me shatters, exploding under the force of the water.

"Gua!"Choking, I clutch my throat, desperately trying to draw upon my waning mana reserves. It is futile, like trying to pump water from a dry well. My core is empty, devoid of any energy I can harness.

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I thrash my limbs, attempting to salvage any remaining strength, but my fatigued body offers little assistance. Each passing second drains me, suffocating my senses and tempting me to succumb.

My eyes grow heavy, and I feel the tempting allure of surrender. It seems so comfortable, so inviting...

'Master, get a grip!' Blaze's voice resounds in my mind, pulling me back from the brink. He is right; there is no point in faltering now. I glance upward, realizing that I am only a few meters away from the surface. Even without mana, I have to press on. How could I face her if I failed? The thought of her laughter, or worse, her pity, spurs me on. I have to be strong.

Summoning the last vestiges of my strength, I propel myself with all my might. Each stroke propels me closer to the surface until, finally, I breach the water's veil. Gasping for air, I am momentarily blinded by an otherworldly light. I have made it!

But my stomach revolts, the sensation of everything rising to the top of my throat. I groan in discomfort, unable to fully savor my achievement.

'Princess, over there!' Blaze's voice reaches my ears as he hovers above me. Why is he doing this? I am already depleted, my mana reserves nearly exhausted.

I turn my gaze toward the rocky formation he points to. Is it solid ground? Or merely another illusion?

 Uncertain, I crawl my way towards it, clutching at the surface like a desperate amphibian, craving the solidity beneath me.

Coughing and retching, I roll onto the ground, the sensation of relief mingled with the worst kind of discomfort.

"System, store! Provide me with a healing potion!" I shout, my voice filled with desperation. In an instant, notifications flicker before me, and a healing potion materializes, one in front of my eyes and the other in my trembling hand.

Gulping it down, I nearly choke on the liquid, simultaneously expelling water and blood in the process.


Groggily opening my eyes, I look around. The body still aches even after using the healing potion; I've noticed that the more powerful I get, the less effective these potions become.

"Rise and shine, princess," Blaze faces me. I don't know when, but this seems like an everyday thing now.

He looks like he's having fun.

"How long have I been gone?" I ask, as I just went into slumber after drinking the potion.

"Not long, just for like an hour or so," Blaze answers. Why is he grinning, though?

I straighten my posture and sit properly, taking a deep look at the cave myself. Just like Blaze told me, this cave opens up on the island. Well, I won't know until I leave this cave, right?

Sitting on the side of a magnificent cave, sunlight filters through a collapsed roof, casting ethereal rays upon the crystal-clear waters below.

The expansive chamber glistens with a mesmerizing hue, as if touched by magic. Stalactites gracefully hang from the ceiling, reaching towards the mirrored surface. Reflections dance on the water, unveiling a hidden realm of natural beauty. The serene ambiance resonates through the cave, beckoning to lose oneself in its captivating embrace. It is a breathtaking marvel.

"Beautiful, right? It's Crystal Veil Cave," Blaze chimes.

"But why are you happy, though?" I ask. No matter how beautiful, it's just a cave or...

"It's also called the Pond of Vitality too, meaning it is the same as the name, I am happy seeing this place hasn't changed even a bit." Blaze explains. Pond of vitality? There's another pond at the abyss of Elishia forest with the same capabilities.

"Wait a minute, I just came out of that water, and as far as I can comprehend, that water did not heal me in any way, vice versa I was about to die," I say. There's nothing special in this water or the water in the sea at all.

"Haa, what am I supposed to do with you, princess?" Blaze gives out an exaggerated sigh before continuing. "It won't be Crooked Island if things are that simple, right? You can think of it as an extraction place. You have to place something from which you want to extract the vitality from."

I think about it for a second but let it go. I don't have anything like that at the moment, though.

"Let's go." I stood up, looking down at myself I am soaking wet, I also lost all my stuff with the boat in the surges.

"Do you know how to get out of this place?" I asked, he does say that this place is familiar to him so let him guide.

"We can go out through that place, it'll be easy and the outside is more beautiful than here, I guarantee." He directed, it's the fallen roof of the cave, it'll directly connect us to the ground, I hope it's beautiful outside and no water.


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Gulping another store bought mana potion, I refilled my core,like I thought it was not enough. 

As I carefully navigate the rugged terrain of the cave's interior, I find sturdy footholds and handholds along the side rocks. With each step, I maintain a firm grip on the rough surfaces, ensuring my balance as I ascend. The jagged edges of the rocks offer support, allowing me to steadily make my way towards the opening. 

Using my strength and agility, I hoist myself upward. I successfully climbed, inching closer to the outside world beyond the fallen roof and peeked outside.

First words that left my lips were"Fuck you parasite!" I don't know why I got my hopes up.

"Well,it looks like a lot has changed since the last time I visited teehee." His tone is awkward and what's with that creepy ass teehee?

The outside scene was.

Dark thunderclouds fill the sky, crackling with electricity. The air is heavy with the impending storm. Rain pours down in heavy sheets, and strong gusts of wind buffet the landscape. It's an awe-inspiring sight, nature's power on full display.

"Seems like the tritonic surges didn't exactly block the passage from the southwestern sea of Reva to this here island," I muttered wearily. "This whole darn island's engulfed in this strange, unnatural phenomenon."

"No wonder this place stayed hidden all this time," I added, the exhaustion evident in my voice. It finally made sense why no one had stumbled upon this island through that route.


After an hour.

"So, what does it read?" I asked Blaze, my eyes fixed on the intricate ancient carvings.

"In a realm of shifting tides, perceptions entwined. Virtue obscured, judgments confined. The gods clash, a realm in disarray. Pray for the traitor, slay the savior, one must weigh. Cruelty masks a hidden way. Decipher the enigma, seek truth's ray. Where paradox thrives, unravel this ancient fray," Blaze recited the ancient text, his voice filled with solemnity. It sounded like a cryptic poem, perhaps even a riddle.

"Do you know what it means?" I inquired, curiosity burning in my voice.

"Looks like a lot has changed since I last visited," Blaze replied, his tone devoid of playfulness. 


[A/N:Yahoo! 400k view's, I am happy.... ahem*Now back to the chapter, What does the riddle even mean? It's too hard right?]