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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 60 Next Day.
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"Ugh." I woke up to the dull throb of a headache, a telltale sign of the mild hangover I was experiencing.

"Looks like you are awake, pervert princess." Blaze hovered before my eyes. This dude has nothing better to do than annoy me first thing in the morning.

"What time is it?" I asked as I pushed myself up. My muscles protested against the stiffness acquired from sleeping in such an unconventional position. I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of grogginess, and surveyed the room. There are two empty bottles beside my cushion.

"It's like six in the morning; you just slept for eight hours." Blaze answered, which means there is still an hour before the call time. I remember Henry telling us that we had to be down by seven in the morning.

"So,how does it feel?" Blaze continues "to be someone who sexually harasses girls while being drunk."

"Shut the f*ck up, man." I spat as I made my way to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face.

The events of last night played like a hazy film in my mind, leaving me with a sense of regret and unease. I sat up, rubbing my temples as I tried to shake off the lingering effects of the alcohol.


I don't know what I am going to say to Anabelle; what if she's disgusted by my behaviour? I'll accept whatever words and curses she hurls at me.

"Well, anyone would be pissed if someone threw themselves and did those kinds of things, right?" Blaze followed me to the bathroom.


I heard a light knock on the door. I left the bathroom immediately and slowly made my way to the door. Blaze got back into my body.


I opened the door only to be more surprised.

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"Good morning." I said it awkwardly, to which Anabelle's face grew bright red. She immediately turned her face sideways and said,

"Please put on some clothes." Anabelle's voice stuttered a little. I looked down at myself and saw that I was half naked. I still have my pants on, but I am not wearing anything on my upper half.

"Oh sorry! Just give me a second. Why don't you come inside?" I invited her inside while I quickly put on my shirt, which lay on the floor, and turned around.

Anabelle enters the room while fidgeting, and I offer her a chair while I sit on the bed.

Anabelle's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she cautiously approached the wooden chair. Nervously, she adjusted her posture, attempting to find a comfortable position. Every movement seemed amplified, with the creaking of the chair echoing her unease. She longed for a sense of ease, but her nervousness persisted, making even sitting a challenge.

"Umm...so why are you here, the first thing in the morning?" I asked.

As I faced Anabelle, the awkwardness between us was palpable. The aftermath of last night's encounter left me grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. I had to find the courage to address the situation and make amends. Anabelle's guarded expression made it clear that she was wary of me.

"Henry asked me to call you downstairs." Anabelle responded with a short sentence.

"Is that all?" I questioned whether she could've sent someone else if that's the only message she wants to convey.

Approaching her, I could see the hurt in her eyes, and my heart sank. I needed to apologise and acknowledge the mistake I had made.


"Anabelle, we need to talk. I'm truly sorry for what happened last night. It was a result of my drunken state, and I never intended for things to progress that way. Please know that I value our friendship above all else, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." I apologised.

Anabelle's silence was deafening, and it stirred a mix of anxiety and regret within me. I wished I could take back my thoughtless words, but all I could do now was hope for her understanding.

As we sat there, the weight of our strained friendship hung in the air, leaving me uncertain about the future. I wanted nothing more than to repair the damage and find a way back to the closeness we once shared.

"It's fine; you were drunk and you didn't do something unreversible,so it's all good, but just don't do it out of nowhere." Anabelle clutched her robe; it's the same robe she wore last night.

"Thank you, and I promise that won't happen again." I can guarantee that, maybe.

"That's not so reassuring, princess.' Blaze interrupted, 


"But I never knew you drank alcohol." Anabelle spoke in a small, mumbling voice, but I was able to catch on to what she was saying.

"It was my first time drinking; that's why I lost control." I lied. It's true that I was lusting after her at that time, but it wasn't my first time drinking alcohol. Well, technically, it was my first time drinking in this world.

"First?" Anabelle looked at me with a stunned expression. Is that surprising?

"Yeah, I wouldn't have done those things if I wasn't drunk." Well, this is true; I don't make these kinds of mistakes when I am sober.


Anabelle fell into a momentary silence, her lips parting as she struggled to find the right words. After a brief pause, she finally spoke.

"So, you're saying that you wouldn't have done all that stuff to me if you weren't drunk." For some odd reason, Anabelle's face had no single speck of emotion; she was serious.

"Yeah." I confirmed. Anabelle went dead silent there for a moment, making me more nervous.

"Well, okay, then, I'll go first; you can come when you are ready." Anabelle switched the subject as she got up from her seat and began to leave the room.

"Ana." I called her out.

"What?" Anabelle sounds stingy; is she angry? Why is she behaving like that?

"Once again, I apologise for what I did." I apologised again, and Anabelle narrowed her eyes for a second and turned around to leave.

"Get down quickly; everyone's waiting for you." Anabelle left while leaving this sentence behind, even though her voice sounds like she is irritated.

"Haa." With a sigh of relief, I let myself fall backward onto the bed.

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"It's going to be a tough day." Blaze described my inner thoughts.


After I went down, another unexpected bomb was thrown at me.

"Umm... what did you just say?" I asked, my voice tinged with disbelief, as the leader of our group delivered his unexpected directive.

"Well, I think you and Ali should go to the capital to get the package," Henry stated matter-of-factly, unaware of the strained dynamics between me and Ali. My heart sank at the thought of having to team up with Ali, knowing our past clashes and contrasting personalities from Sephra to here.

And my lack of experience and Ali's seasoned skills only compounded the challenge. I hesitated, searching for the right words to express my concerns.

"Are you sure about that? Ren is still quite inexperienced, and he and Ali... well, they don't exactly see eye to eye," Zark voiced my reservations, hoping for an alternative solution.

Henry paused for a moment, his gaze flickering between Ren and me. "I understand your concerns, but we're running out of options. We need someone who knows the capital, and Ali's expertise is crucial. As for Ren, it's an opportunity for growth, and it's also been his plan all along, so it's better if he does it himself," he responded, his voice betraying a touch of uncertainty.

Reluctantly, I nodded, realising that arguing further would be futile. "Alright, if it's necessary for the mission, we'll do it," I conceded, my tone laced with reluctance.

We exchanged wary glances, our unspoken tensions palpable. "We may not have gotten along in the past, but for the sake of the mission, we had to put aside our differences and work together." I said this as I extended my hand towards Ali, going through the motions of a formal gesture. Deep down, I knew that our strained relationship didn't require a false display of camaraderie. I didn't feel any nerves or genuine desire to bridge the gap between us.

"Tch." Ali's cold indifference towards my extended hand didn't surprise me. I had expected as much from him. Without a word, he turned away, dismissing my attempt at civility. It was clear that he shared my sentiments—that getting along was an unnecessary burden in our line of work.


As the door closed behind him, I released a sigh of relief, grateful to be free of the pretence. I didn't see the point in forcing a connection that simply wasn't meant to be. Our focus should lie solely on the mission at hand, not on personal dynamics.

With a shrug, I let go of any lingering thoughts about Ali. It was clear that it would be a day of challenges, but I was prepared to face them on my own terms. The mission mattered more than any petty conflicts or forced camaraderie.

With a deep breath, I muttered to myself, "It's going to be a tough day."


[A/N: - .... .- -. -.- -.-- --- ..- ..-. --- .-. .-. . .- -.. .. -. --.

It's a code,break it before tomorrow evening and I'll upload two chapters tomorrow.]