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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 116  Leaving The Nightshade Sanctum Part-1
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Chapter 116  Leaving The Nightshade Sanctum Part-1

"Hey, what's happening?" I asked Blaze, my voice tinged with curiosity and confusion, as he stared intently past my shoulder.

"I don't know, but... it's not supposed to happen," Blaze replied, his tone mirroring my own bewilderment.

The city sprawled below us, unfolding before our eyes. It was a mesmerizing sight, with structures rising high into the sky, reaching towards the roof of the floor. The glow of a single, large moon illuminated the entire cityscape, casting an ethereal glow on the scene. However, what captivated me the most were the creatures working in harmony to build something extraordinary.

Crystal Golems from the seventh floor's Crystal Nexus were busily engaged in construction, their shimmering forms reflecting the moonlight. Fire giants, towering and fierce, added their strength to the laborious efforts. The sight was a baffling contradiction to everything I knew about dungeons and their inhabitants.

"What are we going to do now?" Blaze's voice broke the silence, his concern evident.

I tore my gaze away from the captivating city below and contemplated our options. The overwhelming presence of boss monsters and the unknown nature of the situation made it clear that venturing into the city would be perilous. While part of me was eager to uncover the mysteries that lay ahead, the rational side urged caution.

"I don't think I'm ready to face five or six boss monsters all at once," I replied, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "I miss my mother's cooking."

The thought of a warm meal and the comforts of home tugged at my heartstrings, reminding me of the world I longed to return to. With a heavy sigh, I made my decision.

"We're going back," I declared, retracing my steps through the tunnels, passing the holes leading to the tenth and eleventh floors. Eventually, I arrived back at the Gorthan's chamber, the beast still peacefully slumbering under the effects of the binding magic.

As I traversed the mist-covered path for what felt like an eternity, I finally reached the door I had initially entered. Placing my hand on the handle, I channeled my mana into it, unlocking the door with a soft click.

The door swung open, revealing the outside world. A gentle breeze brushed against my face, causing a few strands of my hair to flutter and reveal their new crimson hue. Blaze's playful comment about my appearance lingered in my mind, though the weight of our situation tempered any amusement.

"I told you that you look more beautiful than before, didn't I?" Blaze remarked, his attempt at humor bittersweet as we both understood the gravity of our decision to leave.

Stepping forward, I crossed the threshold, a chill running down my spine as I felt a sense of finality settle upon me.

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"... Don't tell me he's awake," I murmured, my voice tinged with apprehension.

"Don't look back. Step forward immediately and close the door. We have nothing to do with this place anymore," Blaze's voice turned icy, his urgency apparent.

Without hesitation, I followed his instructions, shutting the door behind me. The deafening silence that followed, broken only by the distant sounds of growling and crashing stone, confirmed that the Gorthan was indeed awake and on the move.

"It looks like he broke free," I whispered, my heart heavy with the knowledge of the danger that lurked behind the closed door. "We've left the dungeon behind, and now we must move forward."

It all feels quite... bland, considering how I left the place behind where I spent months, and now I am leaving the dungeon altogether.

Tracing back the same pathway that I came from, through the ninetieth floor, then eight, seven, and six, until I reached the safe zone of the fifth floor, nothing had changed on these floors since my last visit. Only emptiness and barren lands.

"Hey, don't the crystals on the seventh floor seem less abundant compared to before?" I asked.

"You're imagining things," Blaze replied curtly as we continued advancing until I reached the other end of the fifth floor.

I let out a deep, intoxicated sigh as I gazed at the battered door that led to the fourth floor. Unlike before, this door was also broken.

"They've visited here, haven't they?" I mused, certain that the monsters from the lower floors had found a way to infiltrate the higher levels. It appeared they were collecting resources from the other floors, and this time they had reached the fourth floor.

Taking a step forward, a familiar ding sound resonated through the air, indicating a system notification.


"What defense mechanisms?" I questioned aloud, curious to know more about this feature.

Another ding sounded, and a new system notification appeared.



Fourth Floor Defense Mechanisms:

1) Resummon the Elemental Dragon

Important Points:

(!) The summoned beast will not attack the host as long as the host does not try to harm it.

(!) The summoning period is once every two months (you can stack the chances and summon multiple beasts at once if you have enough chances).

(!) The elemental origin of the summoned beast will be random.



Summoning an Elemental Dragon? That sounds intriguing, but I'll-

I'll stack the chances and summon the Elemental Dragon. Just close the door," I decided, instructing the system to follow my command.

The screen dispersed on its own, and behind me, the fallen door began to repair itself. In a matter of minutes, it was completely restored, shimmering with a faint white glow that hinted at a new layer of protective mana.

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"You sure you don't want to summon the dragon and take care of those intruders? You're the boss of this floor now," Blaze suggested, his tone filled with determination. While his suggestion had merit, I couldn't ignore the potential risks.

"It's not that simple," I explained. "There are seven of them, and if even one of them is powerful enough to open the dungeon gate, it could lead to more trouble. Right now, I just want to leave and see the sun, no matter what."

Closing the door behind me, I cautiously made my way towards the next gate, taking cover behind large rocks to avoid any potential encounters. Surprisingly, the journey was uneventful. I didn't come across anyone on the way, and there were no noticeable mana signatures. It felt as if I was the only one in the chamber, despite its vast size.

And then, it happened.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, completely caught off guard. I hadn't expected to reach the next gate so easily.

To my surprise, there was no one at the gate. It was empty, devoid of any presence. The silence was overwhelming, leaving me perplexed and intrigued. I cautiously approached the gate, my curiosity piqued by the unusual absence of activity.

The gate appeared unharmed, untouched by any intruders. I commanded the system to open the door, and without hesitation, I stepped through and left the place behind. It felt liberating to be outside once again, away from the confines of the dungeon.

As I ascended through the floors, I was relieved to find that none of the other floors had been trespassed. There were no unexpected encounters or disturbances, allowing me to make steady progress. It took an entire day to journey from the depths of the eleventh floor to the trial floor where my journey in this cursed place had begun.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and relief as I stood on the familiar ground where I had first encountered the Emberclad Colossus Guardian.

"Open the door," I commanded, my voice resonating with determination. The serpentine patterns etched into the door came alive, their sinuous forms shifting and intertwining as they gracefully parted ways with a series of satisfying clicks. The massive door swung open, revealing a world that lay beyond the confines of the dungeon.

"We did it," Blaze uttered softly, his words carrying a mix of relief and triumph. He gracefully leaped out from the bag, his lithe feline form moving with a newfound sense of freedom and purpose. As he sauntered ahead of me, his ebony fur caught the sunlight, reflecting a subtle sheen of warmth and contentment.

With each step I took outside, the ethereal glow of sunlight caressed my face, its gentle touch a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere that had enveloped me in the depths of the underground labyrinth. The air tasted fresher, carrying with it the fragrance of wildflowers and the faint whisper of distant adventures waiting to unfold.

Before leaving this place behind, I cast one final gaze at the ancient lifted from my shoulders. It was time to leave this cursed and crooked island behind.

slate, its weathered surface bearing the weight of untold secrets and hidden knowledge. The words etched upon it seemed to dance in the sunlight, their mysterious symbols inviting me to unlock their meaning. "Hey, Smokeball, read it once more," I implored, my voice laced with a sense of reverence and curiosity. I wanted to engrave those cryptic words deep into the recesses of my memory, recognizing that they held a significance that surpassed the bounds of my current understanding.

'In a realm of shifting tides, perceptions entwined. Virtue obscured, judgments confined. The gods clash, a realm in disarray. Pray for the traitor, slay the savior, one must weigh. Cruelty masks a hidden way. Decipher the enigma, seek truth's ray. Where paradox thrives, unravel this ancient fray," Blaze recites the ancient text.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and let the cool breeze wash over me. The weight of the dungeon, its trials and mysteries, slowly lifted from my shoulders. It was time to leave this cursed and crooked island behind.