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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 524 Chance (Part 2)
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Chapter 524 Chance (Part 2)

Evan was baffled when Amara called him out. He didn't expect her to call him as soon as he arrived, and because of the surprise, he did not move even after Amara started to walk away.

"Oi Punk, Do You Want To Die? Why are you standing still when Ma'am is calling you"

Evan came back to his senses after hearing Kevin's angry voice.

"Sorry, I was just shocked after seeing those humanoid monsters and wasn't able to react on time when she called me." Evan quickly came forward and said to Kevin in an apologetic tone.

Kevin cursed inside his mind when he saw Evan was apologising to him instead of Amara.

"Please forgive this guy, he is actually mentally ill so he can't think properly with his damaged brain." Kevin quickly said to Amara thinking that she would kill Evan and do her testing on him.

"Mentally ill?" Amara raised an eyebrow when she heard Kevin and looked at Evan carefully. "He looks completely fine to me."

"He actually can't understand his situation properly he was even pretendin_"

"Enough" Amara stopped Kevin before he could finish speaking, "I don't have time to hear your stupid stories."

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After saying this, she completely ignored Kevin and said to Evan in a slightly cold voice, "Come with me."

This time Evan immediately followed after her without delay.

'You bi*ch, at least tell me what should I do with these people' Kevin cursed inwardly when he saw Amara was leaving without telling him what he should do with Rowan and others.

While following Amara, Evan noticed that the walls of the entire laboratory were identical to the walls of the elevator he had seen earlier.

The entire laboratory was covered in formations and his spiritual senses couldn't penetrate the walls of the laboratory just like the walls of the elevator.

Soon Amara brought him in front of a lab room. The door of the lab room opened and she went inside while signalling Evan to follow her.

'This room' When Evan saw the outer walls of the lab room, a thought suddenly came into his mind.

He quickly followed Amara inside the room and after seeing the walls inside the room were also the same, his lips curled upward in a small smile.

'I can feel that the second S Rank hunter whose aura I sensed earlier is still out there, keeping an eye on Kevin and the others. Since that's the case then this might be my chance...' Evan thought and a cold light flashed inside his eyes.

As he followed Amara, the door to the lab room closed and Evan's smile became even more pronounced.

Surprisingly, the lab room was actually quite big. Only after entering did Evan realize that he couldn't call it a room because the lab was at least half the size of a football stadium.

'Don't tell me she can even draw space expansion formation' Evan thought inwardly, feeling shocked once again. From the outside, the lab was looking very small so the only reason that he could think of for its large size was the space expansion formation.

'I need to turn her into my shadow undead' Evan said to himself and took a deep breath after knowing she could even draw space expansion formations.

Other than some lab equipments and test tubes that were filled with strange monsters, there was nothing much inside the lab.

Amara stopped in front of an empty test tube that was filled with purple liquid.

"Drink it" After stopping, she took out a bottle of red potion and handed it to Evan.

Evan raised an eyebrow after getting the potion bottle and tried to look at its details but


All he saw were question marks. There was no detail about the potion.

"What is this?" seeing as he could not confirm the details of the potion, Evan didn't dare to drink it rashly and asked Amara.

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"You don't need to know, just drink it and get inside the test tube," Amara said In a cold tone and walked towards a large screen that was connected to the test tube.

'She is treating me like a lab rat, huh' Evan said inwardly and a sneer appeared on his face.

''If it had happened outside this lab room I would have had to think twice before acting, but since she herself has given me this golden opportunity, there is no reason for me not to use it,'' Evan said in a low voice and opened the cork of potion bottle.

When Amara heard the sound of the bottle opening, she turned around and looked at him with a smile on her gentle face.

Evan also showed her a gentle smile that looked rather crooked because of his punk-like face and suddenly turned the potion bottle upside down.

The sound of liquid splashing on the floor echoed throughout the lab and the smile on Amara's face slowly disappeared. "What are you doing?"

"Actually... I don't like its smell. Do you have strawberry or chocolate flavour in it?" Evan asked after splashing all the potion on the ground.

"It's a potion, not a condom that comes in different flavours so stop wasting my time and drink it before I forcefully shove it inside you," Amara said in a cold voice and threw another bottle of potion towards Evan. The only reason she didn't lash out was because of Kevin who told her that Evan is mentally ill.

"Woman, be careful with your words, otherwise people will start doubting what kind of experiment you are doing here," Evan said nonchalantly and turned the potion bottle that Amara threw at him upside-down again, splashing all the potion to the ground.

Amara's face turned dark when she saw this and killing intent started to come out from her body.

Evan completely ignored the killing intent that Amara was releasing and smiled at her, "My job became much easier thanks to the formations that you built around the laboratory to hide it from others."

Evan said and snapped his fingers.

Just as he snapped his fingers, the second skill that he took from his shadow undead using the effect of growth link skill activated.

"Sonic Barrier."