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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 406 Don't Trust Your Eyes (Part 2)
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After Adam left with Rocky and Mirage, Evan didn't return to the city immediately.

After sending them off, he wandered around the wilderness for around two hours and hunted down all the monsters he could find.

After hunting them down, he used energy devouring skill to absorb their energy to increase the rank of his core and some time to recover his stamina.

During this time, he also tested his other skill that he received last night and was quite pleased with the results.

---) Ember Vitality: Using this skill you can draw energy from fire or heat sources, and use this energy to heal and recover from injuries.

Evan got this skill after absorbing the core of a solar Wyvern, he tested the healing power of this skill and found he could heal his minor injuries using this skill without any problem.

As for the fourth skill that he got, he didn't dare to try that because he was uncertain about that skill.

'Although I don't think anything bad will happen if I use this skill but still..' Evan thought to himself after remembering the details of the skills.

In the end, he shook his head and stopped thinking about the fourth skill he received for the time being.

He looked at the time and saw it was already 7 o'clock and the sun was fully up, so he decided to go back.

Using his shadow wings and Flicker Steps, Evan arrived in front of the city gate in just a few minutes.

Just like before, he showed his hunter card and went inside the city.

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While going back towards the hotel, he bought two Sunshine Pancake Rolls for breakfast.

Last night when he was walking around the city and tasting different kinds of food, he heard that this pancake is the most famous breakfast in the central city so he wanted to try it.

As he ate the pancake roll while walking, he can't help but nod his head in satisfaction. He had to admit that the food in the central city was much better than Astrate City.

Just as he reached the hotel, he suddenly saw Valery, Gloria and others.

The four of them also noticed Evan and when he looked into their hands, he saw they were also holding pancake rolls in them.

'Looks like I am not the only one who is enjoying the food here' Evan finished his pancake roll by taking the last bite and thought to himself.

"You are not sleeping anymore? " Valery asked as four of them saw him.

"I just went out for breakfast, now that I am full, I am going back to sleep again" Evan replied to her while throwing the rapper of the roll into the dustbin which was placed some distance away from him.

The mouth of Amy and others twitched furiously when they heard he was planning to sleep again.

"From your sweaty appearance and those blood stains I don't think you just went out to eat breakfast," Valery said in a sarcastic voice while pointing at his appearance and some small blood stains on his clothes.

Evan looked at the place Valery was pointing at and saw some blood drops on his clothes.

'Although I was using a wind barrier to stop blood..' Evan shook his head when he saw the blood on his clothes.

"Well, I need to maintain my health so I just went into the wilderness for some morning exercise before eating the breakfast," Evan said like it was not a big deal.

But Gloria, Amy and Jackson looked at him like he is a madman. Only Valery was looking at him with normal eyes.

"You went hunting monsters for exercise?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, is there something wrong with this?" Evan asked with a confused face when he saw how they were looking at him.

Jackson's mouth shook when he heard Evan. He wanted to shout only a madman will go into the wilderness and kill monsters for exercise, but he decided to keep his mouth shut.

Suddenly all five of them saw a bus coming towards them. When they saw the banner at the top of the bus they immediately recognized it.

"They are from the Arcanum Academy," Valery said after seeing the logo at the top of the bus.

Arcanum Academy is located in Aquaville City. When Evan saw the bus coming, for some reason he felt a little uncomfortable.

'Why am I feeling uneasy?' Evan frowned and looked at the incoming bus with narrowed eyes.

Soon the bus stopped some distance away from them.

Four people who were at A+ rank came out of the bus.

'They must be teachers of the academy' Evan thought when he saw two males and two females.

After the teachers, five young people came out of the bus. When Evan saw those five people, he felt he saw them somewhere.

Suddenly his eyes trembled when he remembered where he saw them and at the same time, he finally understood why he was feeling uneasy.

'This Trap Guy Again' Evan's mouth can't help but twitch when he saw the trap guy he saw in the Aquaville city among the five people who just came out of the bus.

The other four were people he saw during the Orc Den mission with the trap guy. (Chapter 181)

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"So beautiful" Suddenly Evan heard Jackson muttering to himself.

When he glanced at him, he saw Jackson was looking at Noah aka the trap guy like he was spellbound by his looks.

He noticed even Valery and the other two girls were looking at the trap guy with their eyes wide open.

'This guy become even more beautiful' Evan couldn't help but think when he saw Noah advance to B rank and his charm increased even more.

"I will try to get her number" Jackson suddenly said in a serious voice.

Evan sighed out loud and looked at Jackson.

"As your teammate, I have one piece of advice for you."

Jackson came out of his spellbound state and looked at Evan after hearing him. Valery and others also looked at him wondering what he wanted to say.

"Don't always trust your eyes, sometimes we need to use our ears to see the real face of someone."

"Hah?" Jackson made a strange sound and looked at him with a confused face. Valery and others were also confused and did not understand what he wanted to say.

"What do you mean?" Jackson asked him when he did not understand what Evan was trying to say.

"Well, although I can directly tell you what I mean, I think it will be good for you to experience it yourself." Evan said and turned around to leave, "Just remember that don't trust your eyes, because if he decided to take it out, his might be bigger than yours"

"What the hell is this guy trying to say?" Jackson said out loud when he saw Evan leaving from there.

Evan Ignored Jackson and gave a command to Eclipse while moving away.

Eclipse came out of his shadow storage using stealth skill and disappeared from there.