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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 371 Conceptual Energy (Part 1)
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"It will be awesome if I can get something like the silver rune that Olivia used," Evan said and linked the storage ring with himself using a drop of his blood.

He looked inside the storage ring and the first thing he saw was a pair of black colour boots that were giving powerful mana fluctuations.

Evan took out the boots and looked at their details.

---) Boots of the Voidgazer (A+ Rank): These boots bestow the user with increased agility and reflexes, allowing them to change direction rapidly and perform complex acrobatics while moving swiftly. While wearing the boots the user can use the skill 'Step Of Voidgazer'

---) Step Of Voidgazer: When the wearer activates this skill, they gain the ability to step into the void and traverse vast distances in mere seconds, teleporting from one point to another. The maximum distance you can travel using this skill is one hundred kilometres and this skill can be used two times a day.

"Perfect," Evan said with a smile on his face. He was still using normal boots so this thing was perfect for him. Moreover, the skill of the boots was quite good which can help him escape from a dangerous situation.

Evan immediately wore the boots and felt his agility and reflexes increase quite a bit.

He nodded his head in satisfaction and looked at other things.

Other than boots, there were some low-level artefacts ranging from D to B+ rank. But most of them were useless for him because of their low rank, so he decided to give those artefacts to his shadow undeads.

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After those artefacts, Evan saw some papers with strange runes engraved on them.

Evan's eyes lit up when he saw those runes, and he quickly took out those papers.

"What kind of papers are these?" Evan muttered after taking out around ten papers with different kinds of runes engraved on them.

He touched a white paper which was at the top, and its details appeared before him.

---) Charm of Illusion: This charm grants the user the ability to create realistic illusions that can deceive enemies or hide the user's true intentions.

"Oh, so these papers are the so-called charms." Evan had read about charms. From what he knows charms are one-time use artefacts that array masters create.

They engrave special runes on paper that people can activate using their mana.

"If I am not wrong, even a normal charm that increases your agility for a limited time costs around three or four million credits," Evan said looking at ten charms in his hand.

He doesn't even know how much a charm that can create illusion costs, but he did not think too much about it and looked at the details of other charms as well.

---) Charm of Reflection: When activated, this charm allows the user to deflect any incoming attacks back at the attacker, turning their own force against them.

There were two charms of reflection among those ten papers.

---) Charm of Invisibility: When invoked, this charm renders the user completely invisible, making it easier for them to sneak past enemies or execute surprise attacks.

There was one charm of invisibility which was useless for him because he has shadow walk skill.

---) Charm of Quantum Distortion: When activated, this charm lets the user briefly manipulate quantum reality, allowing them to phase through objects or teleport short distances.I think you should take a look at

There were two charms of quantum distortion.

---) Charm of Ethereal Shield: This charm creates a powerful, translucent shield around the user, capable of deflecting incoming attacks and providing a temporary barrier against harm.

There was one charm for defence.

---) Charm of Elemental Fury: When invoked, this charm imbues the user's weapon or fists with the raw power of the elements, enhancing their attacks with elemental energy for devastating blows.

There were two charms of elemental fury.

---) Charm of Sealed Essence: This charm locks away a target's mana and skills, preventing them from accessing their full potential until the charm is broken.

Evan was surprised when he saw the details of the last charm.

'This charm can make a hunter completely useless' thought Evan, but he knew if a hunter has enough power he can easily break this kind of charm.

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"I can use these charms as my trump cards, especially the charm of elemental fury that can increase my attack power," Evan said and put away the charms into his shadow storage.

After putting away the charms, he looked inside the storage ring again. Just like usual, he found many useless things in the storage ring. There were clothes, useless documents and many other things.

Evan ignored them and looked at other things. Soon he noticed a pile of cores in one of the corners and his eyes lit up.

There were many cores and most of them were A or B+ rank. He even found two A+ rank cores.

With these two A+ rank cores, now he had a total of four A+ rank cores.

One core came from the bear that he killed in the wilderness after reaching C rank, and one came from Albelu.

Evan put away all the cores into his shadow storage and decided to absorb them later. After putting away the cores he looked inside the storage ring once again.

This time he saw a black-coloured staff that was releasing a sinister aura.

---) Cursedbane Staff (A+ Rank): A staff made from the wood of the ghost tree. The staff can amplify the potency of curse-based magic, making curses cast with it more potent and challenging to dispel. The curses cast through this staff have a longer-lasting effect and are more resistant to counterspells. The staff possesses the power to summon cursed entities or beings bound to the darkest energies. These entities serve as loyal guardians, defending the wielder and intensifying the effects of their curses.

Evan looked at the details of the staff and threw it towards Oli.

This staff was completely useless to him, but Oli has many curse-related skills so this staff was perfect for her.

After giving away the staff when Evan looked inside the storage ring again there was nothing left other than two communication crystals.

Seeing the communication crystals his eyes flashed and he took them out immediately.