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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 313 Going Back
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Chapter 313  Going Back

"Finally no more useless sounds" Evan muttered while rubbing his temples.

It took him two hours to control the skill properly and be able to stop the useless voices that he was hearing all this time.

Of course, he can stop these useless voices only while using his hawk's eye skill, but he was satisfied with this.

After confirming he can now stop the useless voices Evan took off the whispering earring, and stopped using hawk's eye skill.

"Damn, I don't know who is this person who offended so many people, but literally every person who I heard just now was cursing him for some reason" Evan said while feeling sorry for the person who was being cursed by these people.

"Brother, I don't know who you are or what you did, but I will pray for your safety," Evan said and sat down on his bed once again.

After sitting down he took out four bottles of potion from his storage ring.

Among four bottles, two were filled with dark blue liquid. They were the bottles of full mana recovery potion.

---) Full Mana Recovery Potion: Consuming this potion will recover 100% mana of the user. This potion can only be used once every five hours.

The third bottle was filled with bright green liquid, it was an energy vial.

---) Energy Vial: This potion provides a burst of energy and stamina to the user, temporarily eliminating fatigue and enhancing physical and mental performance

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The last bottle was filled with dark red liquid and was looking like it was filled with blood.

It was Battle Fury Draught.

---) Battle Fury Draught: Upon imbibing this potion, the user taps into their primal instincts, experiencing a surge of uncontrollable rage and adrenaline. Their strength, speed, and combat skills are vastly enhanced for a limited time. The user will fall into a weakened state after the effect of the potion runs out.

After potions, he took out three arrows from his storage ring.

One arrow was purple in colour, one was orange and the last one was black in colour.

They were elemental arrows that he bought for his moonlit bow.

Each arrow cost him 800 merit points.

With all of these items, he spent a total of 2,42,400 merit points.

He had 2,37,445 points, but when he spent more than 2,00,000 points at once, he received a discount of five thousand points which is why he was able to buy an energy vial that he was not planning to buy at first.

As for the remaining 45 points, he used them to buy 45 F rank cores which were inside his storage ring.

After looking at everything that he bought Evan can't help but nod his head in satisfaction.

He put away his moonlit bow, whispering earring, arrows, and potions into his shadow storage.

"My prime core will recover in five or six days, once I increase the ranks of my cores, I will be able to deal with that bi*ch Olivia even if she is working for the dark guild" Evan muttered and stretched his body.

The next day he went to the funeral with Edward and others.

When he saw the students and the teachers of the academy, he noticed some of the students were missing.

He also noticed that all the teachers including Edward were also injured.

When he asked about the students who were missing, Edward told him that six of the students who came with them died during the monster tide.

When Evan heard about their death he wasn't surprised.

Many people died during the monster tide, and he already expected some of the students who came from Astrate Academy would also die there.

During the funeral, Evan also saw Amanda and Damian. Damian was still missing one of the arms that he lost during the monster tide.

Evan was surprised when he saw this because it is not hard to regrow a lost limb with the help of a high ranking healer, so he was wondering why Damian was still missing his arm.

The atmosphere during the funeral was very gloomy. Evan saw many people who were crying because of losing their loved ones.

dark guild's attack.

When Evan looked at all the people who were crying he felt very Other than the funeral of the hunters who died during the monster tide, it was also the funeral for the people who died because of the dark guild's attack.

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When Evan looked at all the people who were crying he felt very strange. He doesn't like to be around people so he didn't know how to react seeing all the people who were crying there.

He was not even able to understand their pain of losing a loved one because he doesn't have any.

"We will leave tomorrow morning be ready" at the end of the funeral Edward told Evan and the other students before leaving with the other teachers.

Evan also left from there and decided to head back to the hotel.

While going back he met Sophie and some other students of the clear sky academy by chance.

When Evan saw other students of the clear sky academy he noticed most of them were either C rank or C+ rank just like the students of Astrate Academy.

There were no other students who were abnormal like Sophie and others who were B or B+ rank.

When Evan saw this he confirmed his guess that Sophie, Caleb, David and Mark must have found something good in the past, that allowed them to increase their rank.

'Looks like the students who will represent clear sky academy during the all academy tournament are already decided' Evan thought after he said goodbye to Sophie and others.

After saying goodbye to them he returned to the hotel.

''I will have to deal with Leon after I return to the Astrate city" Evan said as he lay down on the bed and stayed in his room for the rest of the day.

The next day he left the hotel early morning and went to the airport.

When he reached there he saw Edward and other teachers were already present there.

After all the students arrived at the airport, they boarded the plane from which they came to the Naphliam city.

After they all sat down the plane took off and flew towards Astarte city.

--// End Of Volume - 3 //--