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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 302 Are You Alone? (Part 2)
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"Damn it" Evan cursed as he felt his headache increasing with each passing second.

He wanted to return back to the hotel or find a quiet place, but soon he felt his vision started to turn blurry and he started to lose consciousness.

'I can't take it anymore' Evan thought and looked around him. There were still many people present in his surroundings, and he didn't want to pass out here.

After confirming no one was looking at him he used shadow walk skill and became invisible.

After using shadow walk, he used shadow wings and quickly flew towards the roof of one of the building which was not far away from him.

When he used the skills his headache increased once again and he was very close to passing out.

Gritting his teeth Evan endured the headache and tried his best not to pass out. When he reached at the top of the building, he first confirmed there was no one, before leaning against the roof wall and sitting down.

While sitting down he summoned Eclipse and ordered it to protect him while using its stealth skill.

He also ordered Eysia and Nekros to protect him if something unexpected happened.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Just as Evan sat down his vision turned black and he lost consciousness immediately.

After losing consciousness Evan had a dream.

It was a very weird dream, and it was nothing like any dream he saw in the past.

In this dream, he saw himself sitting at the edge of a mountain looking at the rising sun. At the bottom of the mountain, there was a small town, and even though the mountain was at least 5000 metres tall and he was at the top of it, he was still able to see people who were walking in the town without any problem.

One more thing that he noticed was that, in his dream, he was around thirty years old and was looking like a mature version of his current self.

He sat at the edge of the mountain without moving. Even when the sun sat down he didn't move, and continued to sit there looking at the starry sky with a lost look.

Soon the night passed away and a new day arrived, but like before, he just sat there.

Days turned into nights, and nights turned into days. He doesn't know how many days passed by just like this. It might be just ten days or it might be ten years, but he didn't move in the slightest from the top of the mountain.

"Are you alone?" one day he suddenly heard a voice, and when he looked in the direction of the voice, he saw a small girl who was around six years old standing there.

She was barefoot and was wearing white tattered clothes, her body was looking very fragile and there was a steam bun in her hands.

Just from one look, anyone could tell that her condition was not good, but even then her eyes were as bright as the sun.

Evan just looked at her for a moment before ignoring her.

Suddenly the scenery around him changed. He was still sitting in the same place, but the mountain and the town in front of him were now covered in snow.

"Don't you feel cold sitting here all day without doing anything?" the same small girl appeared beside him wearing a worn out sweater and asked.

But Evan ignored her again and did not say anything to her.

The scenery around him changed once again, and it was now looking like autumn.

"I am also alone in this world just like you, why don't you become my father and start earning some money for me, so that I don't have to worry about my food anymore," the girl said to Evan while patting his shoulders.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from me or it won't end well for you," Evan said in a cold tone without looking at her.

"Now, now, don't be so cold to your daughter. Here, eat this bun and celebrate being a father" the girl said to Evan and ran away from there after placing a steam bun in his hands.

Evan glanced at the small girl who was running down from the mountain before looking at the steam bun in his hand.

After looking at the bun for some time he brought it near his mouth, but just as he was about to take a bite his expression changed, and he threw away the steam bun down from the mountain.

After throwing away the bun he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He kept his eyes closed for some time and when he opened them again his expression returned to normal.

He opened his status window and looked at it.

"@£#%&@" After opening the status window he mumbled something that Evan who was seeing the dream did not understand.

In the dream, Evan was also not able to read what was showing on his status window.

After looking at his status window for some time Evan closed it and looked at the clear sky with a lost look.

"I should leave from here before something happens" Evan muttered while looking at the sky.

After saying that he stood up and started to walk away from the mountain.

As he started to walk away, the scenery in front of him changed once again.

After the scenery changed, Evan saw himself walking in a place that was littered with corpses, the sky was completely dark, it was raining heavily and a strong smell of blood assaulted his nostrils.

His heart was beating like a war drum as he walked forward. Soon he stopped walking and looked down at the ground.

When he looked down, he saw the same girl who he saw in the previous scenes laying on the ground covered in blood.

She was missing both of her hands and legs like someone forcefully ripped them off from her body, and there was a horrified expression on blood covered face.

Just as he saw her, a dark aura burst forth from his body engulfing everything in the surroundings and his dream ended.