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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 285 Sword River
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Amanda flew towards the incoming monster tide and stopped some distance away from them.

The sword aura around her was rising continuously giving whoever looks at her a dangerous feeling.

In monster tide, there were around sixty A+ rank monsters, around two hundred A rank monsters while the numbers of monsters who were below A rank were in thousands.

Seeing the incoming thousands of monsters Amanda's eyes didn't change.

"Aura zone" Amanda muttered, and the sword aura that was gathering around her body burst forth making a small sword aura zone around her.

---) Aura Zone :- Covers ten meters area around you in sword aura. While using the aura zone, the power of all of your sword related skills will be increased by 100℅

After releasing her aura zone Amanda pointed her sword towards the sky.

"Sword River" Just as the word escaped from her mouth, the sword she was pointing towards the sky started to shake.

As the sword in her hand started to shake, Illusionary swords one after another started to appear on both of her left and right sides.

In less than a second thousands of swords appear around her.

The sword appeared around her one after another covering ten kilometres of area on her left side, and ten kilometres of area on her right side.

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The swords were still illusionary, and from the distance when hunters saw them, they felt they are looking at the river of flowing swords.

All the monsters who were in the range of sword river skill felt their hairs stand up to no end, especially monsters who were at A+ and A rank because they can feel a lethal threat from those swords.

Without wasting any time all the monsters who were running also attacked at Amanda in order to stop her.

Fire, thunder, wind all kinds of attacks came towards Amanda from the monsters.

Seeing the attacks Amanda just smirked and slashed down her sword that she was pointing towards the sky.

"Go" Just as Amanda slashed down, all the illusionary swords around her shook and moved forward like a flowing wave.

All the illusionary swords were releasing a very sharp aura and when they moved forward the ground was sliced apart as the deep chasms formed on the ground.

The sword river clashed against the incoming monster attacks.

Everyone expected to see an explosion or something like that when the sword river clashed against monsters' attacks.

But nothing like that happened.

All the attacks that came into contact with the sword river disappeared like they were swallowed by the flowing river.

Sword River is one of Amanda's unique skills, and its power was increased by 100% because of the aura zone.

When it clashed against the attacks of monsters, all of those attacks disappeared because of the intense sword aura condensed in those illusionary swords.

Even though the sword river dimmed a little after clashing against the attacks of monsters, it still moved forward just like before.

Seeing thousands of swords coming toward them the monsters who were in the range of attack, tried to stop it.

But all of their attacks disappeared after clashing against the sword river.

Even though the power of the sword river was reduced after clashing against many attacks, it was still not something that can be taken lightly.

When the sword river reached near monster tide all the monsters felt a sharp aura cutting their bodies.

When they came into contact with illusionary swords their bodies were cut apart.

The A+ rank monsters who came into contact with swords were lightly injured and were bleeding.

Meanwhile, most of the A rank monsters that came into contact with swords were heavily injured.

Some lost their legs while some were covered in deep wounds all over their bodies.

Some A rank monsters with a low defence even lost their life.

Other than A and A+ rank monsters, whoever came into contact with the sword river was either dead or was seriously injured that it can't even walk properly.

With just her attack Amanda killed around seventeen A rank monsters, while the numbers of low level monsters who died were around one thousand.

Even though she killed many monsters and injured the monsters who were in the range of her attack, there were still many monsters and they were still marching forward.

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She looked back at Damian who nodded his head.

After seeing him nodding his head, Amanda stopped looking at the monster tide and flew up.

After flying up she gazed at the distance and her eyes met with the deep yellow eyes of the hell ape, who was looking at everything with indifferent eyes.

Even though many monsters died just now its expressions didn't change.

'We have to stop them till the formation recovers so that monsters who are A+ rank don't enter in the A rank zone' Amanda thought and took a deep breath.

After taking a deep breath she shot towards hell ape.

She knew if hell ape took action and tried to move towards the city wall, they won't be able to stop it.

Without the formation, there is nothing that is stopping it to go towards the city.

So in order to not let it go toward the city she decided to face it while Damian and other hunters stop the monster tide.

Seeing Amanda going towards hell ape, Damnia pressed his foot on the ground.

Just as he pressed his foot, metal walls one after another started to rise from the ground.

"Take your position, no matter what happens, don't let any A+ rank monster pass by" Damian shouted while flying up.

After seeing Amanda's earlier attack, all the hunters regained their confidence once again.

Healer used their skills and started to heal hunters who were seriously injured meanwhile, the support class hunters also used their skills and cast buffs on other hunters.

All the hunters followed after Damian and landed on the metal walls he created.

They looked at the incoming tide as the fight between hunters and monsters finally started.