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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 275 Showing A Glimpse Of His True Strength (Part 1)
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Chapter 275  Showing A Glimpse Of His True Strength (Part 1)

 Sophie and others left the camp and started to patrol around it.

It was already past midnight and they have to patrol for five hours till the sun rose once again.

Sophie was in the lead and was moving by jumping from one tree to another scouting in front of them.

As an assassin, she was very good at scouting with her high agility and stealth abilities.

Evan was walking beside Mark. Just after leaving the camp, Mark asked him to walk by his side so that he will be able to protect him from any monster.

His guardian complex is very high!

David and Caleb were walking behind not far away from them, and they were looking quite carefree.

From their expressions, it was looking like they are out for a stroll at midnight.

Evan was confused about one thing the moment he heard about patrolling so he asked Mark who was walking beside him.

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"If I am not wrong, most of the monsters in the one thousand kilometres of the area from the city walls should have already been killed by other hunters while making the defence camps and formations. The only way for other monsters to come here is from the deeper area of the wilderness"

"But to come here, they must pass through the S and A rank defensive camp built in front of us, right?"

Hearing what Evan said Mark nodded his head and understood what he wanted to ask

"You want to know since there are two camps ahead of us why we need to patrol here since most of the monsters will be killed by them and won't come here right?"

Evan nodded his head expressing this was indeed the question that was bothering him.

"Even though there are two camps ahead of us they will not stop any monster who is below A rank, so all the monsters who are below A rank can come here"

Evan was stunned when he heard Mark and waited for him to explain further.

"We estimated that monster tide will reach here in around thirty five hours from now on, but it is just an estimated time, it is possible that it might reach here just after five hours"

"So in order to make sure hunters are always ready for the fight, the high level hunters from the front will not stop any monster who is below A rank so that hunters will not slack off and will be ready to fight against the monster tide all the time"

"If they stop all the monsters by themselves, the hunters in the other camps will be at ease all this time, and will not be able to react properly if the monster tide comes here earlier than we expected"

"During the time when the lives of hundreds of thousands of people are at sake, we can't be careless, right?" Mark said to Evan who had an understanding look on his face.

He can understand what Mark was saying, after all, if the camps in front stop all the monsters for them, the people at the back will not feel any pressure.

In this case, most of the people of the other defensive camps will not be able to react properly in case the monster tide appears here ahead of time.

"You don't have to worry, even if we encounter the monsters I will protect you. I am a reliable guardian you know" When Mark saw Evan was In deep thought after hearing him he patted his chest and said thinking Evan is afraid of monsters.

Hearing Mark, Evan just smiled and nodded his head.

"Around two hundred meters away from us there is a small group of four B rank wolves" Suddenly Sophie jumped down from one of the trees and said to them.

"Let's go then, I will be in front and attract their attention" Mark's eyes immediately lit up after hearing Sophie and he was ready to rush forward.

"Stop it Mark" Sophie said, and this time her voice was very serious.

Hearing Sophie, Mark stopped and when he looked at her he saw she has a serious look on her face.

"What?" Mark asked in a confused voice because he didn't understand why she was so serious.

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Sophie ignored Mark and looked at Evan

"Evan, I don't know how you were able to join the B rank zone despite being a D+ rank hunter, but I don't think the teachers of your academy will send you here without a good reason"

"During monster tide, we will be assigned an area and we will have to fight side by side defending that area. I know even though the people in our team are not normal, I don't want any mishap to happen during the monster tide"

"So can you at least tell us something about your strength so that we will be able to work together properly," Sophie said to him while looking at him deeply.

Evan was a little surprised when he heard her, but he actually expected something like this when Edward informed them they will be working in teams.

After all, to work in a team you have to know little about your teammates.

From the way David and other talks to each other, it is obvious they are familiar with each other and even worked together in past.

Plus, there is no problem with their strength since they are all at B rank.

He is the only one who is new to the team plus his D+ rank is rather strange.

"Don't misunderstand, I am not looking down on you for being a D+ rank hunter, I am just asking so that nothing bad happens during monster tide" Sophie added when Evan did not answer immediately.

"Don't worry, I understand what you are saying and I don't have any problem with it" Evan said and started to walk in the direction Sophie said she saw the group of the wolves.

"But instead of telling you guys about my strength, it will be better if I just show it to you, right?"