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My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 215 Domination
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Chapter 215 Domination

?As promised, today there will be two additional chapters thanks to the donation from swcowboy! Thanks to him for the help!


The giant axe was extremely dangerous, and its blade gleamed with a magical red light. The murderous intent of the giant created a separate field that negatively impacted the surrounding environment—so much so that many practitioners needed assistance from stronger individuals to overcome this pressure and not succumb to its influence.

"What a dreadful power... The Hell Guards are much stronger, even if their opponent is at the same level. I'm afraid Veronica might have trouble," murmured Sierra, approaching Amarantha, who had already begun to erect a barrier around them. The Nymph Queen sighed in disappointment and shook her head, "She's clever and, in her way, a decent woman, but there's not a single screw tightened in her head. She's just crazy!"

"Well, she wouldn't be Veronica if it weren't for her insane character. I've gotten so used to it that I consider it normal," replied Amarantha in a monotone voice, finishing the formation of the barrier around the two of them. She chuckled and looked at Veronica, who drew a long two-handed sword and deflected a strike—creating a powerful shockwave that pushed back unprepared practitioners.

Watching the battle, one could see Veronica's domination over the Crimson Devil, who didn't appreciate the turn of events. He screamed and resisted, declaring her insignificance and launching repeated attacks, all of which were parried, leaving Veronica unscathed.

"Damn woman!" shouted the second guard, rushing towards her. Apparently, after much deliberation, he decided to abandon his principles and attack two against one: "Die!"

After a prolonged battle cry, he swung his hand, and suddenly a huge mace appeared, shining brightly. This momentarily blinded the unprepared Amarantha and Sierra, as well as others.

"Ouch! What a bright light!"

"My eye-e-e-es!"

The same reaction occurred with the others, and someone suffered so much from this light that they had to use healing spells to regenerate their sight. By the time the mace was supposed to strike Veronica's head, a storm of magical energy suddenly appeared, enveloping both giants in a fraction of a second, freezing them in place.

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"What's this?!"

They were stunned and couldn't move, feeling a sense of heaviness as if entire mountains were placed on their shoulders. Veronica, preparing for the next strike, just smirked and raised her sword into the air, ready for the next attack. The blade of her sword gleamed, and a black storm rose around her body. Izo, standing at a distance, held his breath and shouted abruptly.

"Get back! Right now!"



A deafening explosion echoed. Those who hadn't stepped aside were caught in the whirlwind of Higher Energy and suffered greatly. Some experienced real-time corrosion of their flesh, while others even lost limbs. Fortunately, Amarantha and Sierra had stepped back long before anything happened, as their intuition hinted that things were about to get unpleasant.

"What a horror..."

In real-time mode, the guards began to crack as if they were dried mud under the influence of gravity, creating fractures across their bodies. These cracks spread through their bodies in a chain reaction, until finally, a small stream of magical energy emanating, ironically, from the weapons of the two giants, did not cause their bodies to crumble into dust.

The scene was like in an interesting movie, but here, all events happened not with a snap of the fingers but due to the insane Higher Evil Energy, which itself possessed special corrosive abilities.

But even after the victory, Veronica didn't look satisfied. She just snorted discontentedly, turning her gaze to the gate, where surprisingly, two guards appeared again, but much smaller in size.

"What? Didn't Veronica kill them?" Someone exclaimed bewildered, forgetting to address her with politeness.

Amarantha narrowed her eyes and simply shook her head. She suspected that these giants couldn't just die like that, considering they were not ordinary demons but gatekeepers of Hell. And, as expected, her intuition didn't fail her.

"Damn, girl, you're very cruel! For your information, your blow was very painful!" suddenly said one of the giants, who had changed a bit – initially, he was gigantic, with red skin and blisters all over his body, and had two sharp black-colored horns that spiraled in shape, but now he had only one horn, while the other was broken. He clapped his chest and said, "I am Kasiliris. After wandering through the space of the cosmos aimlessly and with no hope for the future, I was found by the Demon King, who gave me a chance for rebirth. I greet you!"

The other guard snorted and shook his head but also took the time to introduce himself. Clapping his chest, he said, "I'm called Rivnils. Initially, I was a demon from another world, but while wandering through space, I accidentally stumbled into Hell, where I gave my soul to the Demon King, in return gaining incredible power."

Veronica tossed her sword into the air, and it began to glow. After a few seconds, the sword completely disappeared, transforming into a black sphere, which subsequently entered her horn. She just grinned and clapped her chest, introducing herself as well, "My name is Veronica. I am an Old Demon, living since ancient times, witnessing the greatness of the Demon King with my own eyes!"

A conversation quickly ensued between them. It turned out that the two guards did not originate directly from Hell but were, on the contrary, transformed into Crimson Devils, which, in its way, was absurd. Never before had everyone gathered here witnessed a case where a creature's race could be given, and its power raised to such heights. Not even the Demon King was capable of that.

However, Veronica was not surprised at all, which raised suspicions. Amarantha thought that she probably was aware of this method and was closely familiar with it, which was not so surprising considering she was as old as the world.

"Hey... did they make a deal or something?" Someone asked a question, but...


Alas, no one here had an answer.


Hell. The place where demons were born and where they could evolve at an accelerated pace. There were many legends about this place, and many tried to unravel its mystery, but alas, no one but demons could penetrate inside.

After all, Hell was not just any territory; it was a whole Divine Space. It played as crucial a role as the Gods, as in Hell, all the negative energy accumulated, protecting the mortal world from an endless stream of demonic beasts ready to tear you to pieces.

"A bunch of strangers at the entrance, Master. How do you command?" Suddenly, a distorted voice echoed, neither woman nor man—like a robot speaking.

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It was about the castle. It looked like a copy of Neuschwanstein Castle, but darker stones were used, creating the impression of an extremely dangerous and gloomy place, surrounded tirelessly by poisonous wyverns.

The voice came from one of the main halls—the meeting hall, where a round table was placed in the center, and behind this table sat a single demon who looked human, except for the horns on his head. He had quite ordinary features—slightly rough facial features, a wide forehead, an eagle-like nose, and his hair was black, while his eyes were brown.

"A bunch of strangers, you say... those who wanted to infiltrate through the fissure that appeared? The worm caught by the guard was quite talkative and provided us with some good information..." The man murmured, throwing his leg over the other and arrogantly looking at the bowing low demon, who had a very ugly appearance and resembled goblins, but with black skin and black eyes. The man added with a stern voice, "I can't understand one thing. Why do I have to hear reports that a bunch of garbage is trying to get to us? Isn't it the task of the Crimson Devils to kill all the fools sticking their hands where they shouldn't?"

"Y-yes, Lord Chrismon, but there was a problem this time... the opponents are not the easiest. They have three people at the level of Demon God, and one of them is a demon woman, a demon of the old generation." The small demon humbly replied, not daring to hide anything.

"What? A demon of the old generation? How unusual..." The man muttered and suddenly became much kinder than before. "Although the Demon King is currently in a deep sleep, he has ordered to let demons of the old generation in because they were on his side even in ancient times. Let that woman in, and kill the rest."


"Excellent. Then..."


The man didn't have time to finish his sentence when suddenly the entire space of Hell shook from a powerful energy surge, causing Chrismon to widen his eyes and look in shock at the place where the main entrance to Hell should be. With his excellent vision, the man saw the scene of Veronica fighting the guards.

"W-what?! What the hell is this girl doing?" He exclaimed in shock and stood up from his seat. Behind him, wings unfolded, and he looked at the small demon, throwing a few words at him before leaving, "Get out of the castle! Let them kill that human; I'll deal with this!" ʀᴇᴀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇsᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs ᴀᴛ N(o)vᴇl(ꜰ)ire.nᴇt


As soon as the small demon answered him, Chrismon took off into the air and, flying out through the window, headed towards the main entrance.

In the air, he actively monitored the situation, and when he approached the gates, he saw that the battle was over, and the trio was already chatting as if nothing had happened. He froze in shock.

"What the hell are they doing? A moment ago, they were ready to rip each other's throats out, and now they talk as if they've known each other for a hundred years!"

To be continued...