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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 591 Using Pei Song To Teach Pei Yu A Lesson
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Fu Rong did not expect the matter to fall into her hands, she turned to look at Song Yan who was calmly looking at her and then turned to look at her brother who was looking at her with an expression that told her that he was ready to throw hands with the unconscious Pei Song.

And finally, her gaze fell on the unconscious Pei Song who was looking rather pitiful after receiving the shock from the jade pendant, she bit her bottom lip and then said in a soft voice, "Let's take him to the hospital, second brother."

" Are you sure?" Fu Yu Sheng was surprised to see that Fu Rong was willing to forgive someone who have hurt her and then asked in a dangerous voice as he kicked Pei Song's stomach causing his big belly to jiggle. " Do you really want to do this? I don't know how to tell you this but I think you should not let this man go, after all, he is not a good man even if he was under the effect of magic, he must have harmed quite a lot of women."

This was something Fu Rong knew as well but she also knew that everyone deserved a second chance, after all, she too used to bully Song Yan really badly and even caused her and Fu Chen to be hurt many times because she listened to that bitch—— Su Lan. Because of her foolishness, she has hurt Song Yan a lot in the past and because of this she always felt guilty towards Song Yan.

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Even though her bullying was not as bad as what Pei Song did to her but in the end, he was not in a sane mind unlike her who was completely sane but still shut her eyes closed and let others bully her and her sister-in-law along with her nephew.

" I am sure that I want this, even if we take him to the police no one will be able to do anything to him…after all, it's common knowledge that Pei Song has lost his mind because of the excessive use of drugs and has gone insane, the police officers will at most send him to a rehabilitation centre," Fu Rong did not care about Pei Song, what she cared about was retaliating against Pei Yu and her mother.

The two of them were the ones who tried to harm her and since they feared Pei Song's skills when he was sane then shouldn't she give them a grand 'return' gift for this wonderful experience that they have given her? Since they feared Pei Song so much that they were even resorting to using dark magic, one could see that Pei Song was a very skilled man.

Instead of sending Pei Song to the rehabilitation centre and letting the Pei family have an easy way out, she wanted them to lose the very thing that they cared about, Pei Yu was the only daughter of the Pei family and she was very arrogant of this fact as well, Fu Rong wanted to see how arrogant Pei Yu will be once her brother who has gone insane starts driving her insane!

Because compared to her small grudge Pei Song's grudge was much bigger towards the Pei family's daughter and mother pair.

After she was done thinking it through, Fu Rong opened her rosy lips and said, " I don't think that it will be of much help, instead it will be fun to see what kind of wonders Pei Song will do once he 'wakes' up ."

Song Yan smirked when she heard Fu Rong's response, she knew this was going to happen, and even though Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong were not as capable as their elder brothers, they were in the end members of the Fu family. The only reason they did not show any capabilities before was that they were not pushed into a corner and they have been pampered rotten by the old master who treated them like young children even though they were already adults who knew about everything but the truth was that the two of them were just as ruthless when it comes to dealing with their enemies.

After all, how was it possible for the Qi family to find Qi Genghis? How was it possible that a truck filled with heavy pieces of equipment passed by that very load despite it being the time of working hours? It was a given that during working hours trucks with heavy pieces of equipment were not allowed inside the city where any accident can happen at any time.

And even if everything happened by just coincidence, how was it possible for the matter to be hushed up so quickly? She has looked into the matter earlier and knew that the matter was related to the Ji family, but when she looked deeper into the matter she could see that it was Fu Yu Shen's handiwork.

He was the one who cornered Ji Haoyu into making such a ruthless move.

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Fu Yu Shen was no different than Fu Yu Sheng when it came to taking his enemies down and Fu Rong was not that different either, she was after all cut from the same cloth piece. It was a given that she will kill her enemies in a manner that they wouldn't be able to even cry out in surprise.

Fu Yu Sheng too understood what Fu Rong was saying, though he was not happy with letting Pei Song go what Fu Rong said made sense, it was better to take the mother and daughter pair who were behind this nuisance instead of finding trouble with Pei Song who did not even have any idea what was going on.

" Fine, let's bring him to the hospital," Fu Yu Sheng conceded before he turned to look at Pei Yu who was still on the floor and asked, " What should we do about her then?"

Song Yan's eyes flickered as she kicked herself off the wall against which she was leaning and said, " I already have something planned for her."


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