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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 533 Shoot Him.
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As soon as the car banged at the back of their car both Song Yan and Wen Mingzhi jerked in their seats.

Wen Mingzhi looked at the car that was behind them through the driver's mirror but before she could take a look at the person who was driving the car behind her, she heard Song Yan shout at her, " Hit the accelerator don't look behind!"

Song Yan knew that the person behind the kidnapping of her brother was after her as well because when Wen Mingzhi was alone she left the house many times but nothing happened to her and no one attacked her but the second she appeared these hired killers appeared out of nowhere. Surely, she was the one who was on their target list and Wen Mingzhi was simply being caught in the crossfire and nothing else.

" What are we going to do?"  Wen Mingzhi asked as she pressed her foot on the accelerator and drove the car as fast as possible away from the one that was tailing her but she was not a professional when it came to driving cars. Even though she was driving at the fastest speed her car could go, the car behind them was able to get close to them in a jiffy and continued to bump into them again and again.

Song Yan frowned as she quickly pondered over what to do, she turned to look at the car that was tailing after them closely and then thought over what she needed to do after all they were running out of time, she could not allow any more time to be wasted. " Sister Mingzhi you keep driving, I think we are really close to brother Lingyan or else these people won't be this frantic, you keep driving and leave everything to me."

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"Okay, Okay," When Wen Mingzhi heard that she was getting closer to her husband, she threw the worries of being tailed and bashed by the car behind her and simply focused on driving.

Song Yan on the other hand summoned Fang Yanli and Zhou Yuan before sending the two of them to stop the car that was tailing but what she did not expect was that the second the car slowed down, another one that was tailing right behind it started to chase after her.

" Sh!t" she cursed as she turned around and then bit her thumb again before drawing a complex seal and then took out four talismans before throwing them out of the window. The second she threw the talismans out they flew right out and headed straight to the car that was coming after her and then stuck themselves.

Bang, Bang, Boom, Bang!

Four continuous bangs echoed in the air as she heard the voice of her chasers, " Damn she is running away! Boss will kill us!"

"We can't let her leave like that, someone do something!" But Song Yan was not going to give them a chance to stop her anymore, she drew another set of complex arrays in the air and then threw the talisman past it, no sooner did she throw the talisman past the array than a huge invisible wall rose from nowhere and stopped every car that was chasing after her.

" Strange, why can't I drive my car?" The people who were tailing Song Yan were stunned, they all looked at each other and then tried to drive past the thing that was stopping them but no matter how much they tried they couldn't do it.

​ "This is going to be the end of us!"

"Damn , this is so annoying!"

" Ahhuh, it must be a ghost!"


Wen Mingzhi saw how Song Yan stopped the cars, her eyes widened in surprise as she drove past the streets and listened to the directions that the three headed wolf was telling her.

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Song Yan did not pay attention to the agape mouth of her sister-in-law instead she was keeping an eye on whether anyone else was chasing after them or not when she saw that there was no one who was following her, she sighed in relief.

" We are here," Ceribi announced as they arrived in an abandoned industrial area.

As soon as Song Yan heard this, she asked Wen Mingzhi to stop the car and then got out of the car without even bothering to look at Wen Mingzhi who was still shaken by everything that she has seen, it wasn't that she was being cold but these things have become so common for her that she did not even think too much about it.

Wen Mingzhi however, was not a weak woman either when she saw the abandoned industrial area her eyes widened and a storm started to surge inside her heart. Her Lingyan was here?

" Yan Yan," she immediately got out of the car and then followed after Song Yan who was standing a distance away from her. " Is Lingyan really here?" Just the very thought was enough to bring her heart down.

" He is here," Song Yan did not need Ceribi to sense the energy of the pendant that she has given to her brother, she could feel the energy of the pendant resonating most likely the people behind the kidnapping of her brother tried to hurt him and the pendant was trying to keep her brother safe.

She thought about it and then took out a Pair of talisman that would turn them invisible and then said to Wen Mingzhi, " Sister Mingzhi, here wear this and don't even think of taking it off all right ?"

Wen Mingzhi nodded and then took the talisman before putting it on, no sooner did she put the talisman than she turned invisible along with Song Yan. The two of them followed the trail of the spiritual energy that was being emitted out of the pendant and arrived at a small industry that seemed to have been abandoned for more than  ten years.

As soon as they arrived at the small building that had multiple metal blocks scattered all over they heard someone curse. " Fck this, just shoot him dead, boss!"