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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 347 Don’t You Hate Me?
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" Come in."

Fu Yu Sheng pushed open the door to his bedroom with a tray in his hands. His gaze raked over Fu Chen who was fast asleep and then at Song Yan, she wasn't sleeping, in fact, she wasn't even lying on the bed. Sitting with her back straight she was looking at the moon that was shining brightly in the sky outside the French window,  from his point of view she looked like a doll.

One without life and no emotions.

" Are you feeling okay?" He asked placing the tray on the tea table that sat in front of the French window and turning to look at her. Because she was still slightly feverish, her complexion was still rather pale but Fu Yu Sheng knew that something else was bothering her. " Do you want to take your medicines first or would you like to drink the chicken soup first?"

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" Hand me the medicines," she said finally turning to look at him, a haunted look in her eyes that Fu Yu Sheng couldn't comprehend. " I have a headache, I will take the medicine first and then sleep after washing its taste with the chicken soup, you know I don't like bitter things."

" I know," Fu Yu Sheng handed Song Yan the fever-reducing medicine along with a glass of water. " You shouldn't let the medicine dissolve and gobble it all in one go, you hate taking medicines because you always let them dissolve in your mouth before drinking them. Try to swallow them first before drinking water."

" Don't nag so much, you will get early wrinkles," she took the medicine from his hand and popped them one by one in her mouth. " If that happens then what's the point of staying married to you, after all, I married you for your face and money, didn't I? So take care of yourself better."

Fu Yu Sheng sighed rubbing the back of his neck as he dragged the chair that was sitting behind the tea table closer to the bed and watched as Song Yan did exactly the opposite of what he asked her to do, she drank water at once after putting the pills in her mouth and paid for it at once.

Her face scrunched up because of the bitterness and she coughed out loud, dry retching as the bitter taste filled her mouth to the brim.

" Here you go," he handed her the cup of chicken broth and sighed lightly. " I told you that you should first swallow the medicine instead of drinking everything in one go, how come you are almost thirty but don't know how to drink medicine?"

" Shut up," she coughed before taking a sip of the chicken soup, as the creamy taste of the soup filled her mouth washing away the bitterness, Song Yan heaved a contented sigh. " I hardly ever get sick, so there is no need for me to learn how to drink medicine properly."

Her Yin energy has always been high when compared to others, which was why she has hardly gotten sick. This was one of the very rare times when she fell sick and that too this badly.

" You should learn things even if they are of no use to you," Fu Yu Sheng replied, he wanted to ask what was eating her up but he knew that she would not tell him so even if he felt bad seeing her like this, he could only wait for her to return to her healthy state of mind before asking what was going on in her head.

Song Yan did not answer, she took a sip of the chicken soup and smiled softly.  " You have added quite a few herbs in it, it tastes really good."

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" Chen Chen told me that you are always buying herbs and adding them to your meals and bath water." These days Fu Chen has gotten a bit closer to Fu Yu Sheng, even though it could not be said that he was really close to his father, at least he was no longer as prickly as he was before when Fu Yu Sheng came to see him.

The two of them spent a lot of time discussing topics that interested them and during one of these conversations, Fu Chen told him that Song Yan would always buy a lot of herbs when she got paid a large sum of money.

" I thought that they might come in handy while you are recovering your health, that is why I asked assistant Xu to deliver a bunch of them to my apartment earlier," Fu Yu Sheng didn't know much about what Song Yan did, he has tried to intricate himself in her world but he could sense that she always kept him at a distance, not that he blamed her. " This is why I cook the meals in the traditional method of medicine these days."

" I know, I noticed without you saying anything," Song Yan was cold towards Fu Yu Sheng's attempts at getting closer to her but she was not blind she could see that he was sincerely taking care of her but this was not enough. She felt his warmth but it was nowhere close to filling her cold heart, the one that stopped beating a long time ago. " You shouldn't bother about me this much, Yu Sheng. After all, you have never once cared about me, are you doing this because you are afraid that I will take Chen Chen away from you or are you doing this because Old master Fu is returning to the country why are you looking after me all of a sudden?"

" The fever must be getting to your head isn't it?" Fu Yu Sheng said calmly as he looked at Song Yan who was looking at him with a sharp glint in her eyes, he could see that the fever was messing with her head. She was a lot vulnerable like this, she wasn't dressed up in her chic clothing and she didn't have that don't come close aura wrapping her like a cocoon and this wasn't good, oh this wasn't good…Song Yan can never be vulnerable like this, she has to be strong. " I am only taking care of you because this is what I am supposed to do."

" Don't you hate me?"
