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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 338 You Can’t Burn Him
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Dedicating todays chapter to neotheo82.

Song Yan's eyes glimmered, she has been on edge ever since Wu Genji attacked her husband and son, though she wouldn't say that she loved Fu Yu Sheng like she did in her past life but she hasn't forgotten the tremors in his voice when she heard him explain what happened with Wu Genji. That girl had scared her husband to the point where he was almost crying, she has always thought that Fu Yu Sheng was a man who wasn't scared of anything but after seeing him a few more times, she knew that the man was nothing like the cold and dashing CEO in her head, the one with whom she was in love with.

He was scared of rollercoasters, things that suddenly popped out of nowhere, though ghosts didn't scare him, things that were creepy would make him jump and he would curse a lot when that happened.

Though Wu Jin had no idea what was going on with Wu Jin, his responsibility as the big brother couldn't be ignored. If not for him and his brothers who didn't know what was their little sister up to things wouldn't have escalated to this point, so it was fine if she made the Wu family bleed a little.

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" Fifty million yuan," she raised her hand and showed Wu Jin five fingers as she smirked at his dumbstruck expression. " If you want to buy the talisman, you will have to pay me fifty million yuan."

Wu Jin had expected that she would at most ask for five hundred thousand yuan but she actually asked for fifty million yuan.

" That...That's too much!" Though Wu Jin was the young master of the Wu family, he couldn't be considered as rich as his big brother. Fifty million yuan wasn't a small amount either for him, if it was his brother then this sum might have been small but for him, who wasn't invested in the business of the Wu family this price was rather high.

For a piece of paper that price was simply too high!

Song Yan arched a brow and then looked at Wu Jin with a slightly inquisitive expression and said, " What's more expensive the talisman or your life? You are not paying me for a talisman, if you think that it's overpriced then you can always go and check it out with someone else,  there are many so-called masters roaming on the streets who will sell you a talisman for five hundred yuan with ease."

Whether it worked or not would be up to your luck.

She didn't say the last bit of her sentence but Wu Jin was smart enough to understand it. He sucked in a breath and then looked at Song Yan before taking out a small platinum black card from his pocket and handing it to her. " There are a hundred million yuan in there, please give me two talismans sister-in-law."

Though his heart was bleeding Wu Jin still handed the black card to Song Yan, she was right, he wasn't paying for the talisman, he was paying for his life. So, instead of saving that money for something else he might use it for something worthwhile.

Song Yan took the black card without hesitation, that was what the family have to pay for putting her husband's life in danger. Fu Chen has the jade pendant so he would have been fine in that situation but the same could not be said for Fu Yu Sheng. So, this might as well be taken as compensation for all the mental trauma Fu Yu Sheng went through that night.

" Here you go," taking out two guiding light talismans, she handed them to Wu Jin who glanced at the piece of yellow paper with ominous red inscriptions with a slightly sullen expression on his face, he has to say it. Fu Yu Sheng's wife really knew how to do business, she actually managed to sell these talismans for a hundred million yuan without any trouble.

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" Thank you, sister, in law." though he was less than satisfied with the purchase, Wu Jin still thanked Song Yan properly, it didn't matter whether the talismans were worth their prize or not, Song Yan has saved his life and he couldn't deny that for that alone showing his gratitude to her was a must.

"It's all right," Song Yan waved her hand before she took out a flaming talisman from her space and crouched down in front of the man who was lying on the streets. "Let's take care of this person shall we?"

" Wait sister-in-law, you cannot burn him!" Seeing that Song Yan was actually serious about burning the corpse here and now, Wu Jin stopped her.

" Do you know what will be the consequences if I were to leave him like this?" Song Yan raised a brow as she pointed at the corpse in front of her. " This man was killed by a vampire zombie, if it isn't burnt to ashes, after thirteen days it will turn into a vampire zombie and start attacking innocent people like the one you just saw, do you really want me to leave it alone despite knowing that there is a possibility  of something like that happening?"

The zombie vampire that attacked this man had sucked all his hun energy and the only thing that was left behind was the pos, the man wasn't a good man, to begin with, and with his violent death, the evil inside his soul must have gotten even stronger than before. What was more without the hun energy the corpse will be more violent than when it was alive?

[ the soul comprise three parts hun energy —- goodness, and seven part pos—- badness.]

" I know what you mean sister in law but we can bring this man to the cremation hall, after all the man could have a family or someone to look after him, if he is burned just like this then there is a possibility that his family members will come looking for him." Wu Jin knew that Song Yan's suggestion was the right thing to do if he was being honest but he was also the chief of the police department no matter how the murder happened it happened right in front of him whether, by human or non-human, he could not just leave it behind.


please send me gifts and powerstones, I am seeing a sudden decline in them bohooooo.