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My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 291 291: Rezen Vs Alchemy Doll (2)
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Only the alchemy doll's core remained perfectly intact. Not even a tiny scratch could be seen from it

While Rezen could destroy the body of the doll as long as the strength it displays doesn't far exceed his the core is an entirely different story. Even if he uses his everything he cannot possibly scratch much less destroy it

This is already the fourth time that Rezen destroyed the alchemy doll but for the fourth time, it simply recovered. In no time, it looks as good as new again and its strength even reached the 5th cycle!

This time, Rezen couldn't be as relaxed as before anymore. Average beings in the 4th cycle could be defeated by him but the same was not true for those in the 5th cycle

Rezen raised his guard but even then his eyes trembled. The alchemy doll didn't hid its movement but it was incredibly fast

It reached Rezen in no time and it threw a punch at him. Even Rezen couldn't easily match the doll's movement speed and the only thing he could do was to block using his magic wand

"Argh!" He groaned from the impact. It felt like he was just hit by a car. This doll's punching power puts enormous pressure on Rezen. His arm while trembling tried to prevent the doll's fist from reaching him

However, the doll not only has one fist. It suddenly uses its other fist to punch and Rezen was left with no choice

Using simple magic, Rezen turned his skin into metal skin. He raised his left arm and uses it to block the second punch

It was fortunate that he could use more attributes with ease than normal people thanks to the mystic gems he brought with him. Other mages could also skillfully use many magic attributes at once but Rezen is confident that few could skillfully use as many attributes as he could

However, despite enforcing his defense by turning his skin into metal skin, the doll was still no pushover. Rezen's metal skin cracked and his arm bled. He even almost broke his bones

While holding a magic wand in his right hand and holding his left arm in its place, Rezen gritted his teeth while summoning his strength trying to push the doll away from him

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Unfortunately, he failed to overpower the doll when it comes to physical strength

The stalemate didn't last long as the doll actually swiped its leg on Rezen's legs causing him to lose his balance

As soon as that happens, the doll seizes the chance and it kicked him in the stomach. This time around it was Rezen that flew in the air, his back hitting the training room's wall while a jet of blood flew out his mouth

The doll was relentless. Rezen still hasn't recovered but it already launched itself at him to attack once more

Rezen's eyes trembled and he hurriedly moved his head to the side and his hair fluttered. Fortunately, he was able to dodge in time and the doll's fist only hits the wall

With a sense of urgency, Rezen pointed his magic wand at the doll's stomach and a strong torrent of wind pushed it away from him

The doll's physical capabilities were beyond Rezen's and he decided to put some distance and attack from afar and he hurriedly moved away from it

However, it seems like he still underestimated the doll as it suddenly raises its hands. The middle part of the doll's palm retracted, revealing its muzzles

Mana gathered at the muzzles and it fired a fast-moving energy ray that Rezen hurriedly dodged while gritting his teeth once more

He wanted to defeat this 5th-cycle alchemy doll or at least put up a good fight but he was turning into its punching bag

"This wouldn't do. I need that recommendation letter" Rezen thought in his head while doing his best to move around and dodge

He wants to enter the best academy that the current him could. The better the academy is the better its instructors, resources, and facilities are. To have an even more explosive growth, Rezen needs to enter a good academy and for that to happen, he has to deal with this alchemy doll

While still gritting his teeth, Rezen pointed his wand at the floor and a torrent of wind rose from it. The wind would make it hard for anyone in its range to move while also blocking their vision. Rezen could only hope that it would work

Knowing that trapping the doll is a temporary thing, Rezen immediately gathered a large amount of his mana. He mobilized the mana from his body and also from his elixir field

Soon, a magic circle formed at the tip of Rezen's wand and from it a yellow arrow was forming

Rezen emanated the power of the sun and it gathered at the tip of his wand. This time he is not using simple Magic anymore but a real and genuine magic spell!

The grapes that were soaked with the potion increase Rezen's talent as a mage and that includes his ability to learn spells. He now has a few spells that he learned and out of those few this was the most lethal and the one he could skillfully use the most

Originally, Rezen's talent in various attributes are equal thanks to his mystic gems. However, the Sun Holy Water slightly increases his talent for sun-type magic more than the other attributes

Rezen uses a large reserve of his power to cast this magic spell and soon the yellow arrow finished materializing

At the same time, the alchemy doll finally escaped the torrent of wind and for the nth time, it launched itself to Rezen

"[Sun Arrow!]"

Rezen finished casting his spell and the arrow drew a yellow line in the air. This spell might have the physical appearance of an arrow and doesn't look that frightening but a magic spell is a magic spell

No matter what form a magic spell materializes it was still much stronger compared to simple magic. Even if the magic spell embodies the form of a wisp of fire its might is still stronger than your ordinary simple magic

The arrow was fast but it was not as if the doll cannot completely match it. While it cannot dodge the arrow the doll was still able to raise its arm to block the arrow

Bang! Boom!

The collision between the arrow and the doll created a loud sound as following the collision was an explosion

The [Sun Arrow] exploded and the surrounding temperature rose and everyone's vision was suddenly filled with a yellow color

Rezen raises his arm to partially block the light from his own spell while breathing raggedly. That spell might be strong but it was equally taxing to the mage

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Droplets of sweat rolled down on Rezen's forehead and even his back was drenched with his sweat. He was still trying to catch his breath when something entered his vision that causes his eyes to constrict

The alchemy doll was actually still not defeated!


A solid kick hits Rezen in the face and for the second time he was thrown into the air, hitting and sliding down the wall but he cannot afford even a moment of rest

Another kick was thrown at him and with a dizzy head he moved to the side to dodge


The alchemy doll's foot hits the wall. It still didn't go down from the magic arrow that Rezen uses

However, it was not as if the arrow was completely useless. Most of the doll's arms were destroyed by him rendering those arms useless

The high temperature from the spell also causes the doll to release smoke from its body but that is to Rezen's disadvantage

The heat from the doll's body adds to the lethality of its attack

The doll didn't stop as if it has unlimited energy and it retracted its foot to launch another kick. Without a choice, Rezen uses his arm to block. This time he was not able to turn his skin into metal and be heard the sound of his bone breaking

Still, the enormous pain in his arm brought a moment of clarity to his mind and he slammed his magic wand into the floor

Rezen was suddenly covered with sharp rotating wind and the doll took a step back

Rezen was not the same 18 years old guy back on the earth realm. His pain tolerance was already trained to an extent and while his broken left arm hurts like hell and it impedes his casting ability at the very least he didn't completely lose his ability to use magic

"Seems like I really can't defeat this doll. The only thing I could do is to drag the battle for as long as I could" Rezen judged the situation

A 5th cycle being even if it only has an average level of power is still not someone he could defeat in a straight one on one battle