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My Angelic System

Chapter 160 Loneliness And Despair
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The dark-winged Kye met his counterpart's newfound determination with a slow, unsettling smile. His eyes bore into Kye's with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of his being.

"Very well," he said, his voice still echoing with an eerie familiarity. "I am the part of you that you deny, that you fear. I am your doubts, your insecurities, your darkness."

Kye's brows furrowed as he listened to the enigmatic words. The dark-winged version of himself seemed to be speaking in riddles, and it frustrated him.

"You're not making any sense," Kye snapped, his patience wearing thin. "I want answers, not riddles."

"Hahaha," Kye's counterpart laughed out loud maniacally before having a mischievous smile plastered on his face. "You want answers? Sure, I'll give you some."

To Kye's surprise, the black-winged Kye advanced toward him, the darkness following suit.

Unconsciously, Kye stepped back as his counterpart walked toward him.

"While you're filled to the brim with holy power, I am filled with unholy power. Take a look at our wings, they are completely different and give off completely different vibes."

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As he took a look, Kye could indeed see how different they were. While his pristine white wings were soothing and looked gentle, his counterpart's wings were eerie and menacing.

And now that he took a closer look, Kye couldn't tear his eyes away from the stark contrast between their wings. It was as if the two versions of himself were representations of opposing forces, light and darkness, good and evil, locked in a strange and unsettling dance.

The dark-winged Kye circled around his counterpart slowly, his unsettling smile never leaving his face. His eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and something far more sinister.

"You see, Kye, it is only a question of time before I take over, so I wanted you to know me beforehand," He approached Kye from the back, whispering in his ear. "I want you to fear me!" 

Kye shivered as the dark-winged version of himself whispered those chilling words into his ear. The sinister presence behind him felt all too real, and he could sense the malevolence radiating from his doppelganger.

"No," Kye said firmly, his voice laced with defiance. He couldn't allow this darkness to consume him, to take control. He had fought too hard, faced too many challenges, to let it all be for naught. He couldn't let this malevolent Kye meet his friends.

They were all too precious for them to meet such a person.

The dark-winged Kye chuckled darkly. "Such determination. But you can't deny me forever, Kye. I am a part of you, and I will always be here, lurking in the shadows of your soul."

With those words, the dark-winged Kye retreated, his form gradually dissolving into the encroaching darkness that surrounded them. The oppressive presence began to recede, and Kye felt a rush of relief as the blinding light returned, banishing the darkness.

He was alone once more in the bright and featureless realm, but the encounter with his dark counterpart left a lingering unease. He couldn't simply ignore this part of himself, as much as he wanted to.

Kye closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart.


Kye opened his eyes wide as his body jolted back into reality. He was covered in sweat, his heart pounding in his chest as he lay there, trying to catch his breath. The vivid and unsettling encounter with his dark counterpart in that surreal realm still echoed in his mind, leaving him shaken and disoriented.

The cave around him was dimly lit, the faint glow of a nearby fire casting long shadows across the walls. He recognized the familiar surroundings, making his heart feel at ease for a moment.

'Would you shut up, Lightbringer?' Kye said, his tone filled with annoyance.

Even though he had just opened his eyes again, Lightbringer kept bothering him.

Sure it wanted to know if he was feeling alright, but still, he wasn't in the mood right now.

Kye's frustration with Lightbringer's incessant questions gnawed at him as he tried to regain his composure. He knew the sword's inquiries came from a place of concern, but in this moment, he needed space to process the strange encounter he had just experienced.

With a heavy sigh, Kye reached for the sword, its hilt still warm from the recent battle. He held it up, examining the intricate design etched into the blade, trying to steady his racing thoughts.

"I'm fine," he finally replied to Lightbringer's unspoken inquiry, his tone softer this time. "Just... just give me a moment, alright?"

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The sword seemed to acquiesce, its presence no longer pressing against Kye's mind. He set Lightbringer aside, leaning it against a nearby rock, and took another deep breath to steady himself.

The memory of the surreal realm and his encounter with the dark-winged version of himself still lingered, vivid and unsettling. He couldn't dismiss it as a mere dream, not when the emotions it had stirred within him felt so real.

Kye knew he needed answers, but he had no idea where to begin. Sure he could ask Lightbringer, but he doubted that even he would have answers. After all, the sword would either be forbidden from speaking or just be as clueless as he was.

'Argh, I don't know what to do anymore...' Kye thought as he massaged his eyes with his palms. He was so lost at the moment that he was on the verge of crying. 'Why did you guys leave without me? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry so please come back...'

The fact that he still didn't know if his friends were alive or not was eating him on the inside.

Was it the reason why he saw his dark counterpart? 

He didn't know.

In the end, he could only stay like this for a while, in the silence the cave offered him?

'No, I can't give in to despair,' Kye thought, his determination slowly resurfacing. He couldn't allow himself to be consumed by fear and uncertainty. His friends might still be out there, waiting for him to rescue them.

'Lightbringer, how long has it been since I was out?' Kye asked as he stood up. He could feel his wings having almost completely healed already, so he must have been out for a while.

Although the 'dream' he had was rather short, it seemed like time had flowed differently in reality.

'You were out for three whole days!' Lightbringer finally said, his voice urgent and worried. 'Do you know how worried I was? I thought that you died out there. If it weren't for your crazy regeneration, you would have died already. Please don't do such a thing. What will I do if you're not here, huh?'

Kye winced as he realized he had been unconscious for three days straight. He hadn't expected his encounter in that surreal realm to have taken up so much time. Sure maybe a day had passed, but three? He could understand now why Lightbringer was so worried.

'I'm sorry, Lightbringer," Kye said, his voice filled with remorse. "I didn't mean to worry you like that. But it seems like I was way too tired and needed some rest.'