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Martial Peak

Chapter 5823: Finally Back
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The blooming of the Old Tree was an unprecedented event that had never happened before.

It wanted to understand what had happened to itself, so after careful examination, it sensed a very distant location through the flower bud.

Suddenly, it understood that the sensation that had arisen several years ago was not just a figment of its imagination.

Although the sensation was still vague and intermittent, it did actually exist.

[Why do I have this strange connection with a place so far away?] Old Tree was completely baffled.

Because of the unusual occurrence, Old Tree remained vigilant and did not fall into a deep sleep in the following years, occasionally investigating the situation of the flower bud.

As tpassed, the little flower bud gradually bloomed, and with the falling of the petals, a tiny World Fruit appeared!

Old Tree was completely shocked. For countless years, it had only experienced the withering and falling of its World Fruits and it had never given birth to a new one. Furthermore, it did not understand what caused this sudden change.

The only thing it knew was that the birth of this World Fruit was not harmful to itself, because, with the birth of this new fruit, a weak vitality was injected into its old body.

Several dozen years later, when the World Fruit grew to the size of a fist and beccompletely solidified, it suddenly felt a faint call from it.

It had experienced this many times before, it was like when Yang Kai needed to borrow its strength to arrive before it.

Under the World Tree clone in this Universe World, Yang Kai was overjoyed.

He had finally made contact with the Old Tree, and although it seemed a bit unstable, the current result confirmed his previous speculation.

Over the past several dozen years, the World Tree clone had undoubtedly grown significantly and had already completely merged with this Universe World. After devouring a large amount of World Force in this place, the World Tree clone began to nourish this land too.

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Over the years, Yang Kai tried connecting with the World Tree every once in a while but made no progress. That made him think that his previous idea was wrong.

It wasn’t until this moment that he finally made contact with the World Tree in the faraway Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary.

This made him feel delighted.

In the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, the Old Tree understood roughly what was happening. The World Tree clone planted was technically also its Soul Clone. It was not aware of the situation before because the World Tree clone had not fully merged with the Universe World it was planted on, but now that it had, despite being separated by the endless void, the Old Tree could vaguely sense the situation through the World Tree clone now.

It couldn’t help but marvel at what was happening as it had never experienced anything like it before.

Although their connection was not very clear, Yang Kai’s intentions were crystal clear to Old Tree. Over the years, every tYang Kai connected to it, it meant that he needed to enter the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary. So, Old Tree immediately exerted its power, causing its massive body to start shaking.

In the next moment, Old Tree’s aged face suddenly changed.

Under the World Tree clone in that Universe World, Yang Kai’s figure abruptly disappeared as soon as the Old Tree began to act; it was as if Yang Kai had entered an unpredictable and indescribable space in an instant.

He had experienced this many times before, so he was already used to it; however, Yang Kai quickly realised that something was wrong.

Every the used the power of the World Tree to enter the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, it was basically an instantaneous thing, but this time, it seemed to be taking a long time!

After travelling for a long tin that strange space, Yang Kai still hadn’t emerged, not to mention, the connection between him and the World Tree becvery vague, almost to the point of being non-existent.

Yang Kai was shocked. He was only able to enter the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary by borrowing the power of the World Tree because he had saved and refined more than 2,000 Universe Worlds in the past. Later, he placed these Universe Worlds on the corresponding World Fruits on the Old Tree. It could be said that these Universe Worlds and their corresponding World Fruits all had his imprint on them.

It was precisely because of these marks that he had an unbreakable connection with Old Tree, which allowed him to use the latter’s power to enter the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary.

Having a connection was the reason why they could sense each other.

Now that their connection was almost about to be cut off, it beca nightmare for Yang Kai. If the connection was truly cut off, he didn’t know what he would encounter.

It was highly likely that he would be trapped on the way of trying to enter the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, and it would be difficult for him to find his way out.

Thankfully, the blurry connection was re-established again when it was on the verge of cutting off, clearly because Old Tree had also sensed it and was exerting all its efforts.

Without daring to delay, Yang Kai immediately used his Space Secret Technique to move forward quickly; however, it was in vain…

The road ahead was long and the end was nowhere in sight. Despite Old Tree’s best efforts, their connection was rapidly weakening again.

It made Yang Kai frantic, realising that he was still too far away from the Old Tree to be easily guided into the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, even with the Old Tree’s power.

If their connection was completely lost, he might never find his way back.

At this critical moment, Yang Kai quickly immersed himself in thought to figure out a plan while rushing forward. He had weathered many storms over the years, so he developed a calm demeanor in the face of crises.

Suddenly, Yang Kai lit up as he thought of a solution. He quickly opened a portal to his Small Universe and a towering tree appeared in it, it was his own World Tre clone.

By planting a World Tree clone in a newborn Universe World, he was able to establish a connection with the Old Tree. If a planted World Tree clone had such an effect, then his own World Tree clone must also have it.

Sure enough, when Yang Kai did this, the blurry connection between him and the Old Tree instantly becstrong. At the next moment, Yang Kai felt the power of his Small Universe uncontrollably flowing out like a dam breaking, gushing like a raging river…

In the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, the Old Tree’s old face was full of hardship, obviously nearing its limit. The giant World Tree was also shaking constantly until at a certain moment, ripples appeared on the newly formed World Fruit, followed by a figure breaking out of it and falling in front of the Old Tree.

Subsequently, the shaking trunk gradually calmed down, and on the tree’s surface, the Old Tree’s aged face looked even more withered and old. Looking at the familiar figure that suddenly appeared, it couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. 

[I’ve really overexerted myself…]

Yang Kai was also gasping for breath, half kneeling on the ground, his face slightly pale. He had just gone through a very dangerous journey. If he hadn’t thought of using his own World Tree clone at the last moment, he would have had no way to return to the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary.

Though he managed to return, the World Force in his Small Universe had been greatly depleted. He was currently at the Ninth-Order Open Heaven Realm, and the heritage of his Small Universe was extremely rich; however, this one action had consumed nearly half of his strength. If it weren’t for his World Tree clone isolating and protecting his Small Universe, Void World would have been in turmoil.

After calming down a bit, Yang Kai stood up and looked up at the familiar World Tree, feeling joy in his heart. He had finally returned!

“Where did you go?” Old Tree suddenly spoke up. He had guided Yang Kai here many times before, and although it did take a toll on it, it was still within an acceptable range. But this time, the guidance had severely damaged its foundation, and almost failed.

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Old Tree was very curious about where Yang Kai went as in its perception, its clone had been left in a very, very distant place.

Yang Kai sat in front of the Old Tree and sighed, “It’s a long story…”

He recounted his experiences simply, and upon hearing how the Universe Furnace created the Universe Worlds from Chaos and how Yang Kai returned from the edge of the Universe, even Old Tree, who had existed since ancient times, was flabbergasted.

It knew about the Universe Furnace, but had no idea that Universe Worlds were created from the sea of Chaos beyond the Universe. If that were true, then its own birth could also be said to have originated from the Universe Furnace as it was the Universe Furnace that gave birth to the Universe Worlds, which were symbiotic with the World Tree.

After telling his story, Yang Kai couldn’t help but complain, “Old Tree, why didn’t you tellearlier about the wonders of your clones?”

If he had known, he might have been able to return even sooner.

But on second thought, even if he did know about it, it would probably be useless. His return this twas already the extrlimit. Even if Yang Kai planted the clone at the furthest reaches of the Universe and someone made a connection with the Old Tree, he might not have been able to use its power to return to the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary.

Old Tree fell silent for a moment before saying, “I too had no idea until now!”

Upon hearing that, Yang Kai was speechless. It made sense though, given the countless ages that passed. Perhaps Old Tree had given away sof its clones before, but all of them had undoubtedly been refined by those Masters.

No Master before Yang Kai was willing to plant the clone in a Universe World as they had all used them for their own purposes.

Although Yang Kai had planted World Tree clones in both the Star Boundary and the Myriad Monsters World previously, those two Universes World already had World Fruits corresponding to the World Tree; thus, the true use of the clones could not be fully realised.

This time, Yang Kai had a sudden inspiration and planted a World Tree clone in a very remote location, which created an inseparable connection between that Universe World and the World Tree.

It could be said that from ancient times to the present, no one had ever done what Yang Kai did, so of course, Old Tree did not know about it, becoming surprised when a branch suddenly bloomed and bore fruit.

Though the World Tree existed for a long tand saw and experienced many things, it didn’t mean it was all-knowing and all-powerful. At the very least, it was not aware of the creation of the Universe Worlds by the Universe Furnace from Chaos.

Common people, and even Old Tree, only thought of the Universe Furnace as an opportunity, but the true mystery of the Universe Furnace was only known to Yang Kai.

“Old Tree, I have your clone in my Small Universe too. Doesn’t that mean that in the future, no matter where I am, you can guidehere?” Yang Kai asked, only realising this after experiencing today’s events.

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