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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chatper 127
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Chapter 127 Amber's Pov | could feel the tension crackling in the air as Richard's usually calm demeanor was replaced by a dark cloud of anger. The look in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine, an intensity that | had never seen before. It was unsettling, to say the least.

“Richard, are you okay?” | asked tentatively, watching him pace back and forth in the room. It almost looked like he was boiling in anger, and it madewonder why he was this furious just because mentioned that | saw Angela.

He let out a heavy sigh, his steps faltering as he turned to face me. “Amber, | honestly still can’t believe you saw Angela at the scene of your accident. That is shocking. It’s insane,” he said, his voice holding a hint of disbelief as he struggled to cto terms with it.

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| furrowed my brow, trying to make sense of his reaction. “I know it’s strange, Richard, but I'm not saying that just because | saw her, | think she’s in any way responsible for the accident. | mean, it was definitely strange that she appeared right in front ofjust when | was slipping into an unconscious state, but I don’t necessarily think Angela had anything to do with the accident just because she was there. It could end up being a coincidence.” | offered, hoping to ease his growing unease.

Richard shook his head resolutely, his expression grim. “You don’t understand, Amber. | know Angela better than you think, and | worked with her specifically because | knew just what she was capable 1. of. She can be a little off in the head sometimes.” | crossed my arms with an intrigued look on my face, feeling a sense of frustration growing in me.

“But Richard, it still doesn’t add up. | mean, she’s Angela. And as far as I'm concerned, she’s a nobody. If someone had sabotaged my car, it would have been during the t| was visiting my father in jail, and as far as I'm concerned, only Kayden or Marlene would have the power and resources to pull something like that off in such a secured place.” Richard's brows furrowed in contemplation, his eyes searching mine as if deep in thought. “Amber, | know it sounds far-fetched, but you can’t underestimate Angela. She's cunning and manipulative, and you would be surprised that she has quite a lot of connections.” | struggled to wrap my head around the possibility, a knot of worry tightening in my chest. “But why would she target me? We barely even knew each other, Richard. It just doesn’t make sense.”” Richard's jaw clenched, and | could tell that he was frustrated. “You don’t know her, but she knows you, Amber. | know I've never really explained my relationship with her before, but Angela and | had something going on for a few months, but | ended it because of how obsessive she started being. It was barely a month after | ended things with her that | met you, and we got married,” he explained. “If truly Angela is behind the accident, then I'm sure that she did it because of the grudge she has against me; that would be the only possible motive she could have.” | let out an exasperated groan, my frustration mounting as | shook my head at Richard, incredulous. “So letget this straight, Richard. Not only do | have to deal with my crazy little sister and my sick ex-husband, but now | have to worry about your obsessed ex-girlfriend too.” | hissed, my tone dripping with irritation.

Richard sighed, a deep crease forming between his brows as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

“Amber, what you just toldabout Angela being at the scene of your accident... it kind of confirms something that’s been botheringfor a while.” | raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued by his cryptic statement. “What are you talking about, Richard? What's been bothering you?” Richard let out another sigh, his gaze dropping to the floor before meeting mine. “Amber, please don’t be upset that | didn’t tell you sooner. But during the tof the incident in Vegas where drugs were found in my father’s house, | went through sof the security footage from the party he attended.” My frown deepened. “Go on, Richard. What did you find in the footage?” | urged him.

“Well, | saw a blurry clip of a woman approaching my father at the party. And although she had a different hairstyle, there was something about her that made her feel familiar, and | couldn't shake the feeling that she looked a bit like Angela, and it's been botheringfor a while now.

My eyes widened a little. “Wait, are you suggesting that Angela might have been the one to plant the drugs in your father’s house?” Richard nodded solemnly, his expression serious. “It's a possibility, Amber. But the problem is, my father’s memory of that night is still hazy. So he still can’t identify if Angela was the woman he met at the party.” | couldn’t help but stare at Richard with a tired look on my face. “Richard, why didn’t you tellall of this sooner?” | asked, my voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. “And more importantly, why do | get the feeling that you might have been trying to protect Angela?” Richard's expression faltered, his gaze meeting mine with a mixture of guilt and regret. “Amber, | didn’t tell you because | wasn't sure yet. And... a lot was going on with you, especially with everything that was happening with Kayden and Marlene. | just didn’t feel it was necessary to talk about something | wasn’t sure about.” | furrowed my brow. “Alright, Richard, | understand, but what if you're right and Angela is potentially responsible for trying to kill me? What do you think we should do? Should we tell the police to lock up now, or should they just keep an eye on her for now?” | asked, curious to hear his response.

Richard's eyes softened a bit, reassurance shining through his gaze. “Amber, don’t you worry about Angela? I'll handle her myself. Right now, your health is the most important thing. You need to focus on getting better, for your sake and the baby’s sake,” he instructed.

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| immediately knew he was avoiding tellingwhat he had in mind, but | decided against pressing him further.

“Speaking of my health, Richard, | want you to exaggerate my accident to the reporters. | want them to think that | am in such a critical condition that | could die at any moment, and it would be so exaggerated that everyone would think | won't make it.” The plan was risky; there was no denying that, but now that | knew | had a baby on the way, | needed to speed things up, and what better way to trap Marlene than to make her think she was on the verge of getting what she wanted? “Why must people think you're dying, Amber? | don’t get it,” Richard responded, his skepticism obvious.

As | watched him furrow his brows in confusion, | took a deep breath, preparing to explain my audacious idea. “Richard, | want people to think I'm dying because if I'm right about Marlene starting to lose her mind and act out, then | can use the media to lure her right where | want her.” Richard's expression was one of disbelief, his eyes searching mine for any sign of doubt. “Amber, pretending to be in a critical condition means you’d have to remain in the hospital much longer. Are you sure you want to go through with this?” I met his gaze with unwavering resolve, feeling a sense of clarity as | stood firm in my decision.

“That's exactly what | want, Richard. | need you to make it seem to the media that I'm in a terrible coma and that I'm only hanging on by a thread.” Richard nodded slowly, a glimmer of understanding dawning in his eyes as he processed the implications of my plan. “I'see what you're getting at, Amber. I'll make sure to ask for the doctor's cooperation and I'll alen bring in Notortivo Carria co vou can chare what vau have in mind with him cooperation, and I'll also bring in Detective Garcia so you can share what you have in mind with him, just in case.

“Thank you, babe. And also, don’t leavealone without enough security. | wouldn't underestimate Marlene, and | can’t afford to take any chances,” | said to him, and he simply scoffed before tellingthat I didn’t even need to ask.

With a smile on my face, | looked Richard in the eye and told him. “I can feel it, Richard; this will all be over soon.

I'll make sure of it.”