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Manaless Mage

Chapter 42 [Bonus ] Late
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[Author's Note: I re-edited chapter one. The new age limit for awakening an affinity is thirteen, not twelve. I also re-edited chapter thirty-two: Finally Free[2] I changed the description of Harry's new apartment. It's not a bungalow anymore.(this note won't affect the coin price, you don't have to worry about that)]

'How did he awaken an affinity… is he just lucky or… could it be that…' He mumbled inwardly. 'He also awakened his affinity at the age of thirteen…'

No matter how he tried to view or understand the situation, this was the only plausible explanation that came to his mind.

He knew Harry didn't take the affinity test when he was thirteen as he couldn't remember seeing him at the affinity hall back then.

Besides, that was the year Harry's inability to draw mana(his broken mana core foundation) was revealed and also when his newfound dream of becoming a combat mage was shattered.

Since he couldn't draw mana, Harry saw no reason for him to take the test back then.

Although the age limit for awakening an affinity was thirteen, it was still believed that a person couldn't awaken an affinity after the age of twelve.

As for the reason, it was because ever since humanity started utilising mana and performing magic, there had only been about a hundred cases where people awakened their affinity at the age of thirteen.

This was just to show how rare it was. However, some of the people who failed awaken their affinity at the age of twelve would still chose to try their lucks again when they were thirteen. Unfortunately, it mostly ended in failure.

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Most of them would simply give up, the shame and disappointment that came with every test made them lose hope.

In the last few decades, there had been no reports of someone awakening an affinity at the age of thirteen.

"Khmm!" Troy cleared his throat before he finally regained his composure. He looked at Harry with a slight smile on his face.

'But to think, he would actually have three peak grade… affinities…' Troy said inwardly. The more he thought about it, the more his shock and surprise seemed to increase. It was as if the universe decided to compensate Harry for all those years when he was ridiculed.

Harry then withdrew his hand from the crystal making the hall suddenly turn darker due to the loss of the bright light that once illuminated it.

Although Troy was happy about Harry's talent, he also felt that it was quite unfortunate. Harry had discovered his affinity very late which naturally meant he would be far behind his peers.

Students were admitted into the academy between the ages of twelve to thirteen, each student was required to spend five or six years in the academy.

The sixth year wasn't compulsory as it was only for those who wanted to venture into artefacts creation, forging, blacksmithing and other engineering/technological areas.

As for those who wanted to become adventurers or venture into any area that didn't have any relation to engineering or forging, they only needed to spend five years in the academy.

[Note: Even the Engineering or technological areas in the current age required mana.]

Harry was currently in his last academy year(he was part of the latter who only needed to spend five academy years) he was set to graduate from the academy in a few months.

Although his talent was very great and he would definitely advance between stages a lot faster, it still wouldn't be able to fill up the huge gap between his peers—or so Troy thought.

Harry's eyes squinted slightly when he saw the smile on Troy's face. He expected Troy to ask about how he was able to awaken an affinity even after passing the age limit.

He had already thought about an explanation for questions like this. He would simply tell him that he didn't take the affinity test when he was thirteen but from the man's expression, it seemed like he didn't need to.

"So what do you plan on doing now?" Troy asked. He didn't use his usual nonchalant tone but a rather gentle one. In a way, he was grateful to Harry, the fact that he was able to witness such amazing talent during his lifetime, filled him with so much joy.

Though, he already knew what Harry's answer would be, he still wanted to hear it from Harry himself.

"I want to register as an Elementalist." Harry said with confidence.

"I expected that answer… the thing is, since your affinity and talent was discovered very late, you'd have to start your Elementalist training with the first year students." Troy shook his head slightly as he said this.

Harry nodded his head in understanding. He had already expected this, however, he wasn't too bothered as he was sure his current self was at least on par with the senior academy students(his mates).

Besides he was only doing this so he would be able to use his skills freely and also engage in activities that could help him get stronger without going through much stress.

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"All I have to do I inform the principal about this…" Troy said as he started walking towards a corner of the hall.

He paused at a small table and picked up the black telephone on it. He dialled the principal's office number and then called it.

Harry was able to hear and understand what the other side was saying due to his high perception.

It seemed like the principal didn't believe the news, Harry wasn't surprised by this as he knew he might not have believed it either if he was placed in the principal's shoes.

A news like "Trash student without a mana core foundation awakens three peak grade affinities and also has a very solid foundation" didn't sound too believable, rather it sounded impossible.

Luckily it seemed like Troy finally managed to convince the principal. A low sigh left his lips as he dropped the telephone, the argument he just had with the principal seemed a lot more tiring than fighting five mana beasts at once.

"We just have to wait… due to your strange situation, the principal is the only one that can register you." Troy said.


Hey Guys! As promised, Here's a bonus chapter!

Let's meet the new goal, 400 power stones for a bonus chapter and 100 golden tickets for a bonus chapter!

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