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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 375
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Chapter 375

Fade Chen looked straight into Fairman Gu's eyes and observedhis expressions to make sure that he

wasn't lying. Then, hesneered coldly, "Get your followers to look for Quin at once. If anything happens

to her, you will die. If there's even so muchashalf a lie in your story, you will die." "U, I'll dispatch my

men, right now!" Fairman shouted as he endured the pain that hewasfeeling. "I swear to God that I'm

not lying, I swear, he said. "I hopeyou are not!" Fade snarled. Then, he left the conference

roominaflash. The room fell silent, except for the sound of Fairmancryingout in pain as he made the

call. Everyone else in the roomcouldnot believe what they had just witnessed in front of their eyes.

Marco Ji was quivering in fear right now, and he couldn't evenbring himself to look up. If he lifted his

head, he would seethebloody scene in front of him. He was fearful that the next timesomething like this

happens, it'll be him on the floor instead. Marco's father, who was standing beside him, was

lividandregretful. He wanted nothing more than to beat the crap out of hisson right now. It was Marco's

usual habit to cause problemsinhis dealings, but he didn't expect Marco to provoke sucharuthless man.

His own father was now involved. If Fade weretocome back and discover what the Ji Family had been

doingbehindhis back, they would never be able to get out of this messalive. After all, they were the first

to stand up to support Fairman'splanto drive Fade out The other corporate financial groups were

scaredto death as well. They were traumatized and anxious. EileenYao'sfather felt nothing but extreme

remorse. His daughter hadasked

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him to speak on behalf of Fade, and even begged him, but hedidn't agree with her. He lost his only

chance of gaining leveragewith Fade. Everyone in the conference room was silent, astheyfeared for

their lives. Fade left the room in fury, and his heart wasracing. He couldn't help but feel anxious. He

blamed himself forhis carelessness. He had trusted Fairman, a total stranger, wholeheartedly. He had

left his wife alone. In the end, he hadfallen into the enemy's trap, and his wife was in imminent

danger"30 minutes, they have left 30 minutes ago. I need to act quick, before I lose track of them

entirely," Fade thought to himself Hewas concerned, but he also felt helpless, because he couldn't

figure out which way they had taken her. The small townwassurrounded by hills in three directions, with

a main roadleadingtoward the outside world. They could have left town in a car bytaking the main road,

or they could have just taken QuinLinstraight into the forest. Just as Fade was feeling anxious,

therewas a ray of light in the direction of the forest. The ray of light was shot into the sky from a

distance away. It was a crimsonflame. It flew straight into the sky and erupted into brilliant sparks.

Something in Fade's eyes lit up when he sawthe blaze. He was overcome with joy, "She's right

there,"he thought tohimself. He quickened his pace, until he turned into a shadow, and he ran in its

direction. The flames were a little trickthat Fadehad sneaked into the Ice Silk Sacred Figs amulet, to

functioneither as an alarm or a deterrent. Whoever took her might haveaccidentally triggered the

amulet, which caused the sparkstoerupt and in turn acted as a signal to him Yet at the same time, this

meant that Quin was in grave danger. Meanwhile, four meninblack robes and skull masks were

carrying an unconsciousyoungwoman at the moment, navigating quickly through the woods.

One of them had accidentally tripped over the bracelet onQuin'swrist, which caused the eruption of the

crimson flame a moment ago. All four of them were stunned. The other three were enraged, and they

glared at the person who had set off the trigger byaccident. "What the fuck did you do? You should've

beencareful!" "Everything was great. We were quiet. Did you have to transmit adirect signal to him?

What are we supposed to do now?" "Shouldwe switch routes? Or do you want to keep moving

forwardonthisroute?" Displeased, the person who was reproached retorted, "Sure, it was my fault. But

there's no need to be nervous. Whereis that Fade? Maybe he didn't even notice?" "Besides, sowhat if

he noticed it, and he caught up to us? We're all Black Level masters at the middle stage,so why should

we be scaredif we'reall in this together?" "Number two, it was your mistake. Stopmaking excuses for

yourself. Speed up guys, we will followtheoriginal route," Number One, the captain of the four, said.

NumberTwo muttered something under his breath, but he pickedupthepace obediently, moving forward

Behind them, Fade deployedhisskill at the Heaven Level, moving at the speed of lightning. Noonecould

pinpoint his exact whereabouts, and he was as light asthewind blowing. He was like an illusion as he

drifted throughtheentire Fuma Town, chasing after Quin. The four skull-maskedfigures were moving

quicker, having picked up their pace. However, they were still not as fast as Fade. After another

fiveminutes, they noticed the aura of an intimidating warrior approaching them from behind. They

couldn't help but feel suffocated as they turned their heads around, only to see a driftingshadow

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coming in their direction. The captain, Number One, ordered decisively, "Stop now. He's coming. Get

ready tobattlehim." They quickly put down Quin, who was unconscious, and

arranged themselves into a diamond formation. They were readyto confront Fade, who was getting

closer by the minute. Fadefinally caught up to them, and he had probed their auras aswell. His face

turned cold as he dashed toward Number Two whowaspositioned on one end of the diamond

formation. He hadamurderous intent in his eyes. Number One felt this intent andhisheart skipped a

beat, and he cursed silently. He quickly bellowed, "Number Two, step back. Number Three and Number

Four, attackfrom his left and right sides." Number Three and Number Four made moves immediately,

and they bolted toward Fade diagonallyfrom the other end of the diamond formation. Number

Twodidn'tretreat like he was ordered to. Instead, he darted in Fade'sdirection, gritting his teeth tightly.

His Captain, Number One, who was standing behind him saw what he was trying todoandcouldn't help

but call him hastily, "Number Two, what are youdoing? Come back here now!" Number Two only

answered, "Captain, 1 know a way that we can save trouble. We canadvanceat the same time, and just

take him out fromthere. Just wait andsee!" Number Two was directly facing Fade. He was also

standingin front, so he was easily the closest to Fade. He sprung forwardand was the first to come

close to Fade There was barely adistance of five hundred meters between themnow, andNumberTwo

could clearly see the concerned and cold expressiononFade's face. He smirked under his mask. Then,

a skeleton- likeclaw emerged from his palm, with light reflecting fromit. Glowering at Fade, he rushed

toward him directly. "Go tohell!" Number Two roared and grabbed onto Fade's chest withhisSkeleton

Claw. Fade was surrounded by a gust of powerful energy. If someone were to be hit by this energy, it

might cause their stomachs to erupt..