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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 370
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Chapter 370

When the lobby manager saw that Fade Chen and QuinLinhadno reactions, he frowned discontentedly

and waved his handtocall for someone to sort out this matter. Fade said in a deepvoice, "I am waiting

for an honored guest here. Are you sure youwant todrive us away?" "An honored guest!" The lobby

manager said, andhe was stunned. Marco Ji laughed coldly and said, "As anoutsider, what kind of

honored guest can you meet here? You cancontinuemaking up stories here!" After hearing Marco's

words, the lobbymanager immediately came to his senses. These two peoplewereobviously foreign

tourists. What kind of honored guests couldthey know? Obviously, Fade was trying to scare

himonpurpose. Thinking of this, the manager snorted coldly and said disdainfully. "Even if your so-

called honored guest is coming here, we will still drive him away. This is not the place for you guys."

Right then, aplump figure walked in. He looked around and spotted Fade. Hewaved his hand and

greeted, "Mr. Chen, I'm here." Seeing thearrival of Big Brother Gu, Fade also waved his hand. Then,

helooked at the lobby manager, Marco and the other people Heannounced, "My honored guest is

here." The lobby manager snorted coldly and waved his hand, saying, "I don't care whoyourguest is.

Just get them out of here..." As the manager spoke, heturned around and saw the fat man

approaching. He was stunned, and he became so scared that his words were trapped in histhroat. He

looked at the person in front of him with a startled expressionand said in amazement, "This, this is your

honored guest?Without waiting for Fade's response, Big Brother Gu walkedoverenthusiastically. He

grabbed Fade's hand and said witha smile, "Mr. Chen, sorry to keep you waiting." "What are you doing

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standing there? Come on, take a seat. Let's get down to business, Big Brother Gu said. However, Fade

glanced at the manager, Marco, and the others and declared, "Somebody doesn't want usto sit here.

They even said that we are not qualified to be herefordinner. They want to kick us out. "Who dares to

kick my guestsout?" Big Brother Gu shouted angrily The lobby manager ontheside suddenly trembled

with fear and apologized in a hurry. Hesaid, "Big Brother Gu, I, I didn't know that they were your guests,

I.." "You don't know!" Big Brother Gu said. He glared at themanager and said in a deep voice, "You

don't have to findanyexcuses. Inform Chief Huang to come and apologize to me, andthen submit your

resignation letter!" Hearing Big Brother Gu'swords, the lobby manager didn't dare to respond. He

couldonlynod and leave quietly. Marco and the others were completelyspeechless. Some people who

were still shocked said withpuzzled looks, "This, this Big Brother Gu, is he powerful?" Someone who

had insider knowledge responded quickly, "BigBrother Gu is the real boss of Fuma Town, and he has

connections with both the government and the underworld. Evenwhen our investment team came here

to investigate and doresearch, Big Brother Gu was the person in charge." "What!" Theydidn't expect

Big Brother Gu to be so powerful. Also, theydidn't expect Fade, who was a complete outsider, to

actually be friendswith the local big shot. It seemed to them that their relationshipwas pretty close.

Marco's expression darkened and he lookedunpleasant. Big Brother Gu gave them a cold stare and

saidinacold voice, "You were disrespectful toward my friends. Therefore, we won't need to discuss the

investment project anymore. Yourinvestigation team can go home now!" Marco didn't expect that such

a trivial matter would affect the whole investigationteam. He

panicked instantly. After all, at least seven to eight investigationteams had come over this time, and

they were supposedtohavean agreement in the end. Now, with Big Brother Gu's words, thewhole

project was likely to be off the table and there wouldn't beany such opportunities in the future. When

Marco realizedhowhehad messed up the agreement, his father would for sure beat himto death upon

his return. Marco's whole body went limp, andhealmost collapsed to the ground. He was ready to beg

Big BrotherGu for mercy Without waiting for him to speak, Big Brother Guwaved his hand and said with

a straight face, "Get out of here. I don't want to hear your nonsense." Hearing this, Marco's visionwent

black, and he fainted to the ground. His companionsbesidehim quickly carried him away. Since

everything was resolved, andit seemed that Fade still had some matters to discuss, EileenYaobade

them farewell. The, Big Brother Gu ordered a full tableof dishes and began to discuss Jeremy Lin's

matter with FadeandQuin. Big Brother Gu waved his hand. An old and tannedfarmerin his fifties came

over and looked at Big Brother Gu in fear. BigBrother Gu allowed the farmer to sit down, then he

tookout aphoto and said to Fade and Quin, "This is Old M, an old citizenof our town. He recognized the

location in the photo. "The locationison the western side of the town, right at the foot of Fuma

Mountain. There used to be a neighborhood there, but due tothedevelopment of Fuma Mountain, all of

the people there havemoved out in the last few years. Now, the village is almost empty. Occasionally,

some villagers will still sneak back to lookfor some things." As he spoke, Big Brother Gu looked at

OldMan. Old Ma then explained, "I was from that village. I recognizedit from the scenery through the

window. This house shouldbelongto Denzel Ma who lives at the edge of the village." "Denzel isa

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reclusive man. His house was not in the village, and it wasrelatively close to the mountain. He doesn't

interact muchwithpeople. Since everyone has moved out, he left the town for goodas well. The house

has remained empty, and it should lookprettyold now." Upon hearing this, Quin said with wide eyes,

"Sincewe're able to determine the location, let's go there quickly!" BigBrother Gu said, "Miss Lin, it's

getting late now, and the roadsinthe mountain are difficult to navigate. If we hike up the mountainnow,

I'm afraid that it will not be safe. Also, it's really darkoutside. If we encounter any criminals, it will not be

easytocapture them either." Fade held Quin's hand, nodded, andsaid, "Don't worry, tomorrow is the

deadline, and there is still time." Big Brother Gu nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, Miss Lin, what aboutthis?

I'll get Old Man to go with you, and I'll send a fewmorepeople to go together." "I'm going to have a

meeting withtheinvestigation teams, so I can't travel with Mr. Chen," Big BrotherGu explained. Fade

said, "Big Brother Gu has helped us a lot. Sorry for causing so much trouble. Alright then, let's go

tomorrow!" Quin said anxiously, "I want to go with you aswell." Big Brother Gu immediately advised her,

"Miss Lin, the roadsarenot easy to navigate. I'm afraid that it will not be convenient foryou to go with

them. Moreover, there is a high possibilitythat there are gangsters in the area. If there is any danger, it

will bevery troublesome." Fade agreed with his words. After all, if it wasa dangerous task, he didn't

want his wife to be involved. Therefore, he pinched her hand and said, "Honey, don't worry. If I'm

involved, there won't be any problems. Just wait for thegoodnews from me ." Quin knew very well that

she wasn't of muchhelp in the past, so she nodded and agreed. Big Brother Gualsoimmediately said,

"Mr. Chen, Miss Lin, don't worry. I will get

someone to protect Miss Lin. There won't be any problems." "Yes, I appreciate that, thank you very

much!" Fade and Quin said, andthey nodded..