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MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 194 - 194 Dragon Fight (2)
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194 Dragon Fight (2)

The battle between the two dragons continued, with both of them refusing to back down. The Darkness Dragon managed to break free from the ice, and it launched itself at the Ice Dragon once again. The Ice Dragon, however, was prepared, however, and it met the attack head-on, their jaws clashing in mid-air.

The Darkness Dragon’s teeth scraped against the Ice Dragon’s icy scales, but the Ice Dragon managed to sink its own teeth into the Darkness Dragon’s neck, causing it to roar in pain once again. The two dragons continued to grapple, their wings beating furiously as they tried to gain the upper hand.

The Darkness Dragon’s strength was undeniable, but the Ice Dragon’s agility and cunning allowed it to hold its own against the Prince’s powerful attacks.


With each passing moment, the battle grew more intense, the dragons’ roars echoing across the sky as they clashed. The Ice Dragon’s icy breath and the Darkness Dragon’s black flames continued to collide in a shower of sparks and steam, each attack canceling the other out in a dazzling display of power.

The Darkness Dragon was relentless in its pursuit of victory, its claws and teeth tearing into the Ice Dragon’s scales with ferocity. But the Ice Dragon was equally determined, retaliating with its own attacks and refusing to back down.

As the battle raged on, the dragons’ movements became more frenzied, their wings beating furiously as they circled each other in the sky. Suddenly, the Darkness Dragon launched itself at the Ice Dragon, its jaws open wide in a vicious attack. But the Ice Dragon was ready, and it dodged the attack with ease, spinning around to deliver a powerful blow to the Darkness Dragon’s flank.

The Darkness Dragon roared in pain as the Ice Dragon’s clawed feet dug into its scales, leaving deep gouges. But the Prince refused to give in, lashing out with its own attacks and determined to emerge victorious.

As the battle continued, it became clear that neither dragon was willing to back down. The Ice Dragon’s determination and cunning were matched by the Darkness Dragon’s sheer brute force and power, and the two continued to clash in mid-air with loud booms.


Their battle was so intense that the air rippled and the ground below them quivered from the massive battle.


The Ice Dragon suddenly reared up, spreading its wings wide and letting out a deafening roar. The Darkness Dragon was taken aback for a moment, but it quickly regained its focus and launched itself at the Ice Dragon once again.

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The Ice Dragon was ready for the attack, however, and it dodged the Darkness Dragon’s attack, spinning around to deliver a swift kick to the Prince’s head. The Darkness Dragon stumbled back, its eyes clouded with rage as it launched itself at the Ice Dragon again.

The Darkness Dragon’s attacks were becoming more desperate, and it was clear that it was beginning to tire.

The Ice Dragon, on the other hand, seemed to be gaining strength with each passing moment. Its movements were fluid and precise, and its attacks were becoming more powerful by the second.

Suddenly, the Ice Dragon launched itself at the Darkness Dragon, its jaws open wide in a vicious attack. The Darkness Dragon tried to dodge, but it was too slow, and the Ice Dragon’s jaws closed around its neck with a sickening crunch.

The Darkness Dragon let out a deafening roar of pain, its body convulsing as it tried to break free. But the Ice Dragon held on, its teeth sinking deeper into the Prince’s flesh with each passing moment.


The Darkness Dragon’s voice was filled with rage as it struggled to free itself from the Ice Dragon’s grip. But the Ice Dragon held on, its eyes gleaming with triumph as it tightened its hold on the Prince’s neck.

For a moment, everything was still as the two dragons locked eyes. The Darkness Dragon’s eyes burned with anger and hatred, while the Ice Dragon’s were cold and calculating.


Suddenly, the Darkness Dragon let out a deafening roar, summoning all its strength as it launched his darkness beam at the Ice Dragon once again. This time, however, the Ice Dragon was ready, and it twisted its head at the last moment, releasing the Darkness Dragon’s neck and sending it tumbling to the cliff.


The Darkness Dragon hit the slope with a sickening thud, its body bruised and battered from the crash. For a moment, it stayed there, stunned, its mind reeling from the attack it had just suffered.


However the Prince was not defeated yet. With a snarl, it pushed itself to its feet, its eyes blazing with anger as it launched itself at the Ice Dragon once again.


The Darkness Dragon’s voice was strained as it spoke, and the Ice Dragon could see the determination in its opponent’s eyes. He could guess what the Prince was planning and it was clear that it was a last-ditch effort to win the battle.

The Ice Dragon prepared itself for the attack, ready to defend itself with all the strength it had left.

Suddenly, the Darkness Dragon’s body began to glow with a dark, ominous energy. The air around it crackled with power, and the Ice Dragon could feel the scales on the back of its neck stand on end.


As the Mana intensified, the Darkness Dragon let out another deafening roar, its voice echoing across the sky.

Then, with a sudden burst of energy, the Darkness Dragon transformed, its body growing in size and strength as its wings stretched out wide.

The Ice Dragon watched in with a frown as the Darkness Dragon transformed into a massive black dragon, its scales gleaming in the light of the sun.

The transformed dragon let out a deafening roar, its voice echoing across the sky as it beat its wings and rose into the air. The Ice Dragon watched in awe as the Darkness Dragon circled above him, its massive wings casting a dark shadow over the ground below.

The transformed Prince looked down at the Ice Dragon with a sneer, its eyes burning with malice and hatred.


The Darkness Dragon’s voice was deep and menacing, its words echoing through the air.

The Ice Dragon wasn’t caught off guard by the transformation, as it expected it, but it still struggled to defend itself against the Prince’s new attacks.

The two dragons clashed once again, their attacks sending shockwaves through the air. But this time, the Darkness Dragon was clearly gaining the upper hand.

Its attacks were more powerful than ever, and the Ice Dragon found itself struggling to keep up. The Darkness Dragon’s black flames engulfed the Ice Dragon, searing its scales and causing it to roar in pain.

The Ice Dragon fought back with all its might, but it was clear that it was losing the battle.

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As the Darkness Dragon continued to attack, the Ice Dragon began to feel its strength waning. Its movements became sluggish, and it found it increasingly difficult to defend itself against the Prince’s relentless attacks.

Just when it seemed that all was lost, however, the Ice Dragon’s eyes began to glow with a bright, icy light.


A radiant crown of ice materialized atop the Ice Dragon’s head, illuminating the surroundings in every direction. The Dragon Prince was momentarily blinded by the sudden burst of light, causing him to retreat.

With an air of triumph, the Ice Dragon adjusted to the weight of the newly acquired crown while the Darkness Dragon observed him intently.

[ YOU FINALLY ACCEPTED IT, YOU BASTARD... ] The Darkness Dragon growled.

The Ice Dragon turned to face his opponent, his neck swaying as he took in the weight and power of his newfound crown.


The Darkness Dragon was not taken aback by the sudden transformation of his opponent. He had always known the Ice Dragon to be powerful, and he expected him to become a prince.

As the Ice Dragon stood tall with his new crown, the Darkness Dragon couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear. He had never faced a prince before even though he himself was one.

The Ice Dragon, now Prince of the Dragon Race, took a deep breath and let out a roar that shook the entire battlefield.


The Darkness Dragon was forced to retaliate, since the new power of the Ice Dragon made all the weaker dragons give in.


The battle raged on for hours, with the two dragons locked in combat. But with each passing moment, it became clearer that the Ice Dragon was gaining the upper hand. His new crown had given him an unprecedented level of strength and he was using it to his advantage.

The Darkness Dragon was now on the defensive, trying to dodge the powerful attacks of the Ice Dragon. His own strength was fading, and he knew he had to act fast if he wanted to stand a chance.