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Loving Madeline

Chapter 263 - Something Horrible
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Madeline's POV

I felt so worried about Hector's life, and I knew if he died, my wife would be in great pain. And I was hoping he would live long enough to spend more time with Madeline. He is one of the bravest men I know, and my admiration for him doubled; he has been my idol in terms of business, and knowing he was willing to give his life for another person was another story. 

I am not saying I felt glad he protected my wife and me, but I am so grateful for what he had done for my wife. And knowing I am not the only one who cares about Maddie made me feel so happy. After learning the operation went well, I felt relieved as I took my wife back to the hotel.

I was watching Madeline's sleeping figure, and I couldn't stop myself from caressing her beautiful face, and I couldn't wait for her to give birth to our son, and I hope I will never experience that kind of fear ever again. I almost lost my sanity when I learned she was gone, and I couldn't believe Kaye would nearly kill her. And I hated myself that because of me, my wife almost got killed, and I know I will never forgive myself if something happened to Maddie.

I could see the happiness on Madeline's face when her aunt informed us that her grandfather was now safe and looking for us. And I couldn't deny I was the one who was very happy because I wanted to see the smile on my wife's face again as she looked at her grandfather with adoration because I know the moment she learned about Hector Grant is her grandfather, she became alive and enthusiastic.

I am aware she had been dreaming to know the family of his father, and everything happened unexpectedly. Who could have thought my wife was an heiress? I married her for a different reason, but I fell in love with her, and even until now, I couldn't stop myself from feeling guilty that once I was thinking of filing a divorce after she gave birth to our child.

I couldn't imagine my life living without Madeline, and I have caused her too much pain, and all I ever wanted was to make her happy in my arms. I will do everything I can to make her the happiest woman in the entire universe because I am so damn lucky to have her as my wife. As we were having our meal in the dining hall, I looked at her with wide eyes, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking I was indeed the luckiest man on earth.

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"Are you ready to see grandpa, my sweet?" I asked her the moment we walked out from the dining room, and we made our way to the parking lot, and I could see the beautiful smile on her face.

"Yes, of course, course, I need to tell him my thanks." She said, and I wanted to drive, but one of the family drivers was already waiting for us, and I helped her get inside the car. At the same time, I saw Aunt Francine was riding with her husband in another vehicle, and I smiled as I realized all the cars of Hector Grant cost a fortune.

I held my wife's hand the entire ride to the hospital, and I could feel her nervousness as we arrived at the hospital parking lot.

"Hey, you need to calm down; grandpa is now safe," I said, and she looked at me and smiled.

"I know, my love, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking because of me, he suffered, and he almost got killed." She responded.

"Your aunt Francine already warned you, Madeline, so please take it easy," I said, and I felt her caress the back of my hand.

"Don't worry, and I will be okay." She responded, and we got out of the car, and her aunt and uncle were already waiting for us.

"Grandpa!" Madeline exclaimed the moment she saw her grandfather, and no matter how we reminded her to take everything easy, she broke down, and I could see the concern on Hector's face.

"Madeline, you don't need to cry, I survived, and I am still alive." He declared.

"How could you take a bullet from me, grandpa? You could have died, and I will forever bring that guilt, and I couldn't take it if something happened to you." She responded, and I could see the disappointments on her aunt Francine's face while she was shaking her head; it seemed like Madeline didn't listen to her advice at all, and I didn't know if I would feel happy or sad.

I know Madeline will always be honest with her feelings, and I couldn't stop my tears when I saw Hector embrace my wife full of love.

"I couldn't protect my son, and I will never let anything happen to you, and if Hunter sacrifices his life for you, I know you will be in agony for the rest of your life, Maddie; besides, I am still alive and kicking. Don't worry about me, my dear; I will live long enough to play with my great-grandchild." He said with a wide grin on his face.

I could see the smile on my wife's face as she tried to wipe her tears with her handkerchief, and she walked away from the bed and came to my side to give her aunt a chance to speak with her grandpa. And I took my wife's hand as we watched and listened to aunt Francine talks to her dad. 

We stayed longer, and we had a wonderful conversation with her grandfather. When it was almost past visiting time, we all said goodbye to Hector, and we promised to get back to revisit him tomorrow.

I could feel the calmness on Madeline the entire ride going back to the castle. We said good night to her aunt and uncle, and when we got inside our room, my wife sat on the sofa, and I could tell right away something was bothering her.

"What is it, Madeline?" I asked her when she looked up at me, and I could see the worries on her face.

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"I don't want to tell you about this, but since we promised never to keep a secret from each other, I think you should know everything." She said, and I could see the seriousness on my wife's face, and I suddenly felt worried about what could be wrong this time.

"I don't want to be the bearer of this news, but since I was the one who heard it from Kaye, and I don't believe her, but what if she was telling the truth?" She added, and I became more confused.

"Madeline, I want you to tell me everything, and together we will face it, and even if I felt worried, what could it be? I am grateful for your honesty, now tell me what is it, my sweet?" I encouraged my wife to tell me what was bothering her, and I saw her swallow her saliva, and it must be something horrible that she found it hard to tell me what was going on.

"It is about your father and sister, I am sorry, Hunter, but they are not true to us. Your dad faked his illness; Kaye told me your father is healthy as steel, he doesn't have any sickness, and it was all an act, and they were part of what happened to grandpa tonight supposedly. Still, they back down at the last minute and left Kaye behind since they were planning something bigger," Madeline said, and I could feel my entire face felt so warm with anger.

"I should be the one who needed to apologize to you, Madeline. I felt so ashamed about my dad and sister, and thank you for telling me about it without telling your grandpa and aunt." I answered as I caressed her face.

"Don't be overwhelmed by your anger, Hunter; we don't know if it was also wrong information; we can't trust Kaye's words as of the moment. I think you have to investigate first." My wife said, and I realized how fortunate I am to have her as my wife; she had witnessed the cruelty of my father and sister, yet she is still hopeful that Kaye could be lying.

Her kindness and compassion are some of the most incredible things I love about my wife. If she weren't that kind of person, I know I wouldn't have this chance to be with her again for all the things I have done to her and for all the suffering she experienced in my hands, yet her love for me remained steadfast, and I became more in love with her every day.

"Okay, thank you so much, Madeline, don't worry; I will talk with Cal and Roman regarding this matter," I said, and she smiled and nodded her head at me. And I will make sure my dad and Charlotte can never hurt Madeline again, and I am so glad they are staying at the hotel, and I need to see to it they will go home tomorrow morning so they can no longer get close with Madeline.

I excused myself from Madeline, and I made an important call. Madeline's safety will become my top priority, and after I talked with my brother Parker, I also called Roman and Cal. When I made sure my men would monitor their movements, I went back to our room, and my eyes got so big when I found my wife undressing. I hastily moved closer to Madeline and helped her take off her maternity dress, and her nakedness made me feel so aroused.

"Are you tired?" I asked as I started caressing her arms, and I was giving her butterfly kisses, and even if I felt so worried about my father and sister, I wanted to satisfy my wife. And I couldn't stop my erection from getting bigger as I could hear Maddie's moan.

"I will never get tired of you, Hunter," Madeline answered, and when her hand started rubbing on my bulge, I carried my wife on the bed.. I could see her eyes widen when I quickly discarded my clothes in front of her, and we shared another night filled with love and moans of pleasure of my wife echoed our room.