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Loving Madeline

Chapter 260 - Kaye’s Revenge
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Madeline's POV

"I am asking you to do an effortless thing, Madeline, to open your mouth." Kaye hissed, and she was trying to come near me, and I was doing my best to evade her, and even if my bump was big, I could still move quickly, maybe because it was because of the adrenaline rush because I was so afraid if she would harm my baby boy.

"Don't make me angry, Madeline." She added while I was searching for an escape route, but she blocked my way.

"Don't test my patience, Madeline!" She shouted, and I stopped in my tracks and looked at her.

"Please, Kaye, let me go, and I will do everything I can to help your father get out of jail." I softly said, and she cocked her head.

"Do you think I will believe you, Madeline, I am not a fool, and you can never play with me because I know your grandfather will never allow my father to get out from jail after what I have done to you, and I am just glad that he didn't put me behind bars also. And that is his biggest mistake because he had forgotten that I am also a wicked person just like my father." She declared, and my face fell.

"Don't do this, Kaye. I am telling you, you will never get away from this, Hunter will find you, and my grandfather will see to it that you will answer for your crime if ever you try to harm me." I said with a trembling voice, and I could see the sinister look on her face.

"It would be too late for them because the moment they will find you, I will make sure you are already on the brink of death because I wanted to tell Hunter and your grandfather one thing, no matter how wealthy and powerful they are, they can never get away from my revenge. I can do everything I can to harm you, Maddie." She responded.

"Please, don't harm my baby, he is innocent, and I beg you to listen to me, Kaye. While it is still early and you still have time to leave this place. You better leave now before my grandfather's and my husband's men will find you. You will be in big trouble." I said as I tried to look strong.

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"And who are you to dictate me, Madeline? Do you think I will listen to you? Come on, Maddie, you know I can hurt you, and there is nothing I am afraid of at this moment." She responded.

"And I don't care if I end up in jail as long as I can get my revenge. And I will make Hunter realize that he should choose me in the first place and not someone like you because you don't deserve him." She declared.

"We belong together, and if you didn't come in his life, I am sure that I am now married to him." She added.

"Kaye, you need to wake up because Hunter has never been in love with you in the first place," I said, and she was looking daggers at me.

"You have no right to tell me that now, Madeline, don't forget you were just a debt payment for your aunt's debt. And you are talking as if you are someone above me. Even if everyone knew you were Hector Grant's daughter in my eyes, you would always be the poor girl who arrived in the Divenson mansion." Kaye said, and I could tell she was mocking me.

"I never dreamed of becoming wealthy, Kaye; all I want is a peaceful life," I replied.

"If you want that kind of life, Madeline, you should never fall in love with Hunter Divenson." She muttered.

"How can you steal him away from me, you bitch." She shouted, and it seemed like Kaye had a mental disorder, and that is why she no longer cared about what will happen to her.

"You were right Kaye, I will always be poor in your eyes, and if you think that way, you should stop doing this because it would never be acceptable in your society to get involved in a crime," I said.

"Ha! Ha! Don't make me laugh, Maddie, do you think I still care about my reputation in society? The moment your grandpa dig my father's illegal activities, our family became the laughingstock in our society." She said.

"And I wanted your grandfather to realize what it feels to lose something important; I am sure losing you, and his grandchild will make him crazy, and I am sorry Madeline, but you need to come closer to me, or I will leave no choice, but to harm you with my weapon," Kaye said.

And I jumped on my feet when she pulled out a gun from her bag, and I realized she was here to kill me. I slowly get down on my knees, and I will do everything to save my son.

"Please, Kaye, spare my child and me, " I begged her as I was on my knees, hoping she would listen to me because I couldn't run away from her now; she was holding a gun. I am sure she is now ready to shoot me, and I realized I survived so many things in my life, and I couldn't believe I would only die at the hands of Hunter's ex, and her obsession with my husband turned her into an evil person.

"It is too late for that, Madeline, and you don't need to get down on your knees, but I love looking at you with your big tummy, and you are giving me an easy access to killing you." She said, and I could hear the evilness in her voice.

"But I don't want to see you die easily, Madeline, and I will give you two options, drink this capsule or bullets from my gun." She said, and since she didn't give me a better option, I got up slowly as I tried to hold on to the bed frame just like the way I got down on my knees.

I wanted to die with dignity, so when I was on my feet, I faced her, and without fear, I looked at her face without fluttering my eyes.

"Just kill me now, Kaye, if you want to spend the rest of your life in jail," I said.

"Oh, that would be so brave of you to say, Madeline. And I am sure your grandpa and Hunter would be broken-hearted when they find your body." She said as she cocked her gun.

And I realized I could no longer evade my death, and when she aimed her weapon at me, I could no longer keep my eyes wide open because of my fear of losing my son, and dying with him would be a better choice than losing him alone if I will take the medicine she gave me.

I was shivering, and I could listen to Kaye's laughter reverberated the entire room; and I jerked when I heard the loud gunshots, and I felt someone cover my body. I was waiting for the pain to hit me, but I couldn't feel anything, and I heard a loud thud, and when I opened my eyes, I was shocked when I saw someone lying on the floor face down, and I could see blood on the carpeted floor.

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And then I saw Hunter disarmed Kaye, and I was horrified when I realized it was my grandfather who saved me, and then the police arrived, and I was standing there while my entire body was shivering.

"No!!!!!! I shouted, and I didn't know how I managed to get down on my knees and go near him as I felt my tears fall on my cheeks.

"Grandpa, please! Please, hold on! Someone help him!" I was shouting, and I never felt so angry my entire life as I got up and went to Kaye, and before I could hit her, my husband took me into his arm, and he was comforting me, but I was too hurt to stop from crying so loud as he moved me away from Kaye.

"You are a monster, Kaye, you will never get away from this, and I will make sure you rot in jail," I shouted.

"I will kill you, Madeline; just wait; I hated your old man for saving you, and this is not my initial plan." She growled, and I couldn't believe even if the police secured her wrists with handcuffs, and she was still talking about killing me.

"You will never succeed, Kaye," I shouted back while I could feel my entire frame was shaking with anger.

"Shh, Madeline, you need to calm down for the sake of our baby," Hunter whispered.

"It could have been me, Madeline, but he stopped me and saved you." He added, and he kissed my forehead while I saw the tears on his face.

"But don't worry, grandpa will live." He muttered, and I know my husband was only giving me hope, and then I heard my aunt's outcry. I could feel her pain as we watched the paramedic get my grandpa's body, and I felt so happy when I saw one of them confirm my grandpa has still had a heartbeat, and I was praying hard he would be alright.

Hunter never let me go as he continued to caress my back, and my aunt came closer to us with tears on her face.

"Madeline, are you alright?" She asked, and I shook my head; how can I be alright when grandpa Hector is on the brink of death because of me? And I know I will forever carry this guilt in my heart.

I rode with my aunt and Hunter in one vehicle while Hunter's family followed behind us, and I wondered how I would tell Hunter about his father and sister? I know it will break his heart when he learns Clark Divenson is healthy, and he only faked his illness, and I will never forgive him and Charlotte if something happens to my grandfather.