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Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Chapter 108 Learning Light Magic [1]
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Sitting in an empty room were two individuals. One had beautiful long fiery red hair, while the other had white hair that barely reached his eyes in length.

"You know I'm a healer, right?" Life chuckled while looking at Silas who was simply staring at her with narrowed eyes.

"Don't give me that shit. I know you're strong. There's now way you could have become a general if you didn't have any fighting capabilities." Silas sneered.

"Just because I have fighting capabilities, doesn't mean I can use light magic." She sighed and shook her head.

"Look at Greed as an example. She has no magic capabilities, and her toki control isn't nearly as great as some of the strongest people in her faction. She would have been considered weaker than some of the people in her faction if not for her martial style, beastkin body, and armor." Life explained.

Silas tried to think back and remember Greed wearing armor, yet he couldn't remember her wearing armor at all. The only thing he could remember was the complex runes shining on most of her clothes, but he doubted those were armors.

"I know you can use light magic..." Silas didn't waver.

"And I keep telling you that I don't!" She shouted back in annoyance and disbelief, however, that's when she saw his eyes. They were looking down, but at the same time, at her.

Looking down as well, she couldn't see anything wrong, but that's when a thought entered her mind.

'Could he be a pervert... Wait, no! He's a child... But I guess they have to start at a certain-' She couldn't finish that thought as suddenly, her eyes fell upon Silas' emerald green ones.

'Ah... I see... Is this why Archie is so doting on him?'

"I'll teach you." She muttered with a defeated sigh.

"Good. First, I need to know how to draw out my light magic." Silas sat up from his chair to the large table she had been previously teaching at.

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Silas was forced to wait until class ended to talk to her, so he wasn't really disturbing her or her schedule.

"How do you even know that you have the offensive version of the light element? I understand that you are capable of using healing spells, but that doesn't really mean anything." Life said.

"Call it a feeling." Silas smiled at her, causing her to have to breathe out another defeated sigh. Silas had decided that he would stay with life for the remainder of the day before going to the Judgement faction in order to train throughout the night.

He didn't really need to sleep so he didn't mind doing this. Plus, he considered the learning part of his schedule a treat since it was something he actually enjoyed doing.

Walking over to the library at the back of her office, she looked through the books before finally picking out one of them that read the words "Offensive light magic - Basics to Advanced".

Holding the book in her hands, she walked back toward Silas and placed the book before him before looking him in the eyes.

"I want you to read this book and memorize three of the magic circles in it. Okay?" She asked before raising a brow.

"Y-You know how to read, right?" She asked with a slightly worried tone.

"I can read in the human tongue," Silas replied before skimming through the book.

Life seemed to have been annoyed by his action, however, Silas didn't really care much. He would read it the way he wanted to read it. After all, the only thing that mattered was the result. 

It went against everything those damned math teachers taught in school, but it was the truth.

The journey toward the answer barely mattered. Finding your own way to find a solution was one of the main ways to be successful. Doing it through ways that other people have created can only get you so far. 

Looking through the book, Silas scanned many of the magic circles and immediately saw several problems.

There weren't many ways to make a tier-1 spell more efficient since they only had 4 runes, 5 if you include the one in the middle.

However, tier-2, 3, and even tier-4 runes were a different story altogether.

With a single glance, Silas could think of dozens of ways in which he could improve the magic circles, however, after a while of looking through the books, he looked up with a confused stare.

"This book says nothing about bringing out the light affinity and controlling it. It simply explained how the light element worked, and showed a few magic circles on the page as well as a few incantations. Sure, I found the part where it explained the runes used quite useful, but other than that, it doesn't tell me anything." Silas crossed his arms in annoyance while placing the book down.

"You read it all? It's only been a few minutes."

"I'm a fast reader." Silas shrugged.

"I refuse to believe you read the entire book in less than 10 minutes." 

"Well, I just did. I don't know what you want me to say?" He sighed.

"Ugh... Alright, if you insist that you've read the entire book, I'll carry on with my teachings. However, do not expect me to slow down for you. It's your fault you chose to speed through this!" She sighed as well and got up from her chair before slowly walking toward one of the boards.

"To bring out your light mana, you have to visualize the element while creating your runes." She explained.

"I've already tried that, but the light element feels different. It's much harder to bring out that any of the other elements, and I have no clue why." Silas explained.

'Maybe you don't have the affinity then!' Is what she wanted to shout, however, she held her tongue and didn't say anything for a while.

There was no way to see if someone had an affinity toward any of the light or darkness elements. No stone or mana core could tell you if you had the light element or not. It was weird, and no one in this world seemed to understand it.

People with the light element cultivated the same way as others with the traditional elements, the only key difference being the fact that people with the light element could usually use toki.

At the same time, something that placed light element users apart from others was the beasts with affinity. Beasts with an affinity to light always had normal mana cores without a particular element. 

However, even though Silas was confused as to why no one researched this, he quickly understood after realizing how corrupt the church of Gilea seemed to be.

Most light element users were usually set to churches to be trained. Those who went to the churches usually came out much stronger than the light element users who went solely to the academies.

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This allowed the church to essentially control the information about the light element, the same way churches back on Earth used to hinder the development of science to remain in control.

Silas doubted that the church didn't have an idea behind the origin of the light element, however, despite that, they made it seem like the light element itself was a blessing to only those who are deemed worthy. 

"Hey, Life..." Silas finally looked up after having seemingly contemplated something for over a minute.

"What is it?" Life asked in a now, much more patient tone.

'What the hell happened to her? Oh well, I can't really complain.'

"What do you visualize when you think of the light element?" He asked.

"That's not a good way to learn."

"No... I'm just asking out of curiosity." Silas cut her off.

"Uhm... Well, I've actually developed my own way of bringing out my light and healing mana. I've always found it easier to visualize emotion when creating spells like these. 

Now it's more of a habit since I've become an expert at using light and healing mana so I don't have to think about it much, but when I was a beginner, I always used emotions to create spells." She explained.

"What do you feel then?" Silas asked with a tilt of the head.

Life looked up at the ceiling for a moment before smiling.

"I try to remember all the good memories I've had in my life, while blocking out the bad ones. When I'm healing someone, I used to think of everything that made me happy and it worked. 

However, for light, I'd think about the things I found beautiful." She closed her eyes for a moment before rocking back and forth as if there was a melody in her mind, playing over and over again and soothing her until she felt like sleeping.


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