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Let Me Stay The Night Novel (Christina and Nathaniel)

Chapter 608
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Chapter 608 The Division Of Assets

For some inexplicable reason, Yerek’s words had a tidal wave of uneasiness flooding Nigel, Yerek, and Anya.

However, they were already close to a complete fallout when they ambushed Timothy without any regard for the

situation for the sake of an explanation. Right then, all that was left between them were schemes and wariness. D

Azure glanced at the photo on the tombstone. Her expression took on a note of discomfiture, and she tried to

smooth things over.

“This is a family matter, so let’s talk about it at home. Let’s not disturb Veronica.”

Hearing that, Timothy scoffed with a sneer, “The lot of you had the audacity to kick up trouble at the cemetery, and

now you’re actually considering other people’s feelings? How shameless of you to say something like that.”

At that blatant insult, Azure’s face went as black as thunder. “Do you still regard me as your mother, Timothy?” D

Timothy stared right into her eyes and retorted, “What about you, then? Have you been regarding me as your

biological son over the years? Or have you been treating me as a piece of trash?”

“What do you mean by that, Timothy? If there’s something you want to say, cut straight to the chase. There’s no

need to beat around the bush and make insinuations about me and Mom!” Nigel thundered. He had a strong sense

of foreboding that the situation had already spiraled out of his control, and Timothy had changed.

Timothy’s sharp and icy gaze lingered on everyone there. Subsequently, a feral smirk bloomed on his face.

“Jasper, show them the documents for them to have the explanation they want!”

With that, Jasper opened his briefcase and took out a document before holding it out to Nigel.

Nigel snatched it right out of the man’s hand. The instant he laid eyes on the contents of the document, shock and

fear showed on his face.

“What is…?” Azure shot out a hand and grabbed it. Suddenly, her voice trailed off, and her hand holding the

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document shook imperceptibly.

Standing beside her, Yerek inevitably glimpsed the contents of the document.

At the guilty expression on their faces, Anya stepped forward in puzzlement. “Oh, my God! Yerek… is actually my

biological brother?” she exclaimed.

-Before her voice had even rung out, something abruptly occurred to her. She furiously cut her gaze at Nigel and

started cursing him out while jabbing a finger in his face.

“How dare you cheat on Mom and have an illegitimate child out there!”

The fact that Yerek was Nigel’s illegitimate child was a secret Nigel could never allow to come to light. Having been

hit where it hurt, Nigel backhanded Anya across the face. “Shut up! Have you no conscience

left! How dare you criticize me!” (

Anya cradled her swollen cheek and glared at her father hotly. “Why are you bothered by the truth when you dared

do such a thing? Not only am I going to tell Mom about this, but I’m also going to spread the news and let everyone

know that your persona of a loving husband is fake!”

Since she was young, her mother had drilled into her that the entire Gibson family would belong to her in the

future. Even Yerek, who had been adopted into the family, had no right to compete with her.

Christina’s existence already made her situation difficult enough. With another biological brother, her share of the

assets would be reduced by more than half.

“Anya, don’t forget that it was thanks to Yerek and your father that you managed to survive the kidnapping,” Azure

chided. Then, she continued, “You seem agitated. Go home and calm yourself down first. You don’t have to be


With her eyes bloodshot, Anya glared at everyone maliciously before she whirled around resentfully and stalked off.

Timothy watched the farce before him scornfully. “The lot of you kept me in the dark all these years because you

felt that I’m a piece of trash that would never amount to anything, using my hatred toward the Hadley family to

force Christina away so that Nigel and Yerek could gain control of Gibson Corporation, no? One is my biological

mother, the other my biological brother, and yet another the adopted son I’d raised for years. Sure enough, you’re

all a family. Your methods are underhanded, and you’re black–hearted. You went all out to play a fool of me,” he

drawled, methodically listing the trio’s crimes. D

Indeed, Azure felt guilty toward him in that matter. She eased up on her domineering attitude earlier. “Timothy, I

didn’t mean to keep you in the dark about Yerek and Nigel’s relationship. At that time, disaster befell both you and

Veronica. The Gibson family urgently needed someone who could hold the fort and an outstanding heir. No matter

what, Yerek has the blood of the Gibson family flowing through his veins. It’s far better for him to inherit Gibson

Corporation than for the company to fall into the hands of outsiders.”

In response, Timothy sneered and riposted bluntly, “Gibson Corporation was the result of my and Veronica’s efforts.

It’s something we left for Christina. Others have no right to make any decisions on our behalf.”

Struck dumb, Azure was at a loss for an appropriate reason to retort.

The major contributors to the development of the Gibson family in the present day were Timothy and Veronica.

Ever since disaster struck their family, Gibson Corporation started going downhill after falling into Nigel’s hands.

As conflicts snowballed and intensified, Gibson Corporation’s problems under Nigel’s management became

increasingly evident by the day. When Hadley Corporation later called off their collaboration, the dam finally burst.

Azure knew Nigel’s capabilities better than anyone else. However, she was convinced that Timothy could no longer–

take the lead and detested Christina’s rebelliousness. Consequently, she blindly believed that Nigel could turn the

tide despite being well aware that Gibson Corporation might end up ruined in the

man’s hands.

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In truth, she was the person who had the least right to question Timothy about his decision.

“You can’t deny my credit with just a few words, Timothy! If it weren’t for me managing Gibson

Corporation wholeheartedly all these years, the company would’ve gone bankrupt ages ago,” Nigel parried loudly.

Without backing down, Timothy countered, “Do you not know how Gibson Corporation fell into your


It sounded plain, yet it sparked a storm within Nigel.

Words promptly eluded him.

Subsequently, Timothy turned his gaze to Yerek. “Since you’ve already transferred all your father’s shares in Gibson

Corporation to your name and sold off part of them to make up twenty million in cash before handing the money to

Anya, it’s considered a fulfillment of my previous promise to give you some of Gibson Corporation’s shares.” D

A flash of nervousness flittered across Yerek’s eyes.

Meanwhile, Nigel was utterly confused by Timothy’s words. He looked at Yerek in mystification. “Hadn’t you sold off

all the shares I gave you, Yerek? Why had they been transferred to your name? Also, wasn’t the twenty million in

ransom handed to the kidnapper? Why was it given to Anya?”

Azure was likewise wholly flummoxed. I was the one who personally transferred the twenty million in ransom to the

kidnapper after Yerek wired it to me. Could it be that there was more to it than met the eye?

While his mind whirred, Yerek gradually saw through Timothy’s plan. Shock swept over him like a tidal


He’s trying to make us suspicious of each other and sow discord between us!

Gritting his teeth, he hissed, “Shouldn’t the division of assets be the focus of our discussion here?”

“That’s exactly what we’re talking about right now. The lot of you took too much away from me, and I’ve got to

take them back one by one for Christina,” Timothy replied calmly.