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Let Me Stay The Night Novel (Christina and Nathaniel)

Chapter 562
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Chapter 562 Stalk

Christina reached out to get the scarf from him, intending to sniff at it herself, but Nathaniel held it out of her


“We don’t know if the scent is harmful, so you better stay away from it. I’ll fill the bathtub with warm water so you

can take a bath,” Nathaniel told her. Worried about the possibility of the scent lingering on her clothes, he quickly

grabbed a bag and placed the scarf inside, tying it tightly. “I’ll arrange for the scarf to be tested, and once we have

the results, I’ll inform you”

Christina followed him up the stairs and said thoughtfully, “I didn’t touch anything scented today before leaving

home. I hugged my mom at the hospital, but I believe she’s not the culprit given how much she adores Lucas and


Nathaniel assured her, “I, too, believe she wouldn’t commit such an unspeakable act.”

Christina racked her brains for a while before something occurred to her. “That reminds me of something. Last

night, I attended a fashion party and crossed paths with Emilia. I believe I detected this very scent on her.”

Regret washed over Christina as she realized she had been too preoccupied with catching up to Anya that she

overlooked this crucial clue.

the “I’ll get someone to investigate Emilia,” Nathaniel stated. He then entered the bathroom to fill up. bathtub for

her. “Get changed now. I’m going downstairs to get the housekeeper to prepare some snacks for you.”

Christina padded into the bathroom with her furry pajamas while Nathaniel went downstairs to prepare some

snacks for her.

After finishing the snacks, Nathaniel took a short one-hour nap with Christina before heading to work. He didn’t

forget to hand the package containing the scarf to his assistant, who occupied the passenger seat.

“Run tests on this scarf and the handmade velvet flower in the box to find out if the scents on both items match,”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

he ordered.

“Yes.” His assistant didn’t probe further and took the package. “Mr. Hadley, as per your instructions, I’ve sent

someone to monitor Anya closely. Her behavior has been quite peculiar lately. Since arriving in Jadeborough, she

has only ventured out of her house once to attend a fashion party. After that, she has remained holed up in her

house, relying solely on food deliveries. Her curtains are always drawn, and there are instances where she doesn’t

even bother to switch on the lights.”

Nathaniel swiftly perused his work emails while remarking. “It’s evident that she’s feeling guilty. I recall that her

investigation report didn’t mention any mental illnesses. Continue monitoring her closely and identify the individuals

she frequently communicates with.”

“Got it,” his assistant replied.

The following day, Christina and Nathaniel were having breakfast in the dining room. They planned to go pick up

Sharon from the hospital a bit later.

Right then, the assistant came in with a file and placed it beside Nathaniel. “Mr. Hadley, this is the report you

requested regarding the scent. The results indicate that the fragrance on both the scarf and the handmade velvet

flower is from the same perfume.”

Nathaniel gave the report a quick scan before giving it to Christina. “Go on.”

Christina attempted to read the report, but the abundance of chemical symbols and technical language made it

difficult for her to comprehend After a briet glance, she set it aside.

“I looked into Emuha’s whereabouts and found that she purchased a handmade velvet flower from a booth at the

square. The owner of the booth, who personally designs and creates each item, only has one of each design.

Therefore, it should be possible to track down the buyer of the specific handmade velvet flower. Additionally, during

her time as a part-time model, Emilia started dating someone who is studying chemistry. It’s plausible that she

could have obtained heavy metals from him to carry out harm against Mr. Lucas

Christina was caught off guard by the plot twist. She could barely wrap her mind around the truth. “If Emilia was the

one who brought harm to Lucas, why wasn’t her fingerprint on the handmade velvet flower? How did she place the

box into Lucas backpack?”

The assistant didn’t have answers to her questions. Fidgeting nervously, he replied, “Mrs. Hadley, this is all I can find

for now. I’m afraid I don’t have answers to your questions.”

Christina flashed a reassuring smile at him. “You’ve done a great job by unearthing many clues. I’ll ask Mr. Hadley

to give you a raise as a token of appreciation for your hard work.”

The assistant beamed happily, finding Nathaniel’s icy expression adorable right this moment. “Thank you, Mrs.


“Please arrange that with the HR department today. I have some other matters to attend to in the morning, but I

will be back at work in the afternoon. Kindly reschedule the ten o’clock meeting to the afternoon. Nathaniel

instructed indifferently.

“Got it!” The assistant left in delight, determined to work harder.

Christina glanced at Nathaniel. “Was that too presumptuous of me?”

Nathaniel peeled an egg and placed it on her plate. “You’re Mrs. Hadley, and the company belongs to the Hadley

family, thus you have a say in it. If you wish, I don’t mind arranging a position for you at the


Christina shook her head. “No. I’m only interested in design, not the crafty ways of the corporate world. Spare me

from that.”

Hearing this, the man didn’t pursue the topic either. “You must finish your breakfast today.”

Christina’s expression scrunched up as she forced herself to finish her nutritious breakfast under Nathaniel’s watch.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After that, the couple picked Sharon up from the hospital and drove her home.

They initially planned on having lunch together, but an urgent call from Nathaniel’s assistant came, and he had to

leave. Thus, Christina stayed behind to keep Sharon company

Christina followed Sharon to the nearby supermarket to buy some groceries, and the mother and daughter chatted

pleasantly along the way.

“Mom, why don’t you go upstairs first? I suddenly have a craving for cherries. I’ll run to the fruit shop outside our

residential area and buy some before coming back home,” Christina suggested to Sharon as the elevator arrived.

She placed the grocery bags she was carrying into the elevator before stepping out.

“Be careful.” Sharon reminded her.

“Got it. See you later!” Christina watched as the elevator doors slid shut before turning on her heels to leave, her

figure disappearing around the corner.

A figure not far away hesitated briefly before hurrying toward the elevator in the lobby.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Christina got into an elevator at another entrance and arrived at Sharon’s floor ahead of

the stranger.

She hid in the corner outside the elevator, gripping her heavy bag and ready to launch an attack.

The figure didn’t put their guard up and came directly toward Christina after exiting the elevator.

Through the refraction she saw on the tiles, Christina hurled her bag in the direction of the stranger.

“Ow!” the person yelped and dropped to the ground, covering their face.

Christina strode over and flung the person’s cap away. In an icy voice, she demanded, “Gideon, why did you follow

us all the way here? What are you planning to do?”

Gideon gingerly held his bleeding nose and responded timidly. “I didn’t have any malicious intentions. I genuinely

wanted to check on your mother’s well-being”

Seeing Christina’s cold expression, he hurriedly added, “I didn’t intentionally follow you. I just happened to spot you

outside the supermarket. It’s the truth, I swear. If I were to lie, I’d deserve a terrible fate.”