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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 55 Time To Strike
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For the past few days, Silas had gotten accustomed to the Regis's routine.

At least 100 Regis family members were on a rotational shift around the inner walls, monitoring the army's movement.

That was also how Silas met Pheobe. She was assigned to the area where the hidden door was located. The truth, the other family members already saw him loitering around, and they were monitoring what he was doing. When they realized he was not from the army, Pheobe was the one tasked to make contact.

Apart from the 100 family members monitoring the activity around the inner walls, most adult family and clan members were grouped into four. The first group were also on a rotational shift that goes around the inner wall premise. The second group was stationed near the entrance keeping the army's movement in check. The third group were on standby with the Patriarch, and the fourth group assisted Cade in maintaining the inner wall's defensive array.

On Silas's second day at the Regis Estate, he asked Pheobe if they had information of the army's scheduled scouting routine. The following night, Pheobe was able to provide him with the information he needed. And finally, he decided to leave the Regis Estate the following day.

And it was supposed to be today.

However, there had been some changes in the army's movement during breakfast, and Silas was suddenly asked to meet with Rin.

'Why does she want to meet with me?' He wondered as he followed Pheobe inside the main house.

While Silas had been in the Regis Estate, he had only talked with the Patriarch and Master Cade through a communication channel. As for Lady Rin, they had not met after their first time. Of course, it was not that they neglected him, but that was just how busy they were.

Besides, Silas did not consider himself a VIP guest. And he was already delighted with Pheobe being his guide.

"Aunt Rin returned from the headquarters an hour ago," Pheobe was saying as they walked down a long hallway.

Portraits of the past Patriarchs lined one wall, while the other one had portraits of their family.

It was Silas's second time walking down this hallway. The first time was when he met with the Patriarch. He wondered if he would need to meet Lady Rin in the throne room again.

His question was answered right away when Pheobe turned right, and Silas noticed this hallway led to an outside garden.

'So its not in the throne room,' Silas thought and observed his surrounding.

One side of this hallway was a glassed wall overlooking the rest of the garden.

Silas was suddenly reminded that Spirit Masters preferred to be surrounded by nature. This was especially true whenever they wanted to replenish their energy and also bond with their spirit.

"She actually wants to join us for breakfast, but I told her if she did, the kids will definitely not let you two have a decent conversation after," Pheobe explained.

Silas chuckled. He had gotten used to having meals with the kids and understood what Pheobe meant.

"I could almost imagine them trying to get Lady Rin to 'play' with them," Silas agreed.

Pheobe giggled while slightly covering her mouth and said, "True."

A smile appeared on Silas's face as he watched Pheobe. The truth, he was aware that she was still doing her shift in monitoring the army's movement on top of being his guide and looking after the kids. If he could, he would give her a present worthy of her hard work. But he only had essentials with him and nothing a lady would like.

'Next time we meet. I'll give her something she will like,' Silas swore to himself. He did not even consider the off chance they would meet again.

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A rich smell of morning dew and fresh flowers soon greeted Silas's sense of smell.

"Here we are," Pheobe said.

The two of them arrived at the opened doors at the end of the hallway. A stoned path with neatly cut bushes on each side led to a white marble gazebo.

From where he stood, Silas could already see Rin having breakfast on the table placed at the center of the gazebo.

As if sensing their arrival, Rin looked up from her cup and smiled at them. She placed her cup down and waited patiently for them.

"We're here Aunt Rin," Pheobe greeted with a curtsy as soon as they entered the gazebo.

"Lady Rin," Silas also bowed his head.

Rin looked at them and smiled, "Would you like to join me for another round of breakfast? Or maybe at least a cup of tea? Coffee? Hot Chocolate?"

Pheobe shook her head and said, "I'll have to pass, Aunt Rin. Uncle Jared's shift is almost done, I need to return to my post."

"Oh. Then another time," Rin said, sounding a little disappointed.

"Yes," Pheobe replied with a smile and turned to Silas. "Well, Mr. Silas. I'll have to leave you here today. I will ask Sammie to take you back after."

Silas immediately shook his head and said, "Not necessary. I can go by myself."

"No need to worry, Pheobe. I'll take care of it," Rin, however, interjected.

"Well, that's..."

"Thank you, Aunt Rin. I'll be taking my leave now."

Pheobe made another curtsy toward Rin and also gave a slight nod toward Silas before leaving.

Silas watched her leave while saying, "It is not really necessary." He turned to Rin and smiled uneasily," I can go by myself, Lady Rin."

"You plan on leaving today, at least let us send you on your way properly."

Silas was surprised. He had not told Pheobe he planned to leave the estate today.

"How did you...?"

Rin smiled and gestured at the chair opposite her. She said, "Please. Have a seat."

Silas took a seat.

"What will you have sir Silas? Tea? Coffee? Or would you like hot chocolate?" Rin asked.

"I'm fine. Thank you," Silas declined respectfully. "Please, Lady Rin. Ms. Pheobe told me you just returned from the headquarters. I am sure you're tired from the journey."

"Oh, is this your subtle way of making this old lady get down to the point?" Rin asked with a playful smile.

Silas immediately shook his head, "No. Of course not. I apologize if it sounded that way."

Rin laughed softly. "I am only teasing you, sir Silas. Well, you are right. I want nothing more to just go to my room and rest. Even sleep for a few hours."


"However, I cannot do that. At least not yet," she paused suddenly and looked at the side of the gazebo where beautiful orchids were lined up. Her smile turned melancholic. However, it only lasted for a second.

Silas noticed this and he already had an idea what Rin might've remembered.

'She is a mother, after all.' He thought.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Lady Rin?"

Rin looked back at him, "You've already helped us a lot. However, I will be frank sir Silas. I do need your help."

Silas smiled, "Then do not hesitate. I am the Regis emissary and also a mercenary. I'll be able to accommodate your request."

"Thank you."

Rin paused once more and took a sip of her hot chocolate before finally speaking.

"I am sure you planned on finding my son once you leave."

"I do. If you have anything you want me to give him or a message then-."

"No," Rin said with a slight shook of her head. "On the contrary, please do not tell him the situation inside the estate."

Silas frowned slightly. He did not ask why because he kind of understand her reason.

"However, that is not what I needed your help with."

"Then, please do tell."

Rin's expression turned solemn. After a short pause, she finally said, "When you meet Kyran. Will you let Lady Lumi meet him?"

Silas's eyes narrowed at once. He was suddenly reminded of Lumi's words the other night.

"Why do you think Rin is the Spirit Child? Use your brain, stupid little Silas."

"To tell the truth, Lady Lumi already said she wanted to meet the 'new Void Master'," Silas told Rin. This might be the only chance he would get to understand what Lumi had said.

Rin nodded and stared at her cup. "I see. And did she tell you why?"

With a sigh, Silas shook his head and replied , "No. She told me to use my brain."

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Rin looked at him and asked, "Then have you?"

Silas could not help but looked helplessly at Rin, "Please do not tease me, Lady Rin."

Rin laughed softly and said. "I'm sorry. But rest assured, Lady Lumi meant well."

"I'm not sure about that."

"They just can't openly say the reason. However, it is not the case if the reason is passed on by a human," Rin explained.

"You mean they are bound to something that stops them from saying it?"

"Not exactly. Except, if spoken, someone... or something might hear them."

Silas fell silent.

"What I am about to tell you sir Silas, might also answer some of your questions. Especially to what happened to your family."

Silas almost buckled from Rin's words. He looked at her in disbelief. Just how much did she know about him?

"You know about my family?"

"I have a hunch. After all, Ice Spirits are very picky. They only agree with forming a contract to one family ."

"Please tell me, Lady Rin."

Rin nodded, "This may come as a surprise to you. So best be prepared."


Outside the Regis Estate Inner Walls, several group of six army officers run to different specific spots around the inner walls.

These officers were carrying three feet long rods.

Inside the biggest tent at the makeshift camp of the army, Jax with Luka and the rest of the lieutenants were looking at the map of the whole Regis Estate Inner Wall. There were marking all around the walls and it was the locations where the groups of six army officers were headed.

"What time will Vera arrived?" Jax asked Luka.

"Three hours at most."

Jax nodded. "Good. We'll be ready by then."

He looked at all the lieutenants inside and added, "Make sure you all have enough pills and potions with you when you get to position. We cannot afford to fail this operation."

They all saluted and replied, "Yes, Major Jax."

Jax nodded and looked at Luka, "When Vera arrived, you can start with the array creation. I will need to prepare as well."

"We will take care of it, Major." Luka assured him.

"Alright. Today, we will definitely destroy the Regis's defensive array."

"Yes, sir!"