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Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 845 845 How Many Times
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Wolfe and the town's protector were faced with a conundrum. The spell could very well target them again, and they would stand little chance of winning without outside intervention, which would lead to the looting of their advanced technologies by the invaders.

The obvious answer was to hide all the military weapons in such a way that they wouldn't easily be found, but there was no way to tell what sort of items would be useful to an otherwise primitive magical society.

But more concerning was the fact that they might not be the first or the last target of the spell. If the off world humans were casting that spell regularly to create training areas, they could already have all sorts of military technology from this world, and nobody would know.

The spell would return everything to its original state, and then they would leave with their ill-gotten gains.

There was no good way to defend against it other than to have those with more power be vigilant about the activation of similar spells, and their only hope lay in the fact that if one survived, the town protector might remember the whole incident and be able to report it after the fact.

"Are the cameras also reset?" Wolfe asked when he noticed that the town had a security system.

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One of the elders nodded grimly.

"It was givingan error about the synchronized tand the recording tnot matching before I cover here to see what was going on. It updates the tonce an hour based on the network of cellular towers in the area. If one is different, it adjusts to the rest.

If they're all different, or more than one is wrong, then it sends an alert to the phone company to deal with the problem. They will determine what is going on and get it all sorted out." The Elder explained.

"I think that it can serve as a form of alert, but we will only learn about it after the attack. Still, it's better than nothing. I will contact them and see if there have been other strange reports like ours recently.

If anything, they should have started after the first interplanetary portal opened, and the Emperor was killed in their world." The town's protector suggested.

Wolfe nodded. "That sounds about right. They were just expanding off their world, and now they're using a new spell to create dungeons. What I want to know is how they learned it.

This isn't the sort of magic you discover easily or by accident, and they were far too naive to have been using this in advance of their attack.

So my thought is that someone is helping them.

Now, who that could be is a mystery. Perhaps they have made contact with a lower or upper plane. It could be Demons, Fae, or something much more troublesome. I doubt it would be one of the Seraphim or the others from the Upper Planes, they seemed like the sort that would slam the door in your face if you asked them a question like that."

The Fae chuckled at that and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they rarely get involved in other peoples' messes. The fact that one showed up to check on that Magi with potential was already shocking, and the humans are far from being on the brink of extinction. If someone from the Upper Planes shows up for them, I might actually have a heart attack."

There was a moment of silence as they both tried to see sbetter way forward, but now that the attack was over, it was beyond their abilities to deal with the threat.

"We will work something out, but if you see any anomalies in the cell tower times, please letknow. I had the Continental Representatives notified to be on the lookout for more incidents, but until one comes, I have to run off and go deal with sof the more troublestowns.

The ones that were allied with the Grand Dutchies or occupied by them are still giving us a headache, and now that the Morgana Coven is back on its feet and ready to start international trade, we need to get it fixed."

"Yeah, we heard the messages from the Fortress, celebrating the signing of the trade agreements. We will start shipping goods to the airport hub soon, I think." The Fae agreed.

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The Elders nodded happily, as they had only left the Coven in the final stages of the rebellion, when it was obvious that everything was corrupt and dysfunctional. Now that it seemed obvious that they were getting their act together and getting the final stages of the rebellion, when it was obvious that everything was corrupt and dysfunctional. Now that it seemed on board with the modern changes, the witches would be happy to have sof the old ways back again.

"Well, I think that's about all that I can do for you today, so I'm going to head out. Contact the Coven and they can get you the schedule for international shipments, as well as any information you might need about Coven related issues.

From what I understand, the Coven Council will be delegating the running of the city to a secondary council, so they can focus on the Coven itself, and the witches, and not spend all their ton city related problems." Wolfe offered as he mentally tracked his witches and prepared to go meet them.

The witches were already at one of the larger towns that had been taken over by the Grand Dutchies soldiers the last tthat Wolfe had been in the region, and he hoped that things were going well for them.

How things were operating inside those cities was a mystery to almost everyone, as they violently refused any Fae or Demons that tried to enter, and the potential guardians had been polite enough not to make it into an issue of retribution or vengeance.

At least, so far.

[I'm on my way to you. How was the welcoming committee?] Wolfe asked as he waved goodbye to the villagers and took to the sky.

[Less hostile than expected. We will explain when you get here.]

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