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I will never be yours by Melan pamp

Chapter 78
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| Will Never Be Yours By Melan pamp Chapter 78 Selena pov His hand starts to travel under my shirt and over the side of my body when | remember why | chere in the first place. It’s important to have it fixed before Emma finds out we are gone again. This has to wait until | have solved the problem | chere for.

“wait!” | say and break the kiss when he looks atwith questions in his eyes.

“I chere because we have a problem and need to talk with Cannon,” | say when he givesa peck on my lips before he gets offand pullsup so I'm sitting.

“he’s down in the prison and interrogate the rogues you captured!” he says and | look at him puzzled. What are they doing here? | see his eyes glance over for a moment.

“he’s on his way now!” he says and captures my lips in a warm kiss before he lets go and gets up from the couch. Already miss his touch and want him back, but it will have to wait! Looking at his back when he walks over to his desk | need to ask him.

“Why do you have the rogues here?” | say and get up from the couch and walk closer to where he is when there is a knock on his door and his father walks inside after a short moment.

“I can tell you later!” Kian says and | turn my head to look at his father. He walks inside with a big smile on his lips.

“Hi, Selena. Good to see you back and well. My son here was about to lose it there for a moment!” he says and walks over and givesa hug and places a kiss on my forehead. | stand there in shock! When did we becthis close? “Okay!” is all | manage to say when | hear the door being shoved open with force so it hits the wall with a bang and | guess it will leave a print on the wall. Looking at the doorway I see a very bloody Cannon standing there with only a pair of shorts on him. He is breathing heavily and he looks a bit crazy at the moment.

“where is she?” he booms out and | see how worried he is.

“calm down Cannon!” Kian says when | notice his fists. They are trembling and he is breathing heavily.

“she is back home!” | say and the words hardly manage to get out of my mouth before he shifts and turns around and starts running out in the hallway.

I sigh but feel him and open a portal right in front of him and back inside the office again. He comes running out at a high speed and run right into the wall behind Kian’s desk and bounce back a bit and falls on his butt.

“shift!” Kian orders out and with sresistance, he shifts in front of us. He stands naked when Kian growls at him and he covers his manhood with his hands. It is a bit too late, | have already seen him naked and don’t get what's Kian’s problem with him being naked.

“he has his mate Kian! You don’t have to overreact here!” his father says when a man comes inside the room with a pair of shorts to Cannon he is quick to put on.

“tellquickly what it is! | have to get to her right now!” Cannon barks out and | understand what he feels.

“Cannon she is fine and you can’t run over to her with all that blood on you. Once you are ready | will portal you over to her!” | say when | see him look down on his body before he starts to walk out of the office with determined steps.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“stop Cannon!” Kian says and he stops and turns around to face him “what is it!” he says with anger in his voice when Kian points to me.

“she is here for you and it’s important! | suggest you try and calm down or I'm going to order you” Kian says when Cannon turns his head and look at me.

“We have a problem!” | say and sigh. A part ofwants to end that rogues life with my own hands for all the pain he has caused them. He is the one | have been hating for years since she toldher story of how she got the scar, “What is it?” he says impatiently and | sigh.

“Can we close the door | don’t want anyone to hear and this part I'm not proud of!” | say when his father walks over and closes the door. Looking over at kian he walks in front of his office desk and leans against it while looking at me. Averting my eyes I turn around and think about how to explain all of this to them! Taking a step over to his table I take out a chair and sit down, | guess this will take stto explain. Turning my head their way before | start to explain.

“When | found Emma and her daughter all those years back she told us what she had to endure while she was captured and sold through the years. She and her daughter's nightmares and screams finally got the best of us! Me, Jessie, Zoey, and Jacob started to hunt the rogues down who had hurt them that way. We tortured and killed everyone we could find. There was no stopping in us and when she said we got obsessed with finding everyone and torturing them, | think she is right. We couldn't stop until we had found every one of them.” | say and look down at my lap before continuing. This is a dark tfor me.

“We even started to think like the rogues when it cto the torture and I'm not proud of it but we enjoyed getting back at them for what they had done! All of us want to get back at them for what they have done and we all would lay down our lives for Ella’s safety. She is something special! she is just a child with all these painful memories” | say and look out the window.

“I should have known we didn’t manage to get all of them!” | say and feel ashamed of myself for taking her lie that fast.

“you didn’t!” | hear Cannon burst out and | guess she has told him the same. That every one of them is dead.

Looking over at him he has a glimmer of hope in his eyes and | know he will give them what they deserve.

“No!” | say when he starts to breathe heavily.

“Where are they!” he booms out when Kian’s father walks over and places his hand on his shoulder to have him calm down.

“We run into problems when we were at Sari’s sister's village and you have to hearout completely before you react!” | tell him and he givesa nod.

“When Ella where four years old Emma where badly beaten up by this man in front of Ella’s eyes. He hit her with his claws out over Emma’s face and let her bleed to death on the floor. He let her lay there in the darkness with her small daughter beside her. That night Ellas somehow manages to get her gift to manifest, but it was way too early, and | guess her will to save her mother made it to manifest. She has healing powers and | know one day she will be one of the best out there! But because she was only four and had no idea how she would do it she only managed to transfer sof Emma's injury to herself and that’s why she has the sscar as Emma!” | only get to finish this when the worse roar | have ever heard reaches my ears.

Looking at Cannon his rage is all over the place! | know he hasn't seen her daughter yet but | know now when he sees her he will understand.

Ella saved her mother but bear the scar from their tas prisoners. Looking at him he has a hard tcontaining himself. By the way he reacts now | know she will be safe with him.

“where is he?” he roars out and looks at “I have him! But Emma doesn’t know and she can never know about this. She has forbidden us to kill anyone who is left of them. She can’t stand us getting sucked into the darkness again! That's why I'm here! | need you to take care of it for us!” | say and look at him. He understands perfectly what | mean.

“just getthere! And | can promise he will begto end his life!” he says with eagerness in his voice.

“There is something else you need to know!” | say and look over at Kian. The bag is laying on the floor beside his feet.

He has to get the whole picture before going after him! Chapter 78 Selena pov No one says a word and waits forto continue.

“When | woke up in the village, Jessie and Zoey had gone after the rogues who fled from the village when we came. | went after them and found them right in the forest with shouses that appears to belong to the rogues. There where a fight and | manages to rescue several who were kidnapped when more rogues cwith kidnapped women. At that t| had used up too much of my energy and it cdown to giving my people a chance to escape or surrender!” | didn’t get to explain more when | hear an angry growl and snap my head to look at Kian.

“Next tjust send for us instead! Don’t go after them alone” he says and | see him struggle to calm down.

Giving him a nod before continuing.

“that’s the way the Alpha found us! The bald man who held the women is the one who hurt Emma and he is the one in charge of the men who cthere. You know the rest of what happened with the rogues and the Alpha. | have everyone captive in my pack!” | say and sit back in my seat and look at them all.

“what more?” Kian says and he already has guessed there is more to the story.

“When | had teleported everyone exceptand Jessie she was searching in the houses if there was something important and what we cto find was a whole room with notes and maps all over the walls and table in a large room!” “what was on them?” his father says and | look at him.

“notes of kidnapped people, where they have taken pack members from, maps over every area, where the kingdom is best to hit. Details of how they are going to hit the kingdom to be able to win! everything you can think of where there!” | say and see them look at each other.

“We have to go there and hope sof the things are still there! We need those papers” his father says with eagerness in his voice.

“the papers aren't there!” | say and they all snap their heads to look at me.

“We were hurrying to get everything down when another group of rogues cto the place. | had got a warning from Emma to leave all the papers and get out of there. | didn’t want to leave them when | felt this energy reaching out to mine and | didn’t like what | felt. A man cup to the room we were inside of. Everything went so fast when Jessie took him out and | opened a portal to get us out of there. | had to snatch all the papers | could off the wall when we dragged the man with us and had to flee through the portal!” | say and drag a hand through my hair before pointing to the bag on the floor. | see them all look down at it before looking back at me.

“I almost managed to get them all with us, just a few were left!” | say when his father walks over to where | am fast and dragup on my feet and wrapsup in his arms.

“I'm not okay with you putting yourself at such a risk but you are one hell of a woman!” he says when | hear Kian walk over to us.

“Now let my woman go!” he says and his father letsgo and Kian grabs my arm and pullshard against his chest.

“I won't say anything about it but just don’t do it again!” he says and sniffing on my shoulder before he kisses my cheek.

“chere and look at this!” | hear his father say when Kian letsgo and places his arm around my waist.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Walking over to the other side of the table where his father has started to take out the first paper.

“lethelp you get them out in the order they were placed in the room!” | say and take the bag from him. They all start to clear the table of the papers laying there when | start to take them out and place them in separate piles on the table.

“These were all on the walls, each pile on a separate wall, and these in the middle were all on the table. This last pile is from the wall where | didn’t manage to get everything down from” | say and take a step to the side.

| see them all start to go through the piles on the table and their expression says it all when they see what | have already seen.

“That's why | wanted you to know it all before you head over to the rogues! They might have useful information even if | don’t think you will be able and get anything out of the bald man! He is nothing but evil” | say and look at Cannon. He turns his head and looks atwith a smirk on his lips.

“Trust| have been able to break the worse kinds of men before! Just getthere!” he says and starts to walk over to the door.

“I'm going to put sclothes in a bag then I'm ready,” he says before walking out of the room. Looking at the closed door when | feel Kian behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pullstight against him.

“stay! | can send several of my warriors over to help protect your borders with Cannon. | want to have stalone with you.” he says and | guess he understands what I'm thinking about.

“We have a lot of papers to go through and it would be good to have you here and help us go over them! Let Kian send smen with Cannon “I hear his father say and turn to look at him when the door is shoved open again and Cannon comes bursting inside with a bag in his hand and still as bloody. Raising an eyebrow at him.

“don’t see the point in washing it off! I will only get more onin a bit!” he says and crosses his arms over his chest like that's the end of the discussion.

“I have to get hand take a shower and get dressed. Haven't eaten in a long time!” | say and try to get out of his hold on me.

“I have both a shower and a bathtub here. Your bag with clothes is still here and I have a kitchen with food. Just tellwhat you want! Next excuse?” | hear him say next to my ear and holdhard. | have run out of reasons to not stay here and it would probably be for the best. If Emma seesshe will know something is up right away.

“I will send smen with Cannon and we can be over there in an instant if anything happens!” he continues to try and persuadewhen | haven't answered him.

“Alright! But we can’t send more than what Cannon wants to have with him to the rogues or Emma will know something is up!” | say and look at Cannon. | see his eyes glance over quickly.

“They are on their way over!” he says and in only a short moment two men cwalking inside and stand beside him. | can understand why he wants to bring them! They have the sappearance as him. Bloody and the sexpression on their faces.

Shaking my head at them all.

“Alright! Letknow how it goes and if there are any problems!” | say and open a portal at the side. No one of them hesitates to go through and I close it once they are through. Mind linking Jacob they are right outside the prison and what they are there for before ending the link.

“I'm glad you decided to stay!” he says and turnsaround in his arms.

“We need to get the rest in here to help with all this and | will go and get sfood for us!” | hear his father say before walking out of the room and closing the door after him. Leaving us alone in there! Kian hooks a finger under my jaw and tilts my head up to look at him.

“how about we take a hot bath together!” he says and captures my lips with his and my core instantly start to throb at the thought of his naked body close to mine in the water.