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I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (Web Novel)

Chapter 719
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《Analysis of the individual named Sibylla, completed》

『Ooh! Announcer-san, for real!?』


How reliable she was!

It seems that Announcer-san's highly sharpened observational skills had spotted something.

《Based on observations, the individual named Sibylla possesses an estimated 27 different resistance skills》

『27, resistance skills? Seriously?』

《Yes, and all of them is at a high level. The secret of the individual named Sibylla's defense ability is the results of the combination of Pain Nullification and Instant Regeneration skill》

I was surprised that the first possibility I eliminated was actually the right one.

So, it's not one super strong damage reduction skill, but just numerous resistance skills?

But how is that possible? I know how to gain resistance skills, even the people in this world should understand the concept of it.

It's very simple after all. One just need to keep taking damage from anything they want to be resistant to. But there shouldn't be anyone who could possesses numerous resistance skills. Even among high-level adventurers, I had never heard of anyone who possessed a large number of high-level resistance skills.

That's because it is too much of a struggle to even raise a single resistance skill's level. It could even take forever.

After all, if one wants to increase their resistance level, they must also increase their offense power to match the resistance skill level.

I wonder how much time and suffering is needed to get to Sibylla level.

She should have been leading a life of being tortured from morning to night for decades to achieve her current level.

「Well, how do we gonna overcome this after knowing her secret now」

I exchanged information with Announcer-san as Fran and Sibylla resumed their exchanges.

《Her resistance to divine attribute and punches seems to be lower than the others》

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『For her to have that many resistance skill, wouldn't it be a good idea to attack her until she ran out of magic?』

《No. It is estimated that due to some factor, less magic power is consumed at the time of activation. Also, she seems to possess a magic tool in her body》

『Magic tool?』

《The details are unknown, but it appears that the magic tool is sealed inside her body and is currently helping her by drawing in enormous magic power to supply her. Therefore, it is possible for her to continuously use powerful skills for quite a long time》

『It's similar to me that's helping Fran with my magic huh』

《Yes. If things continued like this, there's a 59% chance that we will run out of magic power first》

That's not a reassuring odd, isn't it…

『What do you think we should do then?』

《Currently, there are four immediately feasible options》

『Four options!』

As expected of Announcer-san!

《The first option is attacking with all we got. If we take full advantage of Potential Release, Sword God Transformation, Divine Attribute Manipulation, and all magic skills, there's an 88% chance of finishing her off by doing so, even after taking her resistance skills into account》

『That's certainly possible, but… I don't really want to use Potential Release』

Even if we were to win here, we would go into semifinals in tatters. And there is also the risk of losing our lives from using it. But since there's the Cradle of Time, wouldn't we be okay? But what if it is triggered on Sibylla first and will not get triggered on Fran? It's still too much of a gamble in the end.

《The second option is using Teleport to transport and leave Sibylla as far away as possible. It appears that the rules have been revised since last year's tournament, and if the participant are outside the barrier for more than three minutes, they would be considered to have abandoned》

Fran's use of teleport to get out of the barrier last year seemed to be the reason for the rule change. It would certainly be difficult for her to come back within 3 minutes if we dumped her out of the town.

『But if we do that…』

Fran would not be satisfied with such win. And neither would the audience. Even if we won, we would definitely be booed. If that's the case, I think it would be better to go head-on and lose.

What makes this three-minute rule troublesome is that it makes it difficult for us to use tactics like filling the inside of the barrier with water or sucking the air out to create a vacuum under three minutes, as we need to be outside of the barrier to do so. And I don't think Sibylla will suffocate in just three minutes.

Mordred's lava that was in our Dimensional Storage is also likely to be ineffective against Sibylla's unusually high-level resistance.

《The third option is to use self-evolution points to make a breakthrough. Although it is not certain because the opponent's strength is unknown, using the 52 points we currently possess could give us a promising solution》

『Such as?』

《Such as attributes that we have not been using in our attacks. Sibylla doesn't seem to have any resistance to Moonlight Magic and Necromancy》

Well, it's a reasonable plan, but it's not foolproof… We don't even know her skills set yet, so there's no guarantee that we will win even if we enhance those attributes.

There should be the safest and surest option.

『What is the last option?』

《The fourth option is to use the Blessing of the Goddess of Chaos》

『Eh? But wasn't that an incomprehensible blessing to be resistance to chaos…?』

《The power of chaos is detected from within Sibylla. So, there's no doubt that one of the sources of her strength is the power of chaos》

『For real? Could it be, she's related to dungeon? Or perhaps, she possesses something similar to the Blessing of the Goddess of Chaos?』

《The details are unknown. However, if we convert the blessing's influence over chaos into attack power, it is possible to use it to greatly reduce her power》

『But is that even possible?』

《Yes. The blessing doesn't have any direct damaging power, but it has great potential. It can also have various effects depending on the will of the blessing's bearer. But for now, try to be aware of the blessing existence》

I then turned my thoughts to find the blessing of the Goddess of Chaos that was supposed to be inside me. But I couldn't quite get a sense of it.


《More deeper. Focus on the root of the individual named Master》


Then I become aware of my deepest self.

It even gave me a chill.

After all, there's Fenrir and the pieces of the evil god's slumbering within me. The memories of the time when they ran amok in the beastman country even came back at me.

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It must have been the effect of the Madness skill.

《It'll be fine. I'm here with you》


As if guided by Announcer-san's voice, my mind refocuses.



My consciousness touches a warm object. I see, it feels very similar to the power that the Goddess of Chaos released. This must be the blessing we're looking for.

Then I tried to draw out its power with my consciousness.

『What a terrific power!』

《I will assist with the control. Individual named Master, use this power for the Individual named Fran. Please be mindful of what kind of power you want to use》

『What kind of power…』

《Convert this blessing's influence over chaos into attack power to destroy chaos》

Then I released the power overflowing from the blessing of the Goddess of Chaos from within me to the outside world, stopped the power that could wildly rage by itself, and clothed it on my own blade.


『Sorry to keep you waiting, Fran』

Fran, who was bewildered by the divine attribute that suddenly doubled its output, soon had a wry smile on her face.

She must have understood that I had awakened to a new power. In contrast, the expression on Sibylla's face was become somewhat grim.

「Hahaha! What happened to you? Suddenly you've become very intimidating!」

She must have sensed with her instinct that was as sharp as ever that Fran was now a threat to her. For the first time since this battle began, Sibylla took the distance herself.

However, she immediately glared at Fran with an expression more menacing than ever. She must have been angered by her own actions.

『Use this power to cut her down』

「Nn. I'll cut you」

「Hahahahah! Just try it if you can!」