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How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 274: Isaac’s Imagination (2)
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‘Once is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is fate’, so they say. But even that’s just talk; from the fourth or fifth tonward, it’s just destiny.

Encountering various cultures in my past life has endowedwith boundless imagination, which I channel into writing my . The problem is that what happens in my could happen in a fantasy world, and I’m living in a fantasy world now.

The reason why things explode whenever a new book is released might be because of this. Moreover, because I’m meticulously adhering to the realism standards of this world, the impact has greatly increased.

If I had written a martial arts first, people would have just marveled, and none of this would have happened. Besides, I don’t know much about martial arts, so I couldn’t write it even if I tried.

What if I were to write a martial arts now? Perhaps they’d say there’s a new continent across the sea.

In this situation, I can’t help but doubt myself. Although I’ve already received Luminous’s confirmation, every tthis happens, I wonder if the gods are lying.

Of course, gods don’t lie. At the very least, they reveal only the truth although ambiguously.

This applies even when conversing with gods. If you can directly converse with a god, that god is almost on par with a sage.

If such a god were to fall into corruption due to their own lies, it could also greatly harm their own sanctity, so they hardly ever lie.

Above all, gods have the ability to glimpse into the future. They know better than anyone when to lie and when not to.

[You are not a regressor. We said that your’s is a soul from another dimension, right? Why do you keep doubting it?]

‘How could I not doubt it in this situation?’

[It’s because of the cultural difference. It’d be different if you wrote about wars originating from Earth, but you’re writing fantasy s based on your standards. As I said earlier, if this is a lie, I’ll give you my godhood.]

After the unexpected bingo, something I had never even thought of, I made tto visit the Mora Temple. Mora was pleased with my sudden visit, but as I probed, she kindly explained everything, albeit grumbling a bit.

She insisted that all the incidents that occurred related to Xenon’s Biography, even risking her own divinity, were mere coincidences in reality. I am definitely not a regressor or a prophet.

Most importantly, the reason my soul transcended dimensions and chere was not due to the intervention of gods but rather a mistake of a devil worshiper. Firmly drawing the line even betting her own divinity, I had nothing to say. I was just frustrated with the consecutive jackpots happening right now.

[It might be difficult to accept or understand. But as you know, Earth is centuries ahead of our world in terms of civilization. Especially in terms of scientific and cultural advancements, it’s at a much higher level. Imagine throwing a lighter to primitive beings who haven’t discovered fire yet. That’s how big of a cultural shock it would be.]

‘Isn’t that an exaggerated explanation?’

[It’s a bit exaggerated, but it’s about that scale. Especially since you incorporated realism into Xenon’s Biography, right? The problem is that it’s too realistic. The contamination of the roots of the World Tree becthe detonator. And reality itself is stranger than fiction, isn’t it?]

‘After hearing that, I’m speechless.’

Mora’s words echoed that reality is more like a movie, a , and the incidents themselves. This is a saying that even applies in a world inundated with cultural media pouring out on Earth.

However, the problem is that all sorts of bizarre incidents happen with every piece of writing I produce. I let out a deep sigh.

I’ve practically given up on why these incidents occur, but confiding in Mora was justwanting to vent somewhere.

The beings who understood my situation best were the gods. When you think about it, wouldn’t they be the least bothered by the current situation?

[Right? It’s actually great, isn’t it?]

‘Excuse me?’

[From our perspective, beyond just being a blessing in disguise, your existence is luck itself. You may have received sflak from the gods of Earth, but with just your existence alone, you’ve not only brought peace to our world but also propelled its progress. In your world’s language, you could say cost-effectiveness? Efficiency? Anyway, something like that is excellent!]

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‘··· ···’

It’s always on my mind, but unlike Luminous, Mora’s demeanor is somewhat lighter. Each of those light-hearted remarks still exudes dignity, making the feeling even more peculiar.

Sometimes she seems like a naive girl, yet endlessly gentle to children, like an older sister. It’s a clear contrast to the refined Luminous.

‘Fine, efficiency, but where did you learn the term ‘cost-effectiveness’?’

[We’ve learned a bit about Earth since you chere. It’s a word we picked up there.]


It’s not self-praise, however, I, as a person, am indeed the epitof cost-effectiveness.

Firstly, I’m just an ordinary human, neither demon nor elf, with almost no ambition for power. Moreover, I don’t even harbor ideologies that could pose a threat to the gods.

Merely with one piece of writing, not only did I save the demons but also advanced the world’s culture, so finding a better cost-performance rathan this might be difficult.

[No ambition for power, no ideologies threatening us, and no desire for honor. Truly a pumpkin rolled from a patch! Do you understand why we find you charming?]

‘So, to sum it up…’

I pondered deeply upon the compliments, which were not exactly compliments. While the phrase ‘a pumpkin rolled from a patch’ seemed fitting, it still needed clarification.

‘The devil worshiper who was threatening this world made a mistake in summoning and the soul on Earth died, and the soul chere to resolve the situation?’

[That’s right?]

‘But then, that soul, as mentioned earlier, has no interest whatsoever in power, ideologies, or honor, and is simply someone who writes as a pure hobby? Yet, their writing has propelled peace and progress in this world?’

[That’s also correct?]

‘I’m sorry, but how many dimensions are there? Specifically, planets where humanity resides, like Earth.’

[Beyond the units humanity can count?]

‘In that case, it’s only natural forto have doubts!’

Upon closer scrutiny, it’s not just nonsensical; it’s almost in the realm of impossibility.

Even if we were to consider the probability of 1 in 8 million of winning the lottery, breaking through that probability is akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

How incredibly unlucky must one be to defy those odds and chere, piercing through all those probabilities?

It would probably be much more likely to say I wrote it under the constraint of regressing but losing all my memories.

[Don’t get too excited, dear. It’s only because of sfoolish act by a devil worshiper, your coming here was all a coincidence. But if you still can’t believe it, it can’t be helped, but just know that we haven’t lied to you about anything.]

‘…I got too excited. I’m sorry.’

I found myself in a situation where I can’t get used to it, even though I tried to. Every tsomething happens, the gazes of those aroundwho used to be friendly gradually turn strange.

Surprisingly, Marie, with her simple personality, can just brush it off, but Cecily is the problem. The gazes directed athave exceeded the level of affection due to the situation that has exploded this time.

Should I say that Kate is just a step above? Although her unique demanding personality remains, it’s not easy now that it’s combined with a love bordering on worship.

To make matters worse, it’s an event closely related to the demons. Even though it’s been discarded, it was a wicked and heinous plan that could have destroyed Helium in one fell swoop.

It’s chaos even in Helium when this fact is disclosed. First and foremost, it’s a given that all citizens will join forces to search for the missing persons.

Besides, they started saying that gifts must be prepared for Xenon, statues must be erected for him, and so on. Just stepping outside, I can hear anxious voices.

[Since it’s cto this, why not enjoy it?]

‘Even if I want to enjoy it, it’s hard because of the pressure.’

It’s terrifyingly burdensto becfamous to the point of almost being worshiped, unlike if it were just ordinary fame.

Just slightly deviating from here will have a terrifying backlash.

If it comes out that all of this is just a coincidence, I can’t even imagine the kind of reaction that will cback around.

[No need to worry about that. You have the incredible merit of being a ‘reincarnator’. After all, we did summon you here, didn’t we? If you use that well, everything will make sense.]

‘But wouldn’t lying be necessary then? Speople might doubt my existence…’

[Us bringing you here is the truth. So, don’t worry at all; just keep writing as you are. Got it?]

Mora’s encouragement slightly lightened the burden on my heart. Knowing that the gods were watching overreassured me.

I still can’t believe all of this is just a coincidence, but since Mora staked her own divinity on it, I guess I have to believe now.

‘Alright. Thank you so much for listening to my complaints.’

[It’s okay. It’s our duty to listen to the grievances of my beloved children. Anything else you need? Maybe sdivine power?]

‘I’ll take the divine power. And may I ask one more thing?’

[Ask away, whatever it is.]

I’m currently writing Vol21 in Helium. However, I abruptly halted my work like lightning striking out of nowhere and cstraight to Mora’s temple.

While part of it was to vent my frustrations, it was also to find out about the future, similar to the spoiler incident last time.

It’s better to be struck by lightning under overcast skies than in the dry heavens like this. It’s a kind of preparation.

I have no intention to change the contents of Vol21 anyway. In fact, because Xenon’s Biography itself is well-structured, it’s difficult to make modifications.

‘There is one thing in the current Vol21 that is closely related to demons. It’s a setting where when one’s life is in danger, their inner evil takes over and fights instead.’


‘I was wondering if something similar actually happened.’

The Pandemonium upheaval plan mentioned in Vol20 was created 300 years ago, but it still was an event that almost happened in reality as well. Starting from the contamination of the World Tree roots, there have been countless incidents until now.

So I asked a similar question like I did to Luminous in regards to corrupt priests.

And the answer that cback then was ‘Yes’. I can’t describe to you how surprised everyone was at that moment. Even when I told Kate about this fact by quoting a proverb, she handled it on her own. I heard that it was resolved in the form of ‘divine punishment’, where a chandelier fell on the clergyman’s head.

From the reader’s perspective, it felt like being spoiled unexpectedly in real life, so I personally named it “Spoiler Incident.”

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So I asked the question about whether the demonization of Jin in Vol21 would be similar.

[Oh. That? There are similar things. More precisely, it’s like becoming a demon when your life is in danger.]

‘Are there any demons among the demon race who maintain their sanity even after becoming devils? I heard that all the hardliners among the demons have undergone devilization.’

[Does that include demons who are driven by vengeance and rage but still think? If that’s the case, then yes, that can happen.]


I listened to Mora’s words and pondered deeply. Although there are many ambiguous corners, the militant faction of the demons stands in contrast to Helium.

Long ago, sdemons barely escaped the massacre perpetrated by Xavier, now harboring blades of vengeance. Currently, there are indications of saligning with devil worshippers, a force that Reapers are tirelessly pursuing.

Though their numbers are few, each individual wields formidable power due to embracing the strength of devils. Currently in hiding, their actions remain unknown to all, even posing difficulties for Helium to find clues, causing frustration.

‘Well, what about this scenario? Instead of restraining inner evil, they fully surrender to it, harnessing it as their own power.’

[In that case, it doesn’t exist. Considering demons have only ‘restrained’ inner evil so far, you can infer there’s no demon attempting to ‘control’ it.]

Then I guess I can write more comfortably. Even when Jin turns into a demon, Lily’s presence is even greater for him, so he manages to return to his original form.

As if reflecting the will not to beca demon, I added a scene where he breaks the demon’s hallmark, the ‘horns,’ by himself.

In reality, it’s known that demons grow horns due to black mana. But in literature, demons all possess horns, which bectheir hallmark.

‘Then it’s fine. There’s no such person in reality. Even the hardliners are treated as devils.’

[Hmm… Not really. Not now.]

‘…Not now?’

Something felt off. As soon as I heard Mora’s ambiguous remark, I narrowed one eye.

Wasn’t she implying that it might not occur in reality right away, but it could in the future? But Mora either had no intention to explain or simply diverted the topic.

[That’s not the important thing now, is it? A great danger is looming in the near future.]

‘What? What do you mean?’

Her attempt to change the subject seemed suspicious. Hearing about a significant danger approaching in the near future was startling to me. Up until now, the crises seemed trivial. But when Mora spoke, the gravity of it felt different.

Tense, I waited for Mora’s next words. But she opened her mouth with a mischievous tone.

[There’s actually a really good way to overcthis crisis… but I’m afraid you might refuse.]

‘…Another strange thing, isn’t it?’

[That’s why I don’t like people who catch on quickly. Anyway, if you want to escape, cto my temple exactly three days from now. Got it?]

It felt unsettling, but since it was an oracle, I had to listen. Although I couldn’t help but wonder what the future had in store.



‘I trust you, Mora.’

[Of course. Just trust me.]

It madeeven more suspicious.

Translators note: