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How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 239: Magnificent (4)
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When does a person feel ‘shame’?

When the other person insults them? That’s correct.

When their weaknesses are exposed to the world? That’s also true.

When they feel unnecessary embarrassment from observing someone else’s actions? That’s also true.

Each person experiences shame or embarrassment in different ways.

However, just as one cannot retrieve words once spoken, many experience shame after blurting out anything just to win an argument.

Realizing later, but just as I said a moment ago, once spoken, words cannot be taken back. Such situations often result in what’s commonly referred to as ‘throwing a blanket over it.’

Moreover, if the words spoken were particularly sensitive in a relationship between a man and a woman? If they unexpectedly popped out?

“Uh… Arwen?”

“··· ···”

The Queen of Alvenheim, even if she ruled over the elves, couldn’t bear the overwhelming embarrassment and hid her body. That’s exactly how Arwen was right now. She bravely made a statement announcing Elvish communism, but after a brief silence, she immediately hid.

Where? Under the blanket. So embarrassed that she didn’t even think about it not being her own blanket, she promptly covered herself entirely without hesitation. Afterward, she climbed onto the bed, wrapping herself tightly like a silkworm, ignoring my cautious calls without a response.

‘This is just…’

I smiled awkwardly, observing Arwen wrapped in a blanket on the bed.

The initial silence just wouldn’t fade away. Her statement about wanting to share a bed with me echoed as if it were an unforgettable illusion. What followed was as everyone had expected. Realizing the situation belatedly, her face turned crimson, and became a blanket silkworm

It’s embarrassing even for the listener, but how would she feel? Thanks to that, her feelings could be understood perfectly. Somehow, I couldn’t help but think she was like a child. However, that too was a trap that fit Arwen’s appearance extremely well.

Yet, if this continues, Arwen might never emerge from under the blanket. I must somehow soothe the situation to prevent this awkward moment from lingering any further.

Glancing at Cecily discreetly, she was sitting there with one corner of her mouth upturned in a helpless expression.

Arwen felt a sense of embarrassment and was visibly squirming inwardly, while Cecily stood there in utter bewilderment, unable to utter a word. Cesily’s expression, one of disbelief, seemed as if she was seeing something for the first time.

“C-come on, Arwen?”

“··· ···”

“Arwen, say something.”

Even after calling her name several times, Arwen didn’t even flinch. Wondering if I had called too softly, I climbed onto the bed. As I did, Arwen, wrapped tightly in the blanket like a silkworm cocoon, visibly twitched.

Though she might not have heard any sound, she must have felt the vibrations and realized that I had approached. After a while, she brought what seemed like her head out from the blanket and reluctantly spoke.

“That’s my blanket. Are you planning to keep doing that?”



The words seemed quite provocative to Arwen at that moment, as the edge of the blanket fluttered, covering her face. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for her to completely emerge from the blanket.

Eventually, the blanket, which had been fluttering vigorously, slid down, and like a silkworm turning into a butterfly, Arwen emerged from within. As she cleared the blanket that had covered my face…


“··· ···”

Now, I discovered Arwen lying face down in the corner without even covering herself with a blanket. I was speechless at the sight.

Though she seemed to be trying not to meet my eyes at all costs, her posture forced me to glance in her direction.

A ripe and tantalizingly large peach was right in front of me. All unnecessary; a single word could deduce the situation perfectly.

She was lying as if bowing towards the wall, yet her posture showcased an impressive backline.

Her normally noticeable pelvis, now bent over, compelled me to stare as if enchanted. She emitted a charm as fatal as Cecily’s chest.

“You’re quite the seductress, Your Majesty. Boasting so brazenly.”

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Cecily retorted in a teasing tone, seemingly displeased with Arwen’s posture.

Only then did Arwen realize the situation and silently rose from her place.

Yet, she continued to face the wall, now on her knees, pressed tightly against it.

What’s amusing is that despite her efforts, she couldn’t conceal her backline. Ironically, every change in posture highlighted her strengths to the fullest.

I think I might just end up fixating on Arwen’s pelvic line if I keep going like this. I pulled myself together and placed my hand on her shoulder.

As soon as I placed my hand on her shoulder, Arwen’s body trembled noticeably. She even shook all over.

Thinking it was unnecessary for her to shake so much, I slowly pulled her shoulder. At first, she resisted as if pushing back, but when I pulled firmly, she slowly turned her head.

And then…


“Sniff. Don’t… stop…”

I found myself facing Arwen, her slate-gray eyes filled with teardrops. Her face seemed as though it could explode any moment, flushed red and lips tightly sealed.

Arwen, who normally showed increased emotions in private situations rather than as a queen, seemed to be overwhelmed by emotions she couldn’t control, unable to overcome unbearable shame and embarrassment.

Looking at her, who already appeared distant and far from maturity, crying made her seem like a young child. Maybe it’s just my misconception that’s making my heart ache so much.

“Are you crying?”

“S-sniff. I-I’m not crying…!”

No, you definitely are. Your nose is as red as a ripe strawberry.

While thinking this, Arwen hurriedly wiped away her tears with her small, adorable hands. Although I wished I could help her by wiping them away with a handkerchief, she had already wiped them all, leaving me with no chance to lend a hand. Cecily was watching beside us, so I had to be mindful.

For a while, Arwen wiped her tears, unaware that the tip of her nose had turned red, and finally managed to speak in a nasal voice.

“I-If, if it’s about those words just now, pretend you didn’t hear it. I feel so embarrassed I could die…”

“Um… okay.”

I almost blurted out “I don’t want to,” but I barely restrained myself. If I make a joke here, I might actually start crying. Arwen might resent me. Even if I’m not like that, there’s no law saying Cecily can’t be. Instead, she seemed to take pleasure in teasing as if she had found a weakness.

“You know, words spoken can’t be taken back, right? Honestly, saying it once might not be so bad. It might cause a big fuss, but…”



I looked at Cecily with a ‘Please stop’ expression, and Arwen covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Whether she said it or not, Cecily only showed her mischievousness by sticking out her tongue in a teasing manner.

Once Arwen comes back in a little while, I’ll have to give her a real scolding. Seeing her act like that, she must secretly want it.

“Sigh… I’m sorry. What am I doing, acting like a child…”

“You know it now. I didn’t expect you to have such a preference.”

“It’s not a pre-preference! Don’t misunderstand!”

Anyway, the situation eventually settled down, and Arwen fanned herself, trying to cool down her flushed face.

Of course, sometimes when she glanced at my face, it would heat up again, which was a futile gesture. It seems impossible even with magic.

Originally, it was a dispute between elves and demons, but it suddenly turned into a showdown between chests and hips, eventually ending in elf-style communism as usual.

Both Cecily and Arwen seemed to sense that if they continued to argue, it might veer into strange territory, so they began to be careful with their words.

“Then, do most demons have the same physique as you?”

“It’s not common to have a big chest like mine. Because historically, due to harsh environments, it was necessary to safely bear children. Do elves not have such a thing?”

“Elves don’t have that history, but before engaging in sexual relations, they visit temples for blessings. If they conceive with such divine blessings, the child inherits all the physical talents of the parents. Even in hybrids, there’s no difference between a pureblood elf and one with mixed blood due to this.”

Thanks to this, I also learned about the cause of the superiority of elf genes. I learned in class that elves view sexual relations as a kind of sacred ritual.

However, it’s the first time I’ve heard of visiting a temple to receive sacred power. The fact that this sacred power permeates into the child and inherits the talents of the parents.

There might be a question about whether humans can do the same, but being an elf means fully accepting the sacred power; it’s not the same for humans. Let’s first understand why they are referred to as a race chosen by the gods.

At first glance, one might think that the gods discriminate, but instead, humans inherited an infinite reproductive capacity. Ancestors leave behind knowledge, and their descendants use that knowledge as a stepping stone for development, which is incredibly advantageous.

‘Not some transcendent race.’

But looking at history, that statement is partially true. Elves were strong from the start, while humans are a race with an incredible capacity for development.

I briefly looked into the characteristics of humans again and then shifted my gaze to Arwen.

If she inherited all physical talents, why is Arwen so small in stature? Her hips are incredibly well-formed, but her height is quite disappointing.

Perhaps sensing my gaze, Arwen blushed momentarily, cleared her throat, and quietly spoke up.

“Um. Um. Why are you staring at me like that? It’s uncomfortable.”

“Just wondering why you’re so short.”

“My father… forgot and didn’t fully receive the sacred power.”

“I see.”

That curiosity was neatly resolved. Arwen glanced at my now-relaxed face, smirked slightly, then sighed.

She looked at me with a provocative gaze and then casually spoke.

“So, where do you feel the most confident?”

“Huh? Me?”

“Yeah. It’s been unfair for us to talk only. So, it’s your turn to speak.”

Once again, Arwen brought up an Elvish-style communist statement. I blinked my eyes when I heard the question. It seemed like she was challenging me to touch upon my own complexes. I felt a bit uneasy.

Scratching my head, pondering how to answer, Cecily, who was nearby, intervened.

“Maybe you could say you’re similar to the queen.”


“What are you talking about?”

Our gazes shifted towards her at that comment. What could it mean that my physical advantages might be similar to Arwen’s? Even I couldn’t understand.

When I was still pondering the meaning behind Cecily’s words, she flashed a teasing smile and answered in a subtle voice.

“Isaac is also excellent in the lower body like the queen.”

“··· ···”

I should have expected that. Cecily really knows how to use seductive remarks. That’s the princess for you.

Even just hearing it made me cover my face with one hand in embarrassment at the joke. It seemed that just as she used to do in the past, she was teasing Arwen, and it sounded like it was hitting close to home this time.

“Lower body? Has Isaac’s pelvis developed? I’ve never heard of a human man having a developed pelvis, even if women do.”

At first, it didn’t seem to register over there. Arwen grinned and shifted her gaze towards my lower body.

Arwen, who had been staring at my lower body for quite some time, seemed to have something come to mind; suddenly, she stiffened visibly. Subsequently, starting from her neck, her face turned crimson all the way to her ears.

Hmm. Finally, it seems it struck her over there. I hoped that side would remain pure, but perhaps I relied too much on the mixed blood.

Flap flap flap

How excited must she be for her typically elongated elven ears to twitch up and down? I’ve read in a book that when an elf experiences intense emotions, their ears wiggle up and down.

This is the first time I’ve seen it with my own eyes. That probably means Arwen’s emotions are in turmoil.

Fortunately, was the embarrassment a kind of preventative measure just now? Arwen, with eyes spinning before turning around, managed to open her mouth slightly.

“W-Well, I think I understand what you mean. It’s important for a man’s l-lower body to be considered for… ahem… good childbirth.”


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“Ah, it’s fine. You don’t have to be too embarrassed. I’m an adult too, I can accept this kind of joke just fine.”

For someone who said that, her ears kept twitching up and down, this elf.

On the other hand, Cecily was suppressing her laughter, enjoying Arwen’s reaction as she turned her head. She wanted to squeeze out a chuckle, but for now, she must hold it in.

Amidst the awkward situation, Arwen barely managed to cool down the heat on her face. Yet, her gaze kept returning to my side.

“Phew… Anyway, you’re overdoing it, Princess of Helium. Don’t tease too much.”

“Oops. Sorry, I apologize. Your Majesty is just too adorable…”

Cecily apologized, wiping away tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Calling a queen adorable might be impolite, but it signifies their closeness.

Arwen, nonchalantly, got up quietly from her seat. I raised my gaze as she stood.

“Are you leaving now?”

“Yeah. I’d love to stay longer, but time won’t wait.”

“You can come visit anytime.”

“Thank you. But Isaac, can I ask you one thing before I leave?”

“What is it?”

The moment of parting was imminent. Though brief, the time spent was meaningful, making the impending farewell more poignant.

Arwen gazed at my sitting face for a moment and softly curved her lips upward. Her smile held deep affection and warmth.

As I was drawn into her grayish eyes, she spoke quietly.

“When I read Xenon’s Biography, I was certain, but the more I meet you, the more confused I become. Isaac, are you a prophet or someone from the future, as the world speculates? Siris said it wasn’t so.”

“Are you saying that too? No way. That’s all nonsense.”

It was so absurd that I burst out laughing. I waved my hand dismissively as if it was nothing.

Ordinary people might believe me here, but Arwen didn’t seem convinced.

Watching my reaction, she nodded as if confirming something.

“Alright. Then answer this question.”

“What is it?”


Arwen’s subsequent question was…

“Are you from a place entirely different from the world we live in?”


It was a question enough to startle me as a ‘reincarnator’ and still leave me pondering.

As soon as I heard that question, my heart raced, and a chilling sensation swept through my body.

How did she know? I’ve never explicitly mentioned being a reincarnator despite subtly revealing that I’m the author of Xenon’s Biography. From the very beginning of this life, I had no lingering attachments, so I seamlessly blended into this world. Occasionally encountering differences in common knowledge didn’t pose any problem.

Why did she ask such a question? Could it be because of the ‘restriction’ that’s been buzzing around the world? Maybe the gods put a restriction on me, so she indirectly asked through that kind of question, unable to directly reveal it? I really don’t know.

My mind was in complete disarray, utterly confused.

When I couldn’t say a word and just stood there dumbfounded, Arwen seemed more certain from my reaction and her smile grew even brighter than before.

Not just a smile, but her silver-gray eyes began to sparkle, expressing clear ‘joy.’

And then…

“If that’s the answer, it’s all good!”

With those determined words, she teleported away. But even after she left, there was something remaining…


“··· ···”

“What… what was that? Is it true?”

Cecily was staring at me with wide eyes.

Translators note: