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How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 236: Magnificent (1)
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The situation explaining why Arwen was in my dorm and reading the manuscript roughly goes like this:

Last time, Arwen mentioned it, and through letters, we discussed the possibility of meeting if time allowed. However, I’m busy in my own way, and Arwen, with her hands full of state affairs, doesn’t really need a separate explanation.

To give you an idea of how much is piled up, some elves, despite spending several nights without rest, collapsed due to overwork, or something along those lines.

Arwen’s political philosophy is awkward and challenging for elves who resist change, and furthermore, the Council of Elders, which was a symbol of Alvenheim, vanished into history.

Moreover, as I’ve mentioned before, Arwen has become much busier due to the tantrums of Fieren. Somehow, she ended up becoming the closest link to Xenon after the CEO.

Every day is a continuous stream of demanding tasks, but Arwen is also a person. Personal time is necessary, and rest is inevitable. So, after dealing with a pile of documents for several days, she came to the academy to meet me as promised.

However, because her face was somewhat known through her speech, she couldn’t simply walk in openly. She teleported to my coordinates, which she figured out through Siris, instead.

It was vague to roam outside freely, and most importantly, since she didn’t know where I was, she decided it was better to wait.

Although teleporting was a good idea, it seems she was surprised by seeing the manuscript of Xenon’s Biography Volume 18 on my desk.

Who wouldn’t be surprised to find the next volume lying right in front of them? Initially, she tried to endure it, but eventually, she seems to have succumbed to temptation.

Honestly, even I, being myself, would want to sneak a peek at the manuscript. It’s related to the next volume that can’t even be bought with money. Just a little peek, right? That thought might have crossed her mind.

The problem was that Arwen had fallen too deeply into it. Normally, she would have sensed my approach and immediately put the manuscript on the desk, but there was no chance for that.

Already cautious due to Rain’s stolen draft incident, it was a situation where one had to be careful in many ways, and unfortunately, it happened at that precise timing.

“Thankfully, at least. You didn’t steal it like someone else would have.”

“…I’m sorry.”

Cecily’s voice sounded mocking, as if she didn’t approve of Arwen’s actions. Arwen, aware of her own fault, lowered her head along with her apology.

In Cecily’s crimson eyes looking at Arwen, there was a deep suspicion and animosity. Even if the draft theft incident was Rain’s arbitrary act, Arwen’s responsibility was also substantial.

Moreover, Cecily was a demon. For demons, Xenon’s Biography was a divine grace and a book akin to scriptures.

For Rain to steal the Xenon’s Biography’ draft and now for Arwen secretly sneak in to read the manuscript made Cecily inevitably uncomfortable.

As for me, knowing that Arwen wasn’t that kind of person, I could overlook it as rather insignificant. She didn’t steal the manuscript; she just read it.

Instead, I wonder if it was really necessary for her to teleport straight to my dormitory. It seemed a bit too hasty, considering she could have been informed through Siris beforehand.

“Lift your head, Arwen. You don’t have to be too sorry. I can understand.”

“T-thank you…”

As I gently reassured her, Arwen slowly lifted her bowed head. There was a touch of emotion in her twinkling, galaxy-like gray eyes.

Now, with a difference of at least one head, she looked up at me from below. Already looking younger than her age, her eyes were moist, making me feel apologetic. It’s almost unfair to be looked up at with such a youthful appearance.

I barely restrained the urge to stroke Arwen’s head and started with a question instead.

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“I understand why you came to my dorm. But couldn’t you have informed me through Siris?”

“That’s true, but wouldn’t that reduce the time we spend together?”


Cecily, who had her arms crossed, raised an eyebrow and let out a sigh. Her expression and reaction conveyed a message of ‘See this?’

Honestly, it’s a statement containing a fair amount of misunderstanding. If anyone hears it, they might mistakenly think that Arwen has feelings for me.

However, considering Arwen’s situation here, sadly, she doesn’t have anyone who could be considered a friend. When she was in Alvenheim, she couldn’t trust anyone due to the Council, and now, due to her demanding duties, she doesn’t even have the chance to build friendships.

Though she gets along with some elves, it’s still challenging to get close due to her position as a queen.

In other words, practically speaking, apart from me, there’s hardly anyone with whom she could lay down the mantle of being an Elven Queen and talk freely. Even Rain, who was her ward, was living in hiding due to a suspended sentence.

I understood Arwen’s words through appropriate filtering and nodded my head.

“Well, then, nothing can be done. But…”

I paused, clouding my words momentarily as I glanced beneath Arwen’s face. Due to the height difference, only the face was visible, but as my gaze shifted downward, a striking outfit caught my attention.

Arwen typically wore a silver-gray dress that complemented her hair color, snugly fitted like a knitted one-piece. Even now, she wore a similar style of dress, but the issue lay with the side.

The description of it being ‘ripped at the sides’ seemed fitting, as it was quite boldly exposed. Arwen already boasted a superior hip line, and this dress, emphasizing it further, drew all attention in that direction.

Whether she skillfully utilized her strengths or simply chose without much thought, I couldn’t tell. Knowing Arwen’s personality, it was probably the latter. She likely just put on whatever was handed to her.

“Hey there? Where are you looking?”

Arwen, sensing my gaze, grinned and questioned me. Judging by that expression, it was evident she had no idea what she was wearing. If this was all an act, she must be hiding a few secrets deep within. I replied somewhat nervously.

“Um… Aren’t you cold?”

“Oh, this outfit? It’s a dress I received as a gift from the noble family this time. Does it suit me well?”

It seemed she wasn’t even aware. Arwen casually rested her hands on her exposed side and swept them down to her hips.

If one were to focus solely on that act, it was bound to provoke a man’s imagination, leaving no choice but to turn a blind eye. Normally, the pelvis should remain relatively unnoticed when standing still, but Arwen’s was slender down to her waist. Clad in a tight-knit dress that emphasized every curve, her figure was distinct and well-defined.

Above all, her pelvis was her forte, yet other aspects were above average, too outstanding to ignore, despite her slightly shorter stature being a potential issue. Her proportions were excellent, making any flaws inconspicuous from afar.

‘I don’t know who gifted this, but…’

Sincerely, I want to praise whoever did. It was as if they had amplified her strengths multiple times over, truly tailor-made for Arwen. Not only did it match the queen’s position in terms of design, but it also exuded the unique nobility of an elf.

Though I’d like to discreetly admire from afar, it might lead to an embarrassing situation, especially with Cecily nearby, silently observing. She might have a mindset that doesn’t mind more women around me, but once this news reaches Marie or Nicole’s ears, it’ll escalate beyond control.

Thus, inwardly, I prayed to Luminous and, opening my closed eyes, looked at Arwen.

Arwen, as if entirely unaware of her actions, gazed up at me with innocent, silver-gray eyes. If one were to judge solely by her face, she exuded pure innocence and the distinctive nobility of an elf—a celestial being descended from the heavens.

“Well, it suits you well. They say ‘clothes are wings’(korean proverb), you look like a real angel.”

“T-that’s quite the metaphor befitting of you.”

With a generous amount of sincerity in my praise, Arwen blushed and felt embarrassed. However, she subtly touched her side, which genuinely seemed cold.

Meanwhile, there was someone not pleased with this situation. For some reason, Cecily had a sulky expression on her face.

She stood with crossed arms, observing our conversation. Then, she opened her mouth with a voice that felt sharp, as if she was poking.

“So, what are you going to do from now on?”


Only then did the shy Arwen turn her head towards Cecily. Eyes filled with dissatisfaction, a pair of reddish-brown and pure gray met each other’s gaze.

Maybe it was due to the height difference. Arwen’s gaze kept moving down and then up again. Cecilia seemed to be doing the same.

At first glance, it might seem like they were exploring each other, but I had a different thought. Maybe they were examining each other’s bodies just like I did earlier.

They each had magnificent advantages in terms of chests and hips. Moreover, their greatest advantage was not just limited to those areas but far exceeded the average in other parts as well.

Just as I was really engrossed in lascivious thoughts, Cecilia, seemingly still displeased, said to Arwen.

“By the way, Isaac and I were enjoying a rare date. But it’s very inconvenient for the queen to interfere.”

Despite her courteous words, Cecily’s tone had an underlying edge. Why interfere when we were enjoying a sweet date?

Moreover, Arwen had entered my lodging and even peeked at the manuscript, so she couldn’t possibly look kindly upon her.

“I… I’m really sorry. I just wanted some rest…”

Arwen lowered her head, expressing her regret, seemingly aware of that fact too. Seeing her drooping shoulders made me feel sorry for her.

She’s been carrying the heavy responsibility of being a queen for so long and finally had a moment of liberation. Yet, even that relaxation had been disrupted by others.

Then, after pondering for a while, she slowly raised her head to face Cecily directly. Cecily’s expression was unchanged from before.

“…Is it not possible?”


“I’m truly sorry, and I know this might sound audacious, but… even if it’s just for 10 minutes, just 10 minutes, I want to talk to Isaac.”

Arwen pleaded desperately, clasping both hands together with sparkling eyes. Her appearance was such that even Cecily couldn’t help but hesitate.

Who wouldn’t waver when a cute girl holds your hands and pleads? Especially when she’s not just an ordinary human but an elf.

While Cecily hesitated, Arwen once again pleaded in a sincere voice.

“I know very well what kind of relationship you and Isaac have. But I really want to ask like this. I’ll grant you anything you desire in return. Can’t you allow me just 10 minutes?”

“… …”

If she came out with such an attitude, even Cecily would be bewildered. Arwen is not an ordinary noble; she is the queen of Alvenheim.

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Cecily, despite being a princess of Helium, also has clear differences in position. However, coming out in such a manner puts Cecily in a somewhat awkward position.

Ultimately, Arwen was sincerely appealing. How difficult must state affairs be for her to come out with a demeanor that would kneel to the ground for the sake of a 10-minute meeting with me?

‘…Do we really have to do this?’

I wonder what Arwen thinks of me to come out like this. It could be because there’s no one else I would consider a friend, but there seems to be something more.

When I was in a perplexed state, Cecily, with a discerning mind, stared at Arwen, keeping her lips sealed, possibly having grasped the essence of that something.

When there was nothing exchanged between the two in the strange silence, Cecily sighed deeply and then quietly spoke.

“Sigh… I understand. Isaac is a sinner, whatever…”

“T-Thank you! Really, thank you!”

Even if Arwen is happy, why treat me like a criminal? Did they communicate telepathically?

As the situation became increasingly awkward, I tilted my head in confusion. Cecily, with a complex gaze, looked at me and then turned her gaze to Arwen.

Continuing, she spoke with a firm voice to Arwen, who was happily jumping around like a child.

“But! There’s a condition here.”

“What is it? I’ll do anything.”

Arwen complied with the request, wearing a happy smile as if she had obtained what she wanted, but Cecily, raising the corners of her mouth, proposed something that made Arwen hesitate.

“The conversation will happen here, at the dorm. And I will be by your side.”

“…What? That wouldn’t just be a conversation between the two of us.”

“Well, considering you ruined our date, I should get something out of it too, shouldn’t I? You shouldn’t take advantage of the situation too much.”


Arwen expressed disappointment at Cecily’s firm assertion. Well, it wasn’t the worst outcome, so she would probably find some satisfaction in it.

‘But what’s this about taking advantage of the situation?’

What on earth did the two of them discuss confidentially?


30 minutes later.

“Well, wouldn’t demons be more superior? Even if the depth of your knowledge is considered, they can’t catch up in terms of diversity.”

“Sigh. How foolish. Diversity essentially leads to versatility. We elves are the epitome of versatility.”

“Are you done talking now?”

“Haven’t you finished speaking?”

A direct confrontation between the strongest beings in the universe.

In many ways.

Translators note: