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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 705
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Chapter 705

All eyes collectively turned to the open door.

Avery, dressed in a tailored suit, was seen wheeling a frail woman into the throng of guests, making their appearance before everyone!

“Evadne, the lady in the wheelchair is?” Thaddeus whispered, puzzled.

“That’s Jeff’s first wife, Avery’s mother, Evadne looked towards Mrs. Chambers with a somber gaze. Thaddeus‘ eyes narrowed as he recalled seeing Avery’s mother once before, at Myra’s birthday party,

That time, under her son’s meticulous preparation, Mrs. Chambers appeared elegant and noble even in sickness, her beauty and demeanor still carried the grace of a distinguished lady from her younger years.

But this time, the woman’s condition was evidently much worse than before; her hair had turned ashen, her cheeks sunken, and despite the warmth of the room, she clung to a velvet blanket. Her expression revealed her discomfort under the scrutiny of strangers.

The Chambers, father and sons, were visibly shaken!

Especially Jeff, as he looked at his long–abandoned first wife, his eyes reddening inch by inch with surging fury and resentment,

He understood Avery’s motives all too well. Now that Avery had gained a foothold in the family business, his first order of business was undoubtedly to make amends with his mother for the years of neglect and sufferings she had endured,

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Betrayal, however, was betrayal.

He had branded her with disgrace for life, and nothing would change that!

And now, by bringing her here, Avery was testing his limits, and making a statement despite his outward deference, Avery was not entirely on his father’s side. He had his own agenda.

“Dad, Avery is out of line, selfish and unreasonable!”

Matthew spat venomously as he glared at Avery and his mother. “Why would he bring this crazy woman here? Is it not intentionally letting outsiders laugh at the Chambers family? We had just managed to turn the page on that incident, and now she reappears, wouldn’t that dredge up the past scandal again? He claims to respect you, but he doesn’t care about your reputation at all! This guy is far too cunning! You have truly wasted your affections on him!”

Jeff’s expression grew even darker as he listened to this.

Meanwhile, the guests murmured among themselves, casting curious glances at Mrs. Chambers.

“Is that the mysterious Mrs. Chambers? Good heavens, how has she come to this? She doesn’t look like a noble lady anymore; she’s just a withered old woman!”

“She seems to have some mental issues.”

“They say she was abandoned by the Chambers family in Helgen for years, living a life neither human nor ghost. No wonder she’s

lost her mind

“A marriage lasts a hundred days of grace, but Mr. Jeff’s heart is stone–cold!”

“Ah, Ave,” Mrs. Chambers mumbled, clutching at Avery’s sleeve, her voice trembling. “I don’t like this place. Can we go home now, pleaser

“Don’t be afraid, Mom. I’m here for you, Avery whispered reassuringly, bending down to her level. “And Evadne’s here too, look.”

Following her son’s intense gaze, Mrs. Chambers saw Evadne standing there, a vision of poise and grace.

A cheidike smde crept across the woman’s worn face, her dull eyes lighting up as she called out, “Evadne! Evadne!”

All eyes suddenly turned to Evadne.

As Avery wheeled Mrs. Chambers closer, Evadne couldn’t help but catch her breath but still managed to show a gentle and polite

Mrs Chambers, i been a while. How have you been recently?

Thaddeus lightened his grip on her waist, his jaw set, his eyes dark with barely contained surging anger.

Avery pushed his glasses up and met Thaddeus‘ gaze, a mocking scom barely concealed.

Evadne, fve missed you so much. “

Chapter 705

Mrs. Chambers said. Already stimulated by the environment, seeing Evadne now, she seemed to have found a lifeline, grasping her hand, holding it in her palm. “Have you been busy lately? Why haven’t you visited to see Ave? Are you upset with each other? Did Ave make you angry? Please don’t be mad at Ave, Evadne. You mean so much to him!”

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The whispers around them grew louder.

Although Mrs. Chambers‘ words were innocent, they sounded indiscreet to the onlookers.

“Does it sound like Ms. Evadne and Mr. Chambers have some stories?”

“Could Evadne’s ex be Avery? Haha, what a juicy drama this evening presents!”

“Then what about Mr. Thaddeus? Is he taking over or poaching?”

“Ms. Evadne sure knows how to handle men. She’s got the Elmsworth gentlemen in the palm of her hand, and with Mr. Fairhaven added, they could almost play cards together!”

The words grew more offensive by the minute.

Evadne remained cool and indifferent, her happiness rendering her immune to their venom, treating their words as mere dog farts.

But Thaddeus could not bear it.

His eyes fiashed with fury, and just as he was about to confront the gossips-

Suddenly, a clear, pleasant, yet full–of–anger voice rang out.

“I won’t let you talk about my sister–in–law like that! She’s only ever loved my second brother, only ever been with him! You don’t know her at all, how dare you speak about her like that?”