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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 530
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Chapter 530

“Mr. Abernathy, Mrs. Abernathy, this is it. This is where Beverly Higgins lives,” said Gordon, looking around nervously

Born into a family of academics, Gordon had served Mr. Abernathy loyally for years, tackling many a tough job. Yet, he had seldom ventured into the gritty neighborhoods where everyday folks struggled to survive. Today, sans b*dyguards, his anxiety was palpable.

But Thaddeus stepped out of the car with a cool composure.

A recent ram had left muddy puddles, and as Thaddeus carelessly trod into one, his handmade leather shoes were splattered with muck. He didn’t seem to mind at all.

It was like coming home

“Mr. Abernathy! Watch your step” Gordon cried out too late.

“It’s fine.” Thaddeus said, lips barely moving, nonplussed.

Evadne was about to step out when she felt herself lifted into the air. With a startled yelp, she clung to his neck.

Fearing she’d soil her clean shoes and hem, Thaddeus gave her a firm princess carry, his lips curling with a tender smile, “What’s there to be nervous about? When have I ever dropped you?”

“Whoa, a warning would’ve been nice–you scared me!

Evadne playfully punched his chest, seeing through his ruse. “Besides, it’s just a puddle. I’m not so delicate. I’ve had my share of hardships abroad. Im not that fragile”

“That was then, but now, you have me.” Thaddeus said, gently setting her down and steadying her by the waist.

Thaddeus thought, “Evadne, you have me now. You’ll be the happiest woman in the world.”

“Gordon, why take the long way to Beverly’s first?”

Evadne frowned in confusion. “The other girl’s place seemed closer. We could have stopped there before coming here, right? It would’ve been on the way.”

“Well, Mrs. Abernathy, that girl and her family refuse to see you and Mr. Abernathy Gordon sighed, finding the words difficult

“What’s the matter? Thaddeus’s eyebrows rose in concern.

“There’s no need to explain. I understand them.”“” Evadne said, taking his hand, her eyes soft yet resolute. “We’re not parents ourselves, we can’t fully empathize. The victims are vulnerable. Even the slightest thing puts them on edge. Even if we mean well our status is a threat to them. Plus, with the Chambers Group pressuring them recently it’s understandable they can’t face

fi. us.

Thaddeus’s austere features grew contemplative, and he nodded.

Those ordinary parents, without illustrious backgrounds or vast wealth, were like ants under the might of the Chambers Group A fiick of their fingers could crush them.

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They had done all they could to protect their young.

The couple shared a moment of silent empathy, a shared sorrow passing between them

The trio made their way to the top fioor.

Peeling walls, rubbish piled at the stairwell, boisterous children with no manners–every detail made Gordon’s skin crawl, wishing he could levitate and avoid contact with everything.

“Hard to stomach?”

Thaddeus wrapped an arm around Evadne, his demeanor calm, “Before returning to the Abernathy family, I lived with my mother in a slum worse than this.”

“No, Mr. Abernathy. …” Gordon started, taken aback.

“What matters isn’t the luxury but being with those you love. Wherever my mother was, that was home. After she passed, no matter how grand the Windermere Estate was, it wasn’t home to me. I miss those days of us against the world.”

Perhaps he was moved by the memory. Thaddeus’s deep eyes shimmered with unshed tears, his grip on Evadne tightening, his voice husky “Luckily, I have Evadne now. Finally, I have a home again”

Power, prestige–what did they matter?


Chapter 530

All he sought was a simple, loving home with his loved one, nothing more.

Evadne lifted her clear eyes to meet his intense gaze, understanding him without a word.

They stopped at the far end of the top fioor hallway, in front of a modest door.

Before they could knock, an elderly lady, hobbling on a cane, made her way up the stairs.

Seeing their finely tailored suits, she shook with rage, thumping her cane on the ground, “How dare you come back here! Think you can push around the Higgins, just because it’s a widow and her daughter? They said they won’t sue what more do you want? You trying to drive them to their graves?”

Thaddeus and Evadne exchanged glances, immediately understanding.

The Chambers Group had already been here, threatening Beverly and her mother.

“We’re not. ma’am, please, we’re not with those people. We’re here to help!” Gordon tried to defuse the situation, but the old lady swung her cane at them in a frenzy, determined to defend her loved ones.

“Get out of here! I’m old enough. I’m not afraid of your threats! I fight with you! I witnessed Beverly’s growth. She is good and kind. She is just like my own granddaughter I don’t allow you to bully her again, get out!”

The first swing caught Gordon unprepared, striking his arm and making him wince in pain.

The second was intercepted by Thaddeus, who stepped forward and grabbed the cane.

“Thaddeus! Don’t hurt her!” Evadne cried out, her forehead furrowed in alarm,

“Ma’am, we mean no harm.”

Thaddeus slowly lowered his hands, his expression gentle, his eyes sincere. He spoke in a calm and measured tone, “We’re here to help Ms. Higgins. We’re not associated with the folks who were here before. Please, believe us.”

The elderly lady sized up the handsome young man before her, then her gaze shifted to the stunningly beautiful girl who stood beside him

The pair looked compatible and approachable, certainly not like the last group that came with nothing but malice radiating from them,

The tension hung in the air until the door of the Higgins household suddenly swung open

Evadne, being closest to the door, locked eyes with Beverly’s mother

“Who are you?” Mrs. Higgins asked her voice laced with both wanness and fear.

“Good day, Mrs. Higgins,” Evadne said, placing her hands neatly in front of her and bowing politely, her voice as gentle as a fiowing stream. “Please, don’t be afraid. We mean no harm, and we’re certainly not with the Chambers Group. We’re well aware of the situation concerning Ms. Higgins. Our sole purpose here is to seek justice for her

“You want to seek justice for my daughter?” Mrs. Higgins’s haggard face stiffened with shock

“Yes. We intend to ensure that those who hurt her are brought to the full extent of the law and pay dearly for their actions,” Evadne stated, her gaze piercing with determination

Mrs. Higgins’s pupils dilated with a mix of surprise and fear!

But the pressure from the Chambers Group had been overwhelming, and the constant dread had left her unable to drop her guard. “Just who exactly are you people?”

“My name is Evadne,” she hesitated slightly, unsure of how to present herself.

Regardless of which identity she revealed, it seemed to place an immense burden and sense of distance on the already struggling mother and daughter.

“Evadne?” Mrs. Higgins’s forehead veins throbbed, her chest heaved with emotion, and her countenance darkened, “You’re the heiress of the Skyrim Fortune? You’re the one who cured Byron’s leg?”

Evadne’s heart tightened, “Mrs. Higgins, I…

“Will you be that kind? You and Byron are in cahoots! You’re here to ensnare my Beverly, aren’t you?”

“No, that’s not true!”

“You’re not here with good intentions! Performing surgery on that beast, you’re just reinforcing tyranny! Get out! Don’t you dare harass Beverly again! Mrs. Higgins’s eyes were red with fury, and she screamed at Evadne with heartbreaking anger.

Just as she was about to slam the door, Evadne, in a moment of desperation, grabbed the door frame rapidly. “Mrs. Higgins! I


really am here to help Beverly! Please, just give me a moment to explain!”

Furious. Mrs Higgins grabbed a bag of freshly opened laundry detergent from the windowsill and threw it at Evadne without a second thought!

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A fine sweat broke out on Evadne’s forehead as she attempted to dodge, but it was too late!

Suddenly, she felt a strong pull on her b*dy, and then she was enveloped in a reassuring embrace.

The arm around her waist was solid and secure, and Thaddeus’s heavy, magnetic breathing f

filled her ear

Evadne was still reeling from the shock when, with a smack–the bag of detergent exploded against Thaddeus’s head, and the powdery white contents spilled over his hair, shoulders, back. His sharp black suit was ruined, and he looked utterly disheveled.

“Mr. Abernathy! Are you alright? Gordon, pale as a ghost with fright, rushed over to check on him.

Evadne’s heart pounded as she brushed the detergent from his hair, still shaking from the close call

Tm fine as long as Evadne is unharmed.” Thaddeus assured her, capturing her trembling hands in a firm grip. “Evadne, were you scared? Seems like you’ve lost some of your nerve.”

“Idiot! I was worried about you!” Evadne retorted, both touched and annoyed, slapping his sturdy chest. “You think I was thinking about myself?”

Thankfully, it was just a bag of detergent.

What if it had been pots and pans, or a brick, or a kitchen knife?

How could she not be frightened?

Thaddeus’s eyes crinkled with warmth, feeling loved and cared for, his heart nearly melting with affection.

Then, a loud thud echoed from behind them.

The door to the Higgins‘ house shut firmly, leaving them in the cold gust of rejection.

“Mr. Abernathy, Mrs. Abernathy, looks like we’re destined to return fruitlessly today. They clearly have no intention of talking to us,” Gordon lamented, utterly dejected

“It’s just our luck to come at this time, Evadne murmured, massaging her throbbing temples. We had a real chance, but Matthew leaked the information about the surgery I performed on Byron, tarnishing my reputation Now, in the eyes of the Higgins family. I’m no different from the Chambers Group”

Then she added with self–deprecating laughter, “Well, it’s not really tarnishing if it’s true. I did operate on Byron. This time, I’ve truly aided a tyrant.”

“Evadne, don’t say that, Thaddeus consoled her, pulling

ulling her into a warm embrace. “Medicine is a noble profession, and the heart of a healer is always compassionate. Your intentions were to save lives. You couldn’t have been expected to consider all the complications Besides, at that time, the feud between your families hadn’t escalated, and Byron’s true nature hadn’t been revealed. Your decision, in my eyes, was the right one. Even now, you can’t blame yourself.”

“Still, what good is it if only we know the truth? I don’t care about my reputation, but without it, our plans are severely hindered,” Evadne sighed, leaning her forehead against his shoulder with a mix of frustration and defeat.

“It’s okay, we’ll take it step by step.”

Thaddeus’s hand gently stroked her back, his voice soothing, “Don’t lose heart, think positively. Let’s head back and consider other possible breakthroughs.”

With no other choice, the trio returned to the villa.

By the time they got home, twilight was settling in.

As they got out of the car and walked, hand in hand, towards the front door, a timid and sweet voice called out from behind them,
