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Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 827
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Chapter 827

Could one person change the tide of war by himself? The answer that Sun Wukong would give to that question was... It’s possible. However, if a battlefield’s flow was filled with nerve-wracking bouts and clashes, then a single person could only affect the tide of war for a brief moment.

‘He took the heads of two of the enemy generals.’

The man named Alexander took out two of the key figures of the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army. Because of that, the flow of the battlefield started to lean toward Edea. However, the most important thing here was that Alexander was deep inside the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army. In other words, he was standing among the players.

[How many players have Alexander cut down now?!]

[I only counted up to 600 before losing count. I can’t keep up anymore.]

[The interesting fact here is that Alexander is not even using any of his skills to deal with the players!]

[I think there’s a passive skill in action here. See there, every time he swings his sword to attack the other players, dozens of swords would shoot out of his body and cut down the enemies around him.]

[I’m in awe.]

[Currently, the viewers from all over the world that enjoy Athenae are tuning in their TVs or using their smartphones to watch Alexander dance in the battlefield and sit on the new Supreme’s throne!]

[From what I know, the average level of the players in the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army is over Level 450.]

[At the very least, these players can be considered to be high-level players in Athenae. However, they are easily being cut down by Alexander’s sword.]

[On the other hand, our viewers have one question in mind.]

[After Alexander killed two of the Level 600 players, he has not used any of his skills.]

[There are only two scenarios that could prompt this reaction. One would be because he is preparing for the appearance of the Jade Emperor’s Envoys. Even if it is Alexander, there is no way for him to deal with all of them when he is already exhausted even with all of the skills in his arsenal.]

[Then, what’s the second scenario?]

[He’s probably waiting for the actual person sitting on the Supreme’s throne.]

[I can feel my heart beating wildly. The one challenging the throne of the Supreme and the one protecting his throne. This is very exciting.]

It was just as the commentators predicted. Alexander was no fool. He did not need to show off all of his strength when fighting against the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army, especially when the Allied Forces were sufficient to stop their advance.

Besides, it was also true that he wanted to show Minyuk how much he had changed and how he had become the new Supreme. However, he would not compete against him here. Once he and Minhyuk fought side by side, the entire world would definitely recognize who the true Supreme was.

There was one thing that Alexander recalled, it was something that happened in the Supreme’s Plain. Minhyuk had not cooked for him because he merely wanted him to help Edea’s Allied Forces.

We are rivals, Alexander.

Minhyuk had no way of predicting how strong Alexander would become once he became the first player with an Eight Pillars’ Class. That was why Minhyuk put forward one condition.

Tell me one of the best skills once you obtain your new class.

Minhyuk needed to increase the power of his rival. However, that did not mean that he would willingly do that without any condition put forth.

For high rankers, especially those that awakened some new powers, it was considered a huge weakness to have just one of the skills that they obtained be leaked to somebody else. However, Alexander accepted Minhyuk’s condition and told him about one of the special skills that he had obtained.

The skill that he willingly shared with Minhyuk was Weapon Cloning, a skill that proved that there was no weapon that the master of all of the weapons in existence could not handle.

Basically, it was a skill that could replicate the weapon equipped by the target designated by the skill user and allow him to use the replicated weapon for five minutes. It could even copy a weapon's special ability and attack. However, artifacts that had been cloned before could no longer be replicated again.


[The Gates of Heaven have opened!]

The Jade Emperor could send 30,000 of the Heavenly Army to Edea once per day. However, that was only the case before the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army arrived. A lot of changes would be implemented once the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army reached Edea’s Allied Forces’ fortress. These were the changes:

1. The Jade Emperor can now send 50,000 troops of the Heavenly Army once every day.

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2. The envoys can descend for thirty minutes once a day and use their special powers once when attacking Edea’s Allied Forces.

3. The Jade Emperor can participate in the battlefield once.

4. The envoys will descend all at once.

Everything was written in accordance to the agreement made with the Battle God. However, there was one thing that one should not forget. It was that Minhyuk, as Edea’s Commander, had received special privileges that none of the people present here knew.

As the Gates of Heaven opened, 50,000 strong troops of the Heavenly Army began to pour out. Seeing this, Alexander hurriedly turned around to leave the battlefield. The Heavenly Army was something that Edea’s Allied Forces had to deal with.

However, something unexpected happened.

[Edea’s Commander, Minhyuk, has used the special privilege that he had obtained!]

[He has used the special privilege, ‘Mediating the Agreement’!!!]

“Mediating the Agreement?”


Joy Co. Ltd.’s conference room.

Everyone inside the room gulped dryly.

“Did it just say Mediation of Agreement?!”

“He hasn’t used his special privileges until now...”

As Edea’s Commander, Minhyuk could use the Special Privilege Shop. The more Edea’s Allied Forces killed their enemies, the more items the Special Privilege Shop would have. He could use the shop to reinforce Edea’s Allied Forces or distribute potions to his army. However, Minhyuk had not used any of his Special Privilege Points and had been gathering them until now.

The Special Right to Mediate the Agreement was an item with the highest price in the shop. Unfortunately, there was a problem with this item. One had to consult with both the Jade Emperor and the Battle God before any changes could be made to the agreement.

“Didn’t the Production Team make it so the Right to Mediate would become meaningless?”

The Production Team Leader nodded his head in agreement to Team Leader Park. “In the first place, the Special Right to Mediate the Agreement would be similar to trash. After all, one has to get the mutual consent of both sides before any changes could be implemented.”

President Kang Taehoon rubbed his chin in thought. This meant that Minhyuk would be throwing something out as bait, which had to be something the Jade Emperor would find to be acceptable.

[The Right to Mediate the Agreement and the changes that Player Minhyuk has made will be delivered to the Battle God.]

[The Battle God has started to mediate the agreement with the Jade Emperor!]

[The discussion for the first clause to the mediated agreement has begun!]

[Changes to the portion of the agreement about the Jade Emperor ‘being able to send 50,000 troops of the Heavenly Army once every day’ has been proposed. The suggested change is ‘being able to send 200,000 troops of the Heavenly Army all at once. However, he would no longer be able to send any other troops once these troops had been sent out!’]

“This... is he crazy?”

Department Manager Kim Dae-Il was in shock. He could not believe that Minhyuk proposed that the Jade Emperor send all 200,000 of the Heavenly Army troops all at once in exchange for not being able to send anymore.

This proposal could be said to be disastrous. However, if one looked at it in the long run, they could see that it would be very disadvantageous for the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army. After all, the enemy would no longer be able to send any more after all 200,000 troops had been sent all at once.

The issue was that the boost in power between the 50,000 strong troops and the 200,000 strong troops was very different. In addition, there were more than nine million troops from the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army present on the battlefield. If the 200,000 strong troops of the Heavenly Army appeared at this point, Edea’s Allied Forces would definitely fall within two days.

[The Jade Emperor has presented a counter to the suggested changes in the first clause of the mediated agreement!]

[The proposed change would change it to ‘being able to send 250,000 troops of the Heavenly Army all at once. However, the Jade Emperor would no longer be able to send any other troops once these troops had been sent out!’]

[The first clause of the mediated agreement has been discussed!]

[The Jade Emperor will be able to send 250,000 troops of the Heavenly Army all at once. However, after sending out the troops he will no longer be able to send any more of the Heavenly Army Troops!]



From their point of view, Player Minhyuk seemed to be digging his own grave. That was not the end of the changes.

[The discussion for the second clause of the mediated agreement has begun!]

[Since the Jade Emperor can send 250,00 troops of the Heavenly Army all at once, Player Minhyuk has requested that he be allowed to use his single-use Summoning Parchment!]

“A single-use Summoning Parchment?”

“Who is he going to summon?”

“Show the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom’s situation on the monitor.”

They hurriedly displayed the scene at the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom. They were just in time to witness how the Luvien Empire appeared and were charging toward the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom.

Who would Minhyuk summon? Would it be Commander Brod? Or maybe Great Demon Elpis? Perhaps he would summon Spear God Ben?

“Even if he summons Brod right now, it wouldn’t be enough. Brod wouldn’t be able to deal with 250,000 troops of the Heavenly Army if they appear all at once.”

In fact, the Jade Emperor felt the same thing. Minhyuk currently had a restriction. It was basically impossible for him to summon his vassals. And since he did not have the Right to Summon he would also be unable to bring in the NPCs from the continent. So, that brought the question of who he was going to summon once again.

[The second clause of the mediated agreement has been discussed!]

[Player Minhyuk is now allowed to use his single-use Summoning Parchment on the condition that whoever he summoned can only stay in Edea for thirty minutes!]

[The agreement between the Battle God and the Jade Emperor will now be changed and adjusted!]

[The changes will be applied right away!]

The officials of Joy Co. Ltd. could clearly see how the changes were applied. The 50,000 troops of the Heavenly Army that were coming down from the Gates of Heaven had now grown and become 250,000 in numbers.

“...What in the world is he thinking?”

This time, even President Kang Taehoon was completely clueless about Minhyuk’s plans.


[According to the clauses of the Mediated Agreement, 250,000 troops of the Heavenly Army will now descend!]


The sky was ripped apart as 250,000 strong troops of the Heavenly Army charged forward. Edea’s Allied Forces had to lose 150,000 of their men just to deal with 30,000 of the Heavenly Army troops before.

“Ah... aaaaaah...”

The appearance of the 250,000-strong enemy troops was enough to plunge the Allied Forces into despair. All of them were left speechless as they watched the Heavenly Army march through the Gates of Heaven.

[The Jade Emperor looks at you with a sneer on his face.]

[The God that you believe in has abandoned you.]



Did he make a deal with the Jade Emperor? How could he take away even the smallest odds that were in their favor?

Even Sun Wukong had to groan. “Why in the world did you do that? Why...”

He just could not understand. They already had no means to stop the 50,000-strong enemy troops, but Minhyuk had even made it so there were 250,000 soldiers from the Heavenly Army.

Meanwhile, the Jade Emperor’s Coalition Army were delighted. It was like a pie fell from the sky! Just like that, the Heavenly Army troops charged forward and began to slaughter the troops of Edea’s Allied Forces that were guarding the walls of the fortress.

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“A, aaaaaaaaack...!”


Hundreds of thousands of Edea’s Allied Forces were easily swept away by the enemies.

‘What were you thinking?’

Alexander had a hard time understanding why Minhyuk decided to do it this way. He had never heard the man make use of a tactic that would put his allies at a disadvantage. He stood at the edge of the walls and looked down at the soldiers of Edea’s Allied Forces being killed one after another.

“Great— Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal!!!”

“A, aaaaaaaaack!”


“Give— give us an explanation!!!”

“Can we— can we really trust him?! That god?!!!”

That was right. These were the thoughts that flashed in the minds of all of the people of Edea. Some even thought that Minhyuk might have been on the Jade Emperor’s side from the start.

The 250,000-strong army clung to the walls of the fortress and began to climb up. In just a blink the screams of the soldiers echoed throughout the fortress as the Heavenly Army slaughtered them.


Then, a harsh and unforgiving rain began to fall on the battlefield. The soldiers’ screams and wails gradually grew smaller as the rain echoed loudly.

At that moment, Sun Wukong looked up at the sky.


Was everything a lie? They already knew that foreigners were inherently greedy in nature. Perhaps he was truly on the side of the Jade Emperor. Or perhaps he just wanted to package himself nicely so that he could benefit off of them.

However, Sun Wukong remembered clearly how he cooked for his dying wife and how he came alone to Edea.

We will win. We will use all means and methods available to us and win. After that, please become my people, my friends and...

At that time, he had looked at Sun Wukong with firm determination in his eyes.

—...my soldiers.

—Help me become the emperor and make Beyond the Heavens into an empire.


The screams of the soldiers echoed in Sun Wukong’s ears despite the roaring rain and the memories that flashed in his ears. Then, he shouted, “He has not abandoned us! Do not give up! Do not back down! Fight back!!!”

The soldiers of Edea’s Allied Forces squeezed out their energy and fought back despite the rain that fell on the battlefield.


At that moment, lightning struck the ground as thunder roared and rumbled in the sky above them. With a flash of lightning, the voice of Edea’s Commander, Minhyuk, resounded on the battlefield.


Everyone focused on the sound of his voice. ATV Broadcasting Station’s PD Kim Daeguk could even be seen gulping dryly as he watched the scene on the monitor. Who was he going to summon in exchange for allowing 250,000 of the Heavenly Army to descend all at once?

“Whether it’s Brod, Spear God Ben or Elpis, none of them is worth trading their small chance of winning by allowing those 250,000 troops of the Heavenly Army to descend.”

One of them was not enough. Perhaps they would only have a chance if all of them came. So, that begged the question, who was he going to summon?

[Battle God.]


With those words, ATV’s viewership ratings that had stagnated at 50% began to soar once again.