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Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 804
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Chapter 804

“I’m quite curious. I wonder how weak the dregs of the continent are?”

After the unexpected quest notification, Viel’s voice turned into a world message that resonated all over the world. Hearing those words, some thought that it was a part of an episode while some fumed in rage. Regardless, when they saw the list of rewards in the quest window, all of them cheered.

‘Just one scratch, no, just one successful attack and one could get either 100 platinum or a permanent stat increase? On top of that, if you successfully attack him for 100 consecutive times then you will be able to randomly obtain one of the envoys’ treasure boxes?’

The players cheered loudly. Hiidden quests or S-rank quests were often swallowed up by high rankers. However, for the average player, it would be a miracle if they could even receive hidden quests and the likes just once in their lives. Now, the opportunity to receive 100 platinum and even a permanent stat increase was just right around the corner. On top of that, they would not receive any penalty even if they died inside the Land of Fantasy.

A permanent stat increase just by attacking the opponent? It had to be known that food, artifacts or anything that could permanently increase one’s stats cost a fortune. That was why every single player that entered the Land of Fantasy saw this as a big opportunity.

Unfortunately, the moment they entered, more than 8,000 players disappeared without a trace with just a swing of Viel’s sword.



The players all went mute, their bodies shaking from both tension and anxiety. The world’s best high rankers hurriedly gathered.

“They opened the Land of Fantasy to trample on us,” Alexander, one of the world’s best rankers, said.


None of the players could refute that statement. At the same time, they were wary and nervous when they saw him.

‘I heard that he has been hiding somewhere to train lately.’

‘Alexander’s already at Level 599.’

‘What will happen once he reaches Level 600?’

Alexander was the one that stood at the top before Minhyuk appeared. He was once the world’s best ranker. They did not know what would happen once this man reached Level 600. However, as things stood, they quickly put this thought at the back of their minds.

Viel, who had been floating in the sky above them, held his sword tightly and fell like a meteor among the players that were gathered together.


Dozens of players turned into ashes and disappeared with the wind upon impact. All of the players that entered this land were at least Level 450 or higher. They tried to protect themselves and defend against Viel’s attacks using various buff and defensive skills.

Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash—

However, one swing of Viel’s swords and all of their shields, barriers and defensive skills were rendered useless.

[Viel’s greatsword can ignore all defenses! It also has an armor break skill!]

Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash—

With another swing of his sword, dozens of players disappeared once again. Viel then crouched down.

“Beast’s Roar.”


[Beast’s Roar.]

[All of your stats have decreased by 22%.]

[Your accuracy rate has dropped by 40%. All of your defenses have decreased by 30%.]

[The roar of the wild beast has left you in an extreme state of fear.]

The players were all subjected to an abnormal status and were left trembling in fear. In their eyes, the charging Viel looked like a vicious and fierce tiger. This was an illusion, something that was brought forth by that fear. It was akin to how one would feel if a tiger suddenly pounced on them with their mouths wide open.



“S, Save…”

Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash—

The players were cut down, helpless against Viel’s attacks. It was a one-sided massacre. Among the players inside the Land of Fantasy, there were also quite a few broadcasting station officers. The commentators were watching and relaying everything through the eyes of the station officers.

[These unknown men are all the envoys of the Land of the Forgotten Heroes, Edea's Jade Emperor.]

[The Jade Emperor is basically at the level of an Absolute God. If that was the case, then the envoys could be considered as ordinary gods.]

[However, just because they have the status of an ordinary god does not mean that you should ignore their power. In fact, we can safely say that there are only a select few players that have seen and fought against gods. Furthermore, even if that is the case, most of them will die under those gods’ hands.]

[What’s more surprising is the fact that the other two gods are just standing on the side and not moving. The only one that’s making a move is Viel.]

[It seems like they are looking at our players and Named NPCs as nothing but a huge joke.]

[The players are dying without even being able to do anything.]

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


The ground cracked and shook as Viel slammed his sword on the ground.

“Petty and insignificant dregs.”

Viel deemed them to be insignificant beings.


“Tornado Shot.”

A strong wind swirled around one of the players, who pulled the string of her bows tightly. And when this player, Master Archer Miao, released her arrow, a powerful force accompanied it.


Tornado Shot, a skill that engulfed an entire 30 meter radius, struck Viel.


Blood slowly dripped down Viel’s face as a scratch appeared on his cheek.

[You have successfully landed one attack!]

[You have gained 100 platinum.]

However, Viel easily grabbed the swirling arrow and forced the overwhelming whirlwind to quiet down.


Viel’s face turned ugly as he snapped the arrow and threw it on the ground. “How dare you! You petty trash…”


Before he could even finish speaking, Kentaro moved swiftly, leaving behind an afterimage. When he next appeared in front of Viel, dozens of his clones popped out all around the man.


Kentaro’s dozens of clones swung their swords all at once.

Stab, stab stab—

Three of the sword strikes failed to scratch Viel’s skin despite Kentaro moving to stab him. However, there was one successful attack.

[You have successfully landed one attack!]

[You have gained +1 STR.]

[…successfully landed one attack!]

[…gained +1 AGI.]

Viel’s expression grew even uglier. Despite the countless afterimages, the envoy was still able to easily pinpoint where the true Kentaro was.

Slash, slash, slash, slash—!

Viel swung his greatsword more than four times in a split second, and cut Kentaro.


Kentaro’s HP instantly fell down below 10%. Thankfully, a gigantic sword struck Viel from behind.

“Sword of Disaster.”

[Sword of Disaster.]

[You can cut down and break anything in your path just like a disaster with an additional 11,000% attack power!]

[This is an attack that could not be stopped or prevented!]

An unstoppable attack passed by Viel’s greatsword and struck his head.


The impact of the attack forced Viel’s leg to get buried deep underground. The world’s best high rankers did not miss this opportunity and immediately launched their own attacks.

[Athenae’s Supremes are trying to push Viel back.]

[All of the high rankers are doing a great job with Alexander at the lead.]

The commentators were very excited as they watched Athenae’s powerhouses attack and put pressure on a god. Even the viewers were impressed by this scene.

[Kyaa… Athenae’s Supremes are taking action!]

[He’s helpless. Anyway, there are dozens of powerful high rankers there.]

[Do you think they’ll be able to kill that guy named… Was it Viel or Niel?]

[…They won’t.]


[Look carefully.]

Everyone focused on their screens when they saw one of the viewers dash their hopes. Only then were they able to see it.

[They’re successfully landing their attacks but they aren’t dealing any damage…?]

[…It’s true.]

That was right. It was obvious that their attacks were landing successfully but there was no damage dealt. Were they able to cut Viel? No, it felt like their swords were trying to cut through iron. How about stabbing? It just looked like they were stabbing a wall.

[What the hell? How high is his defense…?]

[Even the best high rankers can’t deal much damage to him?]

Haaa… haa…

Someone’s rough breathing rang loudly in the area. Most of them had already used their skills and bombarded Viel. In fact, skills were still continuously raining down on him. However, there was something that the rankers realized.

‘He did not even groan or scream once.’

Daoist Aeron, who was watching everyone attack Viel at the side, said, “That’s enough.”

Aeron did not look pleased with the situation that Viel created. He raised his hand and waved his finger, creating lines and circles in the air in front of him.


The moment he finished the circle, the ground was suddenly compressed and all of the players were gathered around. It was just like Golden Mage Ali’s ‘compress’ magic.

“It seems like I have dragged the fight against these bugs for far too long, huh?” Viel said, appearing as the thick cloud of dust settled down. There was not even a single major injury on his body. Seeing this, the rankers could not help but groan.

“Let’s hurry up and get this over with.”

Aeron took out a talisman. As the amulet burned, flames burst out and created a circle around the compressed land that locked up all of the players in the Land of Fantasy.

[Flame Wall Talisman.]

[You will receive additional 6,000% damage if you touch the wall of flames around you!]


The players realized that they would not be able to easily get out of this place.

Then, Viel said, “Remember this.” A huge force gathered around the blade of his greatsword as he raised it high up in the sky. “Remember how helpless you are in front of us, you bugs.”


The moment he slammed his greatsword on the ground, the ground cracked as a powerful shockwave erupted and swept away the players.

“You are nothing but mere livestock.”

Viel wanted to use them to bring down the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal. But before that, he wanted to imprint in their heads the kind of existences the Jade Emperor’s envoys were.

Viel pulled back his greatsword then swung it again.

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud—

The heads of thousands of players rolled on the ground as their bodies turned to ashes. Among those that died were many famous high rankers, including Master Archer Miao.

Then, Viel jumped back as another of Aeron’s talisman flew in the air and burned into ashes.

[Berserk Talisman.]

[The triggered skill will be 1.6x stronger.]

“Tiger’s Massacre.”

It looked like a tiger was swiping them with its front paws, its sharp claws and herculean strength easily tearing apart the fragile human skin and flesh. Just like that, hundreds of sword lights that looked like they were filled with barbs and hooks stretched from Viel’s gigantic greatsword and rained down on the players.

Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack—

Instead of being just cut down, the players were viciously torn apart by the unusual form of sword light that rained down on them and forced them to log out. The rankers’ skills were also easily being nullified by Daoist Aeron’s talismans.


The players felt helpless. They could only watch as they got logged out one after another.

“Have you finally realized it?” Viel asked, a nonchalant look on his face. “You are all nothing but bugs. We only need to lift our fingers to crush you.”



Overwhelming. That was right. Their power was truly overwhelming. Of course, not all of the world’s leading rankers were participating in this. Perhaps they were on some important quest, in boss hunts, or even busy fighting in a high-leveled hunting ground, that could be why they were not able to respond to the notifications.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, everyone present here had realized how huge the gap was. Once their arrogance and self-esteem were crushed, all that was left was a sense of helplessness. The vicious hook-shaped sword lights did not disappear right away. In fact, it was still brutally killing and tearing apart one player after another.

“Next time we meet, make sure to properly act like a dog and bark well…” Viel, who was talking arrogantly, suddenly frowned.

Why? Because there was a golden light that burst from among the players.

‘A die?’


Frustration, helplessness and a sense of loss, that was what these people, who were charging forward to become stronger, were feeling right now. The strength displayed by these god-rank Named NPCs had brought despair to the players present.

Were they still not a match against these NPCs despite having a powerhouse like Alexander by their side?

“Next time we meet, make sure to properly act like a dog and bark well…”

As they listened to Viel, the players could tell that they would not even be able to fight and resist the next time they met. At that time, they would really be forced to log out and be faced with a penalty.

But then, a golden die suddenly appeared and released a bright, blinding light above them. Immediately after that, an imposing and majestic notification resonated in the Land of Fantasy.

[The Highest God has appeared.]



The moment the notifications rang, a faint smile appeared on the faces of all of the players present. Alexander and Kentaro were grinning widely. There was even someone that let out a sigh of relief.


Viel felt his eyebrows twitch.


And then, a man flew toward him. Viel’s hook-like sword lights immediately chased after the man, trying to rip him apart and cut him down.

‘The attacks are not reaching him?! What?!’

The man’s body was covered with a faint silver glow.

Viel knew who this man was. The man was tall with chiseled looks, and bright eyes shining from underneath his dark hair. There was also his signature white cape carrying the symbol of a fork and knife crossed together.

Viel immediately wielded his sword to try and stop the man’s attack. Alas, he could not stop the man’s sword. There was a force that made it so he would not be able to dodge or block his attack.

“Sword of Carnage.”

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab—

[You have successfully landed one attack!]

[You have gained +1 STR.]

[You have successfully landed one attack!]

[You have gained +1 AGI.]

[You have successfully landed one attack!]

[You have gained 100 platinum.]

[You have successfully landed one attack!]

[You have gained 100 platinum.]

[You have successfully landed one attack!]

[You have gained +1 DEX.]

[You have successfully landed one attack!]

[You have gained +1 INT.]

[…one attack!]

[…one attack!]

[…one attack!]

[…one attack!]

[…one attack!]

[…one attack!]

The notifications rang nonstop, signifying the man’s successful attacks. On top of that, they were not just successful attacks. They were accompanied by a huge damage that brought Viel tremendous pain. He felt like his body was being torn apart.


The man landed right next to the screaming Viel, who had collapsed on the ground. He said, “Then what does that make you? Someone who’s being beaten by a bug?”

The man was none other than Minhyuk.