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Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 764: The War of Destruction
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Chapter 764: The War of Destruction

The great myth among the Absolute Gods, which had been hidden under a thin veil, was being steadily revealed.

There were only a few selected players that were able to successfully change into an ‘Absolute God Class.’ Among these Absolute God classes, there was one class that had 56.1% votes for the ‘Absolute God that I Want to Become the Most.’ It was none other than the ‘Battle God.’

Roldran, someone with the special class ‘God Researcher’ in Athenae, had the ability to dig up information about the gods. He was someone that knew more about the Battle God than anybody else and had revealed all of his knowledge about him.

—The Battle God is a god above other gods. The Spear God, the Sword God, the God of Magic and many other gods would have to kneel in his presence.

—Unlike the other gods, the Battle God can keep his position for a very long time.

—According to myths and legends, the very first Battle God also had special powers.

—It’s the power to call upon and gather the gods at his command.

The people were shocked after hearing that the Battle God had such a power.

Then, someone asked Roldran.

—Then, does that mean that the Battle God is invincible?

—No. This is only true for the first Battle God. According to stories, the Battle God of this era has an older brother. When the two of them were born, this power was given to the older brother. However, now that older brother is dead.

—Does that mean that the power has been gone forever?

—That’s right. To be honest, there’s no way that they will let such a power remain intact in Athenae, where balance is valued more than anything else. There is a high chance that even if he has that power, he will not be able to use it.

—Why is that so?

—Because he would need the approval of the Battle God. He cannot just call upon the gods whenever he wanted.

As such, the power was completely sealed. However, just by listening to the myths and legends about the Battle God made all of the viewers admire the said god. After all, he was someone that had saved the Land of the Gods several times, and was deserving of the admiration of many.


One swing of his sword and more than half a million of the Evil Spirits’ Army were engulfed by white flames, disappearing into nothingness.

As the people watched him, with strands of his silver hair fluttering from underneath his horned helmet, they could not help but wonder what would happen next.

When the Destruction Monarch appeared, who was also the Battle God’s older brother Farrow, the Battle God had spent quite a lot of energy to control and suppress him. As a result, he temporarily lost the power to lead all of his troops. In other words, the Battle God was nothing but a strong god right now. However, he still took the risk and made a move.

As the Battle God turned his back on the white flames that devoured the enemy troops, his gaze was focused elsewhere. There, he saw his older brother Farrow clinging on Minhyuk’s back in the form of a soul.

Farrow did not say anything. This man in front of them was his younger brother, the younger brother that was chosen as the Battle God. However, he had been a coward throughout their youth.

Then, the voice of the Battle God rang all over the world. It was a slightly different, yet unmistakably unique voice.

[He was a coward.]

In the sky, the figure of a boy squatting on the ground while sobbing as little gods surrounded him appeared. Then, another boy appeared. The boy swung his wooden sword and chased the other gods away.

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[However, he had an older brother.]

Then, the scene in the sky changed. This time, it showed the reliable older brother patting the crying boy’s back.

[The older brother led and guided the younger brother.]

The reliable older boy taught the younger boy how to hold his sword, the two of them smiling brightly as they looked at each other and swung their wooden swords.

Hundreds of scenes appeared in the sky at the same time. There was a scene where the older brother appeared like a miracle when the younger brother was surrounded by a huge number of monsters. The scene where the older brother cooked for his younger brother. The scene where the older brother taught his younger brother how to stand and carry himself in front of others. Hundreds of such scenes appeared and scattered in the sky. Finally, the scene of the Battle God standing in front of millions of Divine Army troops appeared.

[And because of him…]

The Battle God looked at his older brother Farrow. Farrow had been smiling lightly at him, but when he heard the Battle God’s voice, his smile turned brighter. Right now, Farrow could say that he was the happiest in the world. He might not have become the Battle God, but his brother Belson, did. He became the greatest god in the world.

On the other hand, the Battle God was sporting a bitter smile on his face. Because of his foolish self, his older brother died all by himself. He could not even bring himself to go to his older brother Farrow.

At that moment, Minhyuk felt Farrow squeeze into his body. However, it was not coercive nor forceful. Just like he promised, Minhyuk surrendered his body to Farrow.

Minhyuk’s soul left the body and immediately, there were changes to the physique. In the first place, this body was that of Farrow, the Destruction Monarch. So, when Farrow’s soul went inside, the figure of the Destruction Monarch morphed into that of Farrow.

Unlike his younger brother Belson, Farrow had short silver hair and a gigantic body that towered over two meters. The moment he recovered his body, Farrow began to walk one step at a time until he stood in front of the Battle God.

The Battle God was the greatest and strongest god. However, he could not hide his emotions in front of his older brother, as a single drop of tear started to drip down his cheek.

“Congratulations on becoming the Battle God, Belson.”

The Battle God smiled at Farrow’s words. The fact that Farrow reached his hand out to him first was showing him that his older brother did not regret the choice that he made back then. The Battle God clasped his brother’s hand tightly. Only after he grabbed his older brother’s big and warm hands, hands that he had not been able to hold for a very long time, did a bright smile bloom on the Battle God’s face.

[This is a very heartwarming scene.]

[Farrow, who died for his younger brother, and Belson, the strongest Absolute God that dearly missed his older brother.]

[This was originally a story where Destruction Monarch Farrow was supposed to die.]

Then, the Evil Incarnate’s piercing shrieks rang in the ears of the two, “Farrooooooooooow!!! Belsoooooooooooooon!!!”

The Evil Incarnate’s Authority would last for thirty minutes. Basically, he had an infinite number of troops for as long as the authority was activated. Just like that, enormous cracks in space opened as millions of hideous and gruesome troops of the Evil Spirit’s Army continuously poured out. All of them charged toward Farrow and the Battle God.

Then, Farrow said, “Belson, did your skill in the sword improve?”

“I’m probably better than you now, brother.”

Older Brother Farrow carried a sword that was as big as his body, while the Battle God had his sword hanging at his waist.

Meanwhile, the viewers that watched the scene were all holding their breaths. The Battle God was the strongest and greatest Absolute God. However, he could only exert the true extent of his power when he was leading his army. Perhaps Farrow was even stronger than the Battle God right now.

“Let’s go.” Farrow walked toward the millions of charging Evil Spirit’s Army with the Battle God walking beside him.


[It looks like that sea of black is coming to devour the two of them.]

[You can sense no fear from the steps of the two gods.]

[Perhaps the greatest scene in the history of Athenae will be created today.]

[Dear viewers, we suggest that you don’t take your eyes off of your screens.]

[The steps that they are taking now will become the stuff of legends.]

The Battle God pulled his sword and swung it swiftly.


In just an instant, more than 300,000 of the Evil Spirits’ Army had been swept away by blazing white flames.

This time, it was Farrow that swung his greatsword in the air. He just swung it at the empty air in front of him. However, something amazing happened right after. More than 500,000 of the Evil Spirits’ Army were ripped apart before disappearing into nothing.

Belson and Farrow exchanged glances, before the two began to run toward the enemy troops as they spoke to each other with voices that only they could hear.

“That child, who is he?” Farrow was very curious about Minhyuk.

The Battle God grinned at his older brother’s question. “He’s the child that I want to become my successor.”


Farrow was very surprised to hear his brother say that he wanted that child, the lowest god, to become this era’s Battle God. Then, he said, “Today, that child will cut down the Evil Incarnate.”

The Battle God nodded at his brother’s words.

With every swing of Farrow’s greatsword, hundreds of thousands of the Evil Spirits’ Army would get ripped apart. Likewise, with every swing of the Battle God’s sword, white flames would burst out and devour hundreds of thousands of the troops that had dyed this land with darkness.

[The speed at which the Evil Spirits’ Army gets summoned cannot keep up with the speed at which they are being exterminated by the Battle God and the God of Generals.]

[The two of them have become the bright light that guides the players and NPCs that almost collapsed from fear.]

Up until now, the players and the NPCs were in a terrible state of fear. To be honest, they were still terrified. They were unable to move their bodies and could only look at the situation.

Of course, the Evil Incarnate would not just sit still and allow them to do as they pleased. The Evil Incarnate was also an Absolute God. Since the Greatest God Athenae had given birth to his existence, he had always been everywhere and nowhere.

[The Evil Incarnate’s Breath.]

[The Evil Spirits’ Army inhales the Evil Incarnates Breath.]

[The speed at which the Evil Spirits’ Army appears has increased by three times.]

Just like that, more and more troops of the Evil Spirits’ Army appeared and put pressure on the Battle God and the God of Generals. This time, the ones that could not keep up were the Battle God and the God of the Generals. The worst part was that the Evil Incarnate would not stop playing tricks on them either.

[The Evil Spirits’ Army has started to explode!]

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

The troops that surrounded the Battle God and the God of Generals exploded one after the other, the explosions engulfing the body of the two gods completely. At the same time, a golden barrier appeared and protected the Battle God, while a silver barrier covered the body of the God of Generals. However, even when they were in such a state, the Evil Incarnate did not stop attacking them.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Thousands of spears made of black light fell down from the sky and slammed into the barriers that protected the Battle God and the God of Generals.

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Crack, crack, crack, crack—

Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack—

In the end, cracks began to form in the barriers that protected the two gods. However, the two exchanged looks once again, and they both moved and began to prepare something.

Even though their barrier was slowly breaking down and millions of Evil Spirits’ Army were charging in on them, the two remained steadfast and continued with what they were preparing.

“Kihihihihihihihihihihhihihihihihi! The two brothers will die together! Kehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehe!” The Evil Incarnate cackled, his laughter chilling to the bones.

Just the thought of the Evil Incarnate and his Evil Spirits’ Army devouring the two gods brought another fresh wave of terror to the players and NPCs. The same was true for Genie.

The Evil Incarnate’s Authority had the power to put anyone into a state of extreme fear. Genie’s legs were shaking fiercely from that fear. But then, she saw a man pass by her. The man was slowly covered by a white armor that fell down from the sky.

[You have worn the God’s Knight’s Armor!]

[Only those that have received the recognition of the Battle God can wear the God’s Knight’s Armor!]

[You have temporarily become a God’s Knight.]

[All of your stats have increased by 33%.]

[All of your skills’ level has increased by +2.]

[God’s Knight can wield the power of the Battle God and the God of Generals.]

As the white armor settled over Minhyuk’s body, his black hair slowly turned silver. At the same time, the sound of something cracking rang loudly behind them.

Genie turned around, only to be greeted with the destruction of the barrier that protected the Battle God and the God of Generals. Thankfully, the two had almost finished the preparation for their lethal move.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Farrow stabbed his sword in the ground, and instantly, a huge explosion that covered a 50 kilometer radius bloomed and devoured the Evil Spirits’ Army. When everything settled down, there was no trace of the army being in the area left behind.

At the same time, tens of thousands of white flames rained down from the sky and extinguished the existence of the Evil Spirits’ Army beneath them the moment the Battle God raised his sword to the sky.

The army that had been blocking the path to the Evil Incarnate disappeared because of the overwhelming strength that the two gods displayed. However, the Battle God and the God of Generals were now both exhausted. They were breathing roughly after consuming a huge chunk of their power to release those moves.


Minhyuk, who had now become a God’s Knight, climbed atop a white warhorse.


That was when Genie noticed that the Battle God and the God of Generals had only made their move to attract the attention of the Evil Incarnate. The one that would truly cut down the Evil Incarnate was not them, but Minhyuk.

Meanwhile, a set of notifications rang in the ears of Minhyuk, who was charging through the disappearing Evil Spirits’ Army on his white warhorse.

[You have become the God’s Knight! You can now use the power of the Battle God or the power of the God of Generals!]

[You have used the skill: ‘Assembling the Gods’!]

[The Battle God has approved your use of the skill: ‘Assembling the Gods’!]

The ‘???’ skill that God of Generals Farrow possessed was none other than this.

Then, the voice of the Battle God resounded.

[The One who gathered all of the gods…]

[…is the Lowest God.]