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Goodbye Cheater Hello CEO’s Wife by Payne Walter

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 Victor glanced at them and said to Gwendolyn, "As this matter concerns you, you have no right to express your opinion." He addressed Andrew and Isabella next, "And if Gwendolyn can't oppose it, then neither can the both of you." Everyone at the table gaped at him, rendered speechless by his audacity.

"Tell your woman to mind her own business," Victor told Clayton, He then warned Edmund, "Keep an eye on Andrew and make sure he cooperates, or we can do this the hand way and I'll spend every week persuading Grandpa not to believe anything you guys say" Edmund stiffened and looked at Andrew. "Put your hand down, Andrew!" Satisfied, Victor put an arm around Gwendolyn's shoulders and led her outside. "Let's talk somewhere private, shall we?" Gwendolyn refused to pow him, struggling furiously as she snapped, “You're insane!" "Shall I carry you instead?" Victor asked, paying no mind to her struggle and words.

Startled, Gwendolyn barked. "Hey! Did you hear me? I said id I don't lik like you!" He bent down slightly and carried her into his arms. "Doesn't matter. You can learn to like me." "Victor, where are you taking Gwen?" Isabella demanded as she chased after victor, only to be held back by Clayton.

She struggled against Clayton and snarled, "Let go of Gwen right now, Victor!" However, Victor had already carried Gwendolyn out of the house.

Andrew was surprisingly quiet but not out of fear of Victor. He gaped at Edmund and said, "I think Victor means business, Edmund." Edmund wiped his hands with a napkin and stood up. "Yeah, I've never seen him this serious before." Isabella couldn't care less. After Victor left, she turned around and hit Clayton. "All of you are sick! Clayton, you'd better go and bring Gwen back right now!" she demanded angrily with tears in her eyes Clayton quickly comforted her, "There, there, don't be angry. Everything will be fine. Victor knows his limits." * Isabell "Like hell he does! He took Gwen against her willl" Isabella roared.

This stumped everyone yet again. Isabella had as good as described Victor as unscrupulous. The assistants guffawed while the secretaries cringed at Victor's embarrassing behavior, admitting that his romantic pursuit of Gwendolyn was completely off-base.

Clayton's mouth twitched. He hadn't expected Victor to behave this way, 1. w. either.

"Hold your fire, little girl," Clayton said, trying to calm Isabella down. "What is it about Victor that you don't like?" Isabella refused to be reasoned with. "Everything! What's there to like about him?" "Is it the way he looks?" Clayton guessed, attempting to coax an answer out of her. "Yes! He's too pretty!” Isabella snapped.

Everyone fell speechless at this. This was the first tthey had heard of Victor's looks being his downfall. "Okay, but he's not bad-looking, right? He and Gwendolyn would make a lovely couple," Clayton cajoled patiently. "He comes from a good 1/4 $37% Chapter 62 background, too, right?" Isabella did not answer him this time.

"And there's nothing wrong with his character, right?" Clayton probed.

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Isabella cried in dismay, "I don't know if he's good or bad, but his behavior today said enough about his character!" The secretaries immediately interjected, "He's a good person, we promise." Isabella glanced at them and said nothing. She figured they only spoke up for Victor because they were his secretaries.

The four assistants hurriedly chimed, "That's right. M-Mr. Victor Maguire is a good person." Isabella's gaze flickered to them, but she remained quiet. She could not trust them, especially since they had crushes on the secretaries.

Edmund walked up to her with a smile. “Don't worry, Isabella, Victor may be hardheaded, but he knows his limits. Trust me." "But..." Isabella frowned, still unconvinced.

Andrew snapped out of his daze. "Don't worry, Isabella. Victor won't cross any lines. Gwendolyn will be alright." "Didn't you object earlier?" Isabella countered as she looked at Andrew unhappily.

"Yeah, but I only did it because Victor's methods of getting a girl are too eccentric. I mean, what kind of romantic pursuit is that?" Andrew explained.

"Right? He was barbaric, not to mention petty and childish!” Isabella said, extremely furious.

Clayton drew her close and rubbed her back soothingly. "There, there, no need to be e angry. I'm sure Gwendolyn will be just fine. You can always ask her about it tomorrow. Maybe things will be different then. Just calm down." Following that, everyone went up to Isabella to reassure her.

What started as a happy gathering was hurriedly wrapped up after Victor's so-called barbaric behavior. Hendrix and Weston told Kayson to take a chapter out of Victor's book and be more assertive toward the girl he liked regardless of whether such feelings were reciprocated. After that, it would only be a matter of changing her mind.

Meanwhile, the other ladies thanked their lucky stars that they had never encountered men as eccentric as Victor, though they supposed he was one of a kind.

It was early morning when Mandy chased Channing up and down the stairs of Cityview Manor, her voice reverberating through the Murray residence as she screeched, "Stop right there, Channing! You owea new phonel" ailing after Mandy Queenie was trailing after Mandy and placating, “Please stop running, Mandy. Let's talk after we sit down, okay?" "Does he look to be in a sitting mood? He's running around like a wild rabbit!" Mandy shrieked. “Channing, stop! Just wait till I get my hands on you!" Channing did not bother with anything else as he ran and dodged Mandy. "Mandy, no man likes a hothead! You'll end up single and alone if you keep this up!" "Don't you dare calla hothead! And how dare you curse me? Stop right now!" Mandy growled. "I'll kill you, I swear!" 3/4 Chapter 62 "Oh, stop fighting, the bath of you!" Queenie urged, "You'll wake Uncle Calvin and Aunt Jennie," Keanu and Sandra had returned to Nusridge after school reopened. Keanu, in particular, had to go back to work at Murray Corporation.

However, Jennie couldn't get enough of the environment and fresh air here, so she decided to stay a while longer. Calvin, who indulged in Jennie's whims, stayed as well.

The moment Queenie stopped talking, Calvin's voice could be heard from upstairs. “What's with all the ruckus at this hour? Channing, are you picking on your sister again?" Channing grumbled up the stairs, "Dad, you can't just assit's my fault without hearing both sides of the story!" Calvin snapped, "You pick on her all the time, you punk! How many times do i have to tell you? She's your sister! Stop fighting with her and start treating her like a lady!" He stormed downstairs then, ready to knock ssense into Channing Before Calvin could reach the last step, Channing yelled, "Mom Mom, save mel Dad's going to hit me!" He was not afraid of Calvin, knowing Jennie would take his side, and Calvin was terrified of Jennie.

As such, Channing did not hesitate to ask for Jennie's help the moment he saw he was on the losing end.

At once, Jennie appeared at the landing in her pajamas. "Don't bully my son, Calvin," she said, her voice gentle but firm.

Calvin was a pushover when it cto Jennie. "But, Jennie, he was picking on his sister again!" Jennie hurried down the stairs and linked arms with Calvin, then led him to the couch. After that, she beckoned Queenie, Mandy, and Channing over.

Channing and Mandy plopped down on either side of their parents while Queenic took up the armchair "What happened? Can't you all spare us from your shenanigans? It's a weekend morning, for heaven's sake," Jennie said as she gave Mandy a sharp look.

Mandy pouted. "Channing broke my phone!" Calvin tried to reach past Jennie to hit Channing.

Channing ducked behind Jennie. "Mom, do you see what Dad's trying to do?" Jennie nudged Calvin's arm away. "Will you at least hear what Channing has to say?"

"Yeah, Dad! Why do you always side with Mandy?" Channing poked his head out from behind Jennie's m shoulder and explained, "Mandy was going to call Clayton earlier, but I stopped her and told her not to bother him. I knocked her phone out of her hand by accident, and she wouldn't get off my back since!" "You were going to call Clayton?" Jennie gave Mandy a pointed look.

Jennie knew what Clayton thought of them, but she couldn't care less. That being said, she would not allow her children to meet Clayton without the other Murray family members present She would not allow Clayton to hurt her children.

Mandy was spoilt beyond reason by her father.

However, M She knew what Jennie had told her about Clayton, but it didn't change her admiration of him, and she wanted his attention. She was proud to have Clayton as her brother.

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[37%: Chapter 62

She firmly believed that the wedge between Clayton and her family was caused by a lack of communication. She was sure that he would like her if she could see him enough. "Who wouldn't want an adorable sister like me?' she wondered. More importantly, she knew Queenie had a crush on Clayton, and that Queenie only moved here because she wanted to see him more often. However, Clayton had not cby since Calvin and Jennie's brood arrived. When Mandy saw Queenie secretly crying in the garden the other day, she knew Queenie had missed Clayton. Clayton's withdrawal did no good for Queenie.

Mandy's heart went out to Queenie, too. Besides, she wanted to see Clayton as well.

As such, she and Queenie secretly dropped by RS International the other day.

"...I was thinking about inviting him over for dinner. We haven't had a meal with him since we got back!" Mandy muttered. She was scared of Jennie, and one look from the latter was enough to make her shudder.

"She not only wanted to call him, she also went to RS International secretly the other day!" Channing spilled the truth.

Mandy glared at him, vowing to deal with him later for ruining her plans.

Jennie shot Mandy a dark look. "Is what Channing said true?" Mandy looked down and ducked behind Jimmy.

Queenie quickly interjected, "I'm sorry, Aunt Jennie, it was my fault. I shouldn't have gone with Mandy to RS International to see Clayton..." Jimmy interrupted, "Oh, leave the kids be, Jennie. There's nothing wrong with going to RS International. That's our family company, and Mandy's allowed to go whenever she wants." "I just don't want Mandy to bother Clayton while he's busy with work, that's all," Jennie said. She could not bring herself to tell Calvin the truth-that she was afraid Clayton would hurt her children.

Jennie knew what Clayton thought of her. He had yet to expose her, but until then, she would try to keep up appearances while sabotaging. Calvin and Clayton's relationship.

with her. He should be happy that someone as "Mandy is his sister! She wouldn't be a bother at all, and even if she was, he'd have to put up adorable as Mandy and Queenie even thought of him in the first place," Calvin said, growing angry. "Speaking of, is he so busy that he can't chevery once in a while? it's almost like he wants to cut off ties with me," "Don't say that, Calvin. I'm sure Clayton's got his hands full now that RS International is catching up with Murray Corporation," Jennie chided. gently. "As his father, you should give him the benefit of the doubt." Calvin's face darkened. He didn't like hearing about how well Clayton was doing. It made him feel inferior, though he wouldn't admit that outright. As such, he resorted to wielding his parental authority instead.