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Genius Wizard Takes Medicine-Novel

Chapter 253
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Should they take the risk of potentially damaging Thuran’s remains in order to verify the presence of Geonis’ remains?

Evelyn had a valid reason for contemplating this course of action.

To promptly convey the situation to the wizards at the tower, the most straightforward approach would be to present them with Geonis’ body contained within Thuran’s abdomen.

Lennok, as he gazed upon the lion giant’s lifeless body sprawled on the ground, remarked,

“The power used by the White Lion was to borrow the mana of those it immediately consumed, on the condition of cannibalism. It was powerful and immediate, but the downside was that the obtained mana wasn’t permanent and would evaporate over time.”

“Just hearing about it makesfeel sick. How vile must one be to be capable of such a thing…”

Thuran’s claims of being a predator seemed nonsensical, given that Croken and Felix exhibited thought processes similar to other humans. It appeared that Thuran was, in fact, insane.

“That’s probably why he put the members of the Council into comas and hid, eating them one by one. Ready for battle at any signal from Geonis.” Lennok suggested, pausing briefly before continuing.

“And I think… Thuran’s cannibalism probably didn’t follow a normal digestive process. The fact that he could use Geonis’ magic immediately after consuming him suggests simultaneous breakdown and digestion within his body.”

“Okay.” Evelyn responded, her expression easing. “Then let’s just transport it to the tower as it is. We need to contact the central continent headquarters of the Blaiver Tower and wait for their response.”

With that determination, she lifted the giant’s body, which stood twice her height, though it was nearly hidden beneath its thick fur.

“What an annoying guy even after death… Ugh, the smell…” Evelyn remarked, her voice tinged with annoyance.

Lennok chuckled at the grumbling voice emanating from the lifeless giant’s body.

The two soon departed from the molten basalt area and headed toward the slate crash site where other agents awaited them.

While nothing could be done for the Council members who had already perished, those still alive needed to be rescued.

“It seems difficult for them to regain consciousness immediately.”

“Still?” Evelyn inquired.

“While you two were in battle, we examined their condition… Right now, they’re practically living corpses. They can’t even walk on their own.”

Among the Council members, the one who had fared the best was an elderly man, albeit with one arm partially consumed. The extent of the damage was evident.

The necromancy employed had been so potent that they remained unconscious despite having limbs consumed while alive.

Irrespective of Geonis Verbane’s motivations, the aftermath of the incident he left behind was profoundly impactful.

Present at the scene were six individuals, including Lennok and Evelyn.

Out of the fifteen Council members from the Western Continent branch, only five had survived.

Furthermore, considering the hundreds of books and magical texts stored in the collapsed witchery, along with the hidden artifacts, it was impractical to move everything at once from this location.

“Have you contacted the tower?”

“Yes,” Evelyn confirmed. “They said they would send reinforcements immediately to assess the situation, but there’s been no word yet.”

Lennok and Evelyn exchanged meaningful glances before rising to their feet.

The tower’s crater wasn’t far from this basalt area.

If they had indeed sent someone to evaluate the situation, their magical senses should have detected them by now.

However, the fact that they hadn’t sensed anything raised concerns.

“There’s been a problem.”

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“Which side do you think? The tower? Or the pandemonium?”

“It’s not the tower. If the tower’s wizards had joined Geonis, it wouldn’t have cto this.”


“Do you remember what Geonis said?”


Lennok muttered, loading his shotgun.

“He said two members of the pandemonium infiltrated the furnace and caused a disturbance. I overlooked it at the time…”

If those two infiltrators weren’t Thuran and Geonis but Thuran and another pandemonium member, there was no need for further explanation.

Evelyn swiftly retrieved her quiver and began making her way out of the basalt area.

“The only direct path from the tower to here is through a withered forest.”

This forest was a lifeless place, with trees that had dried and twisted unnaturally, having absorbed iron rather than water from the basalt area, leaving behind eerie remnants of contorted vegetation.

“If someone is hiding and waiting, it’s definitely…”

As Evelyn entered the forest, she paused, her steps faltering. There was no need for an extensive search. The presence of dozens of living beings becunmistakably palpable, as if the space itself had shifted.


Among the branches of the long-dead and petrified trees, numerous wizards were bound with an unknown material, hanging upside down. Most of them appeared unconscious, their struggles feeble at best. The scene resembled a macabre tableau, as if prey had been ensnared and stored for later.

And at the heart of this eerie forest, a giant spider hung upside down, fixating its gaze upon the two intruders. To call it a spider would be an oversimplification; it was more accurately described as a creature resembling a spider. It boasted ten legs, a robust body, and its upper half resembled that of a young woman. Its eyes were obscured by a thick blindfold, and its long hair cascaded down to the ground as it observed them. The creature’s mouth twitched slightly.

Evelyn recognized this entity instantly and stiffened.

“Agnetta… Were you the one who infiltrated the tower with Thuran…?”

“Someone you know?” 

Evelyn whispered softly as she turned her head.

“…One of the official messengers representing the position of Pandemonium. Among them, she’s somewhat moderate.” 

Despite their scrutiny, Agnetta remained indifferent.

“I was waiting for you. I thought you’d realize quickly, given your keenness.”

“Are you here for revenge on Thuran?” Evelyn asked.

“No,” Agnetta replied. “If that were the case, I would have intervened when that lion was rampaging. I was actually eagerly waiting for that idiot’s death.”


“I’ve just cto discuss our terms.”

A tense silence hung in the air.

After a moment of contemplation, Evelyn shook her head.

“If you’re asking for the embers of the furnace, I can’t help you. It’s not my decision to make.”

“Oh, I don’t need that anymore.” Agnetta responded casually, her hair swaying as she dangled from the web. “I found something similar in the deep sea of the Northern Hemisphere. Oh, should I not have mentioned that?”

“…What?” Evelyn echoed, bewildered, while Lennok bowed his head slightly, closing his eyes in deep thought.

This statement provided sclarity regarding Pandemonium’s global activities.

Indeed, they were in the process of collecting relics from the ancient world that had persisted in this realm.

Agnetta smoothly shifted the conversation’s focus.

“Anyway, that’s not what’s important. What I want is this. Thuran’s body. Do you still have it?”


“Just return that, and I’ll leave peacefully.”

“Why do you want his body?”

“It’s a pity for such a body to just vanish into dirt.”

As Agnetta raised her hand, one of the cocoons suspended from the trees fell beside her, a strand of web snapping.

“Though his head was filled with nothing but vile cravings for human flesh, his body can be useful in many ways.”

“…Do you think I’d make a deal that benefits you?”

“Maybe. But you might change your mind after seeing this.”

A lengthy spider leg gracefully sliced open the cocoon, revealing its contents.

An unconscious man with a short beard, his eyes rolled back. A familiar middle-aged face.

Mauser’s countenance was unmistakable.


Evelyn grimaced subtly, realizing that Agnetta had meticulously prepared for this encounter.

She hadn’t merely been waiting for the skirmish nearby to conclude.

Her infiltration of the tower had been motivated by the aim of retrieving Thuran’s remains, as well as capturing Mauser, who had been stationed in the furnace control room.

“I’ve heard the stories. A famous craftsman from the mechanical city?”


The tip of Agnetta’s leg brushed Mauser’s forehead lightly, and in an instant, his skin split, bathing his face in bright red blood.

“I don’t ask for much. Let’s end today’s matter here.”


Evelyn’s expression becintricate, but she didn’t deliberate for long.

Regardless of Agnetta’s moderation, she remained a member of Pandemonium.

There was no room for hesitation or indecision when it cto taking or sparing a life, nor for casual mentions of such matters.

Even if Thuran’s corpse held svalue, it could not surpass the importance of saving a living individual.


Evelyn nodded and promptly turned away.

“I’ll bring Thuran’s corpse. If you harm the craftsman Mauser in the meantime, I won’t leave it be.”

With a swift motion, she disappeared into the forest.

Lennok, naturally, crossed his arms and positioned himself, facing Agnetta.

Evelyn’s confidence in leaving others behind and departing was likely grounded in her trust in Lennok to hold the fort.

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Without uttering a word, Lennok withdrew a cigarette and lit it, his countenance displaying indifference.

Though displeased with Agnetta’s proposal, the reality was that there were no superior alternatives in the current predicament.

They couldn’t sacrifice the healthy Mauser for the deceased White Lion’s body.

With the adversary’s strength still not fully assessed, ignoring the hostage and engaging in combat was an untenable option.

Moreover, both Lennok and Evelyn found themselves severely depleted of mana, rendering continuous combat unfeasible.

Ultimately, this entire situation had evolved as a consequence of Geonis’ betrayal of the tower and his alignment with Pandemonium.

Lennok cast his gaze around at the intricate spiderwebs enveloping them, his eyes reflecting deep contemplation.

While Lennok possessed a proficiency in employing mana, the mastery of high-level manipulation magic was an entirely different matter.

Manipulation magic constituted one of the most expansive and enigmatic categories within the realm of magical disciplines. Its level of proficiency and specialization could vary significantly depending on what it manipulated and how it did so.

Lennok employed mana to interfere both physically and magically, but it wasn’t uncommon for a manipulator to delve into entirely distinct ‘concepts’ unrelated to conventional magic.

For instance, a sorcerer who manipulated ‘minds’ rather than magic.

Lost in thought, Lennok suddenly voiced his realization.

“The necromancy on the Council members. That was your doing.”


“It wasn’t originally necromancy, was it?”


Agnetta nodded nonchalantly, her blindfolded gaze fixed upon Lennok.


Suddenly, the spider’s body inched closer, closely scrutinizing Lennok from mere inches away.

Unable to endure the intense scrutiny, Lennok coughed.

“Why are you staring atlike that?”

“I’m curious why Fis interested in you.”


“That old guy has no taste in people, but he seems to have taken a liking to you. I want to get close to him too.”


“If you tellwhy he’s interested in you, I’ll share the message the leader left for you.”

Lennok sighed without uttering a word.

The fact that the head of Pandemonium had left a message for Lennok was surprising enough, but now she was only contemplating sharing it?

It was rumored that sorcerers specializing in manipulation often exhibited eccentricities, but her peculiar and unconventional demeanor surpassed the usual bounds of eccentricity.

“Fine. Tellthis message.”

“You’ll tell?”


As Lennok maintained his silence, Agnetta raised her hand and lifted her blindfold.

Her eyes, marred with scars as if slashed in various directions, opened, and Agnetta’s expression underwent a dramatic transformation.

(To be Continued)

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