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Genius Warlock

Chapter 397
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As Oliver walked down the corridor of the Poor Brothers’ Welfare Center, he was filled with awe.

Although it was far more modest in comparison to the Magic Tower, the Ministry of Internal affairs building, or the Forrest restaurant, in Oliver’s eyes, it appeared just as magnificent as any other edifice.

Wasn’t that the truth?

This building had been obtained by delving into Shamus’s background at great risk, ultimately securing the coveted city welfare budget. In the process, Kent lost an arm, but he had achieved his objective through his own determination and strength.

‘-Too much help can be poisonous,’ Kent had remarked. ‘-The process may be tough, and the results might not always be satisfactory, but this time we have to do it on our own. That’s how we grow.’

Oliver recollected Kent’s words when he had offered his assistance.

Such eloquent words, but Kent had not just spoken; he had acted upon them and reached his goal.

Truly remarkable.

Knock. Knock.

As Oliver approached a door and knocked, a voice emanated from within.

“Is that you?”

“Yes. Mr. Kent. May I enter?”

“Of course, come in.”

With permission granted, Oliver glanced at Forrest.

As Forrest walked down the corridor, his complexion betrayed the weight of his thoughts—guilt, fear, repulsion—and he now appeared visibly agitated, with beads of sweat forming.

It seemed like the first time Oliver had witnessed Forrest in such a state.

Oliver placed a reassuring hand on Forrest’s shoulder.

Perhaps due to the tension, Forrest flinched at the simple touch.

“Mr. Forrest.”

“I-It’s fine… I’m okay.”

“I’ll go in first, then. Could you please come in after a while, Mr. Forrest?”

Though it seemed like an unusual request after coming this far, Forrest briefly displayed relief and reassurance in his emotions.

Even though the mind knows it must proceed, the heart often feels differently.

“Yes… I’m alright.”

“I have some matters to discuss with Mr. Kent as well. And I have to break the ice. Could you wait just a moment?”

As Oliver spoke, Forrest reluctantly agreed.

There’s a natural inclination to delay the inevitable pain as long as possible. Forrest took a deep breath to compose himself, and in the meantime, Oliver entered the room.


The sound of the creaking hinge accompanied Kent, who was seated at his desk, organizing the ledger.

“Good day, Mr. Kent.”

Oliver greeted Kent, who looked the same as when they had first and last met.

Long coat, beanie, quarterstaff propped against one wall… The only difference was that his attire appeared tidier, and his beard was well-groomed.

“It’s been a while.”

Kent used the quarterstaff against the wall as a cane to rise, his limping leg noticeable.

“Are you alright?”

“Of course, I’m fine. Look. I’ve adapted to the prosthetic arm.”

Kent raised one hand to display it—a golem prosthetic arm that Oliver had gifted him.

An arm crafted from magic stone.

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“I’m glad to hear that. Are you finding it convenient to use?”

“Not at all, it’s actually quite handy. Look.”

Kent reached out his hand toward a bottle on the desk, and the golem prosthetic arm obediently extended, grasping and bringing the bottle closer.

“It’s more convenient than I thought. I almost regret not wearing it sooner.” Kent quipped about his amputated arm, attempting to lighten the mood for Oliver.

“The building looks great.”

“Happy to hear you say that. It’s quite something to receive such a compliment from a person in Magic Tower… Don’t take it the wrong way, I’m not being sarcastic. I’m sincerely proud of you.”

“Did you know?”

“I survive on information, after all. I may not know the details, but I almost know everything that’s going around… It seems there’s a complicated story.”


As Oliver started to explain, Kent raised his hand and shook his head.

“Is there a problem?”


“Then, there’s no need to explain, since there are no heartless people in Landa… But what brings you here? You must be busy to have contacted and come all the way here; seems like you have some business.”

Kent, seemingly able to see through Oliver, left him contemplating how to initiate the conversation.

Despite practicing with Children more than twenty times, when it came to the actual conversation, it didn’t seem like a suitable approach.

Oliver was concerned and finally began speaking.

“Mr. Forrest has come. With me.”


“I insisted… I’m sorry to be so abrupt, but could you meet with him?”

In response to Oliver’s question, Kent looked at him silently. Oliver anticipated Kent’s potential anger, but to his surprise, Kent didn’t become angry. Instead, he hesitated, looked sorrowful, and appeared lost in thought.

An uneasy silence followed. Although it was somewhat uncomfortable for Oliver, it paled in comparison to what Kent and Forrest, inside and outside the room, were going through.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, Kent finally spoke.

“I would like to meet him.”

Kent didn’t merely say “okay” or “sure.” He responded with “I would like to meet him.” Oliver glanced at the door, where Forrest stood, visibly anxious.

In that moment, Forrest wanted to escape from his guilt, but with the patience of a broker and all the courage he could muster, he pushed the door open and entered.

Creak. Thud. Thud.

The sound of the creaking hinge and footsteps. Kent and Forrest faced each other after a long time.




The silence persisted, but the emotions were anything but silent.

Forrest wished to apologize immediately, but ironically, the weight of guilt left him speechless. Kent, too, was lost in thought.

Oliver wanted to break the silence himself, but he couldn’t muster the courage. It wasn’t his place to interfere.

Whether it ended well or poorly, that was a decision for Kent and Forrest to make.


“Yes, Mr. Kent.”

“Could you leave us alone for a moment? I want to have a conversation… just the two of us… Is that possible?”

Kent requested, and Forrest silently agreed. Both parties did.

Without hesitation, Oliver nodded and exited the room.


The sound of the creaking hinge quietly echoed.


Leaving Kent and Forrest to their conversation, Oliver stepped outside and took a look around the Poor Brothers’ Welfare Center.

Outside the building, there was not only a soup kitchen distributing free fried bread but also a poorhouse that provided a night’s stay for just a single penny, a significant discount from the average price of two pennies. They even offered coffin beds made of planks, not just hammocks strung up in a line.

‘So that’s why there were so many people,’ Oliver thought as he observed the crowd gathering for free bread and affordable lodging.

After spending about an hour exploring both the inside and the surroundings of the welfare center, Forrest emerged.

“Mr. Forrest, is the conversation… over?” Oliver inquired.

“Yes, it’s finished,” Forrest replied. Oliver wanted to ask if the conversation had gone well, but seeing Forrest’s improved expression and mood, he decided to refrain from pressing the question.

“I see. Then, let’s go back.”

“No, go see Kent. He asked for you.”


“Yes, I’ll wait in the car. Take your time… Thank you.”

Perplexed by Forrest’s words yet curious about Kent’s request, Oliver made his way to Kent’s office.

As he opened the door with the creaking hinge and entered, Kent appeared refreshed, sipping from his cup, and warmly welcomed Oliver.

“Thank you.”


“For bringing Forrest… It was disconcerting, but it felt like washing away an old stain. I’m truly grateful.”

“I’m glad to have been of help. I was worried you might be displeased, but I’m relieved.”

Kent smiled gently in response to Oliver’s words.

“Talking with you is enjoyable.”

“Is that so?”

“Sometimes it’s frustrating, but I feel respected. That’s why it’s enjoyable.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

“But at the same time, I’m worried. Your nature is good, but I wonder if it’s difficult to run an organization. There are more dirty works than you think.”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you form an organization in District X… or not?”

Oliver was puzzled at first, but then he understood the reference.

“The Chosen Ones.”

“I think I understand what you’re saying, but it seems like you’re mistaken, Mr. Kent.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it’s true I helped people I know to buy buildings and settle in District X, but I didn’t form any organization. I’m not sure how such a rumor started.”

“Really… You wouldn’t buy buildings just because they are acquaintances, would you?”

“Isn’t it because the housing prices in District X are cheap? Mr. Forrest even negotiated on my behalf and got a discount.”

Oliver’s response didn’t offer much clarity, but Kent didn’t press further. After all, this was consistent with Oliver’s character, and he had received his help in the past. As long as there were no issues with him, Kent didn’t mind.

“Well, that’s good… Ah, then, is the story about you cheating on the businesswoman also false? I was too curious.”


“No, one of the organization members who works at a hotel said that you were caught cheating.”

“If you’re talking about a hotel… Are you referring to Miss Jane?”

Oliver mentioned Jane because it was the only recent hotel-related incident he could recall.

“Yes, that lady. She’s gaining a reputation as an outstanding investor lately. I did doubt it because it seemed out of character for you…”

“Uh… To my knowledge, cheating requires having a lover first, right?”

“Usually, that’s the case.”

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“Then I have never cheated. Firstly, I don’t have anyone I’m dating.”

Kent’s eyes widened in surprise.

“…Weren’t you dating Jane?”

“May I ask why you think that?”

“No, it’s just that I heard such rumors, and even the lady herself… Never mind. It seems I was misled by false information again. Half of the information I get tends to be just rumors.”

“Ah… I’m glad the misunderstanding is cleared up.”

“Poor thing.”


“Nothing… Anyway, I called you here to say if you need help with anything, just tell me. I may not be able to offer much, but I can provide some assistance.”

“I have already received a lot of help.”

Oliver remembered when he first arrived in Landa, met Kent, and then received aid while escaping with Jane. He had received numerous other forms of assistance as well.

Satisfied with Oliver’s response, Kent smiled and extended his hand for a handshake.

Oliver shook his hand.


As their hands met, Kent pulled Oliver closer with a strong grip and whispered.

“I’ve heard about the terrorist attack last night.”


“Sorry to overstep, but do you really have to go to Galos?”


“I don’t doubt your abilities. You’re one of the strongest people I’ve seen, whether it be in strength or spirit… But do you really need to walk into the fire voluntarily?”

Kent’s concern was genuine. He was sincerely worried about Oliver.

In response to Kent’s worry, Oliver lowered the quarterstaff he was holding and placed his hand on top of Kent’s, which they were still shaking.

“Thank you for your concern. But I must go. There’s a reason now.”

“May I ask what it is?”

“…Because I want to hit him.”

Oliver replied, recalling the formal invitation from Human-meat Chef.

Although it wasn’t a conventional answer, Kent simply chuckled weakly, realizing that he couldn’t dissuade him.

“Well then… I’ll pray for your safety.”

“Thank you… Oh, may I ask you something too? It’s nothing much, but if you could really have a new arm, would you consider it?”

“A new arm?”

“Yes, a real arm made of flesh, blood, and bone… Maybe you could even heal your leg.”

“No, I’m fine.”

Kent shook his head decisively, without a hint of hesitation.

Not just content but resolute. When Oliver inquired why, Kent smiled as though he had found enlightenment and replied.

“It’s a really kind offer, but these scars are also the history of my life. I choose to carry them and go on. That’s what I want.”

(To be Continued)

CH 394-403 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part1) $3CH 404-413 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part2) $3CH 414-423 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part3) $3CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3434~ $1/chapter


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