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Genius Warlock

Chapter 388
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Roberto, hailing from District X, held a prominent position within the community, which served as the fundamental building block of life in District X.

In this District, the community stood as an indispensable entity for survival, given the absence of a formal police force; practically every resident of District X had some form of association with a community, be it direct or indirect.

These communities primarily existed to safeguard their members against threats posed by entities such as thieves, robbers, and murderers.

Naturally, these communities took on various shapes and sizes. Some were comprised of neighbors who banded together, effectively forming an extensive protective family, while others took shape as organized entities, built on principles of power and, at times, violence. Yet, there were those who utilized their available resources to create and sustain a community.

Roberto belonged to the latter category. His fascination was drawn by the vast stacks of money piled high as a mountain. This fascination stemmed from his grandfather, an unfortunate gambler who had invested his entire accumulated wealth in the acquisition of a substantial multi-family residence during the development phase of District X.

His intention had been to lead a carefree life, sustained solely by the rental income for the remainder of his days.

However, contrary to expectations, the development of District X came to an abrupt halt due to rampant corruption among the city council members, relentless acts of terror from the anti-development committee, and the apathy of other city council members. Consequently, Roberto’s grandfather found himself left with nothing but an unfinished cement structure, and the stress from these circumstances eventually claimed his life at the age of 72.

Nevertheless, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Roberto’s father, who possessed the skills to transform this seemingly worthless concrete block into a thriving community hub. He offered shelter to capable street wanderers, engaging them in various work opportunities, while also helping women and children secure jobs to pay rent. This innovative plan proved successful and continued to thrive during Roberto’s time.

Living as the leader of a community in District X came with its own set of challenges. The constant threat of violence while walking the streets and occasional disputes with neighboring communities over garbage disposal were part of the package. However, as the head of the community, Roberto led a relatively comfortable and elevated life.

In fact, Roberto had grown accustomed to and somewhat content with this life. But now, a new and unexpected opportunity had presented itself.

“The amount is… there’s no need to mention it, right?”remarked the bothersome old man from the front District, introducing himself as Forrest.

Suddenly, he had appeared, expressing a desire to purchase Roberto’s building and even laying out a substantial sum of money. Strangely, this only wounded Roberto’s pride further.

Roberto took a deep breath and contemplated his next move. How could he best leverage this unexpected and significant opportunity that had fallen into his lap?

‘Why does he want this building? It’s the biggest multi-family house around here, but it’s just a lump of cement… Should I push him away? I could probably squeeze out more from him. After all, he’s a rich guy from the front District, so it’s justified to rip him off even more, right?’

As Roberto pondered his version of justice, his attention was drawn elsewhere.

To his surprise, he spotted Knuckle Joe and his associates, Twin Pistol Sam and Iron Mace Owen, who had brought along a duffel bag brimming with money.

The Fighter Crew.

Under an exclusive contract with the Crime Firm, they had risen to become the most affluent community in the current District X, and they were silently observing the unfolding situation.

Dressed in suits that resembled uniforms, they appeared even more imposing.

Who was this elderly man following them? An associate of the Crime Firm?

Roberto’s fingers twitched nervously as he contemplated his next move. With the money on the table, he could secure a prosperous life, even in the front District. He could acquire a respectable home, establish a shop, and perhaps even purchase a vehicle. It was an opportunity he couldn’t afford to miss.



“Are you going to sell the building or not? We’re not trying to rush you, but we’re short on time.” Forrest pressed, tapping his wristwatch.

‘Annoying old man!‘ Roberto cursed internally before finally responding.

“Frankly, it’s a lot of money. However, it’s not easy to sell this building that has been cared for since my grandfather’s time. There are people living here, so let me think a bit—”


“Yes, Mr. Forrest.”

“Pack up the money and get up. Sadly, he doesn’t seem interested in selling.”

Upon Forrest’s command, Joe and his companions gathered the stacks of money from the table and placed them back into the duffel bag, slinging it over their shoulders.

The owner of the money was none other than Oliver.


Just as Forrest was about to depart with Joe, the building’s owner, Roberto, yelled to halt him.

“Are you joking right now?”

Sensing Roberto’s greed and intentions, Forrest responded firmly.

The owner is already consumed by the power of money. Now is the time to negotiate the price, reasonably.

“Ah, I apologize if I have offended you, Mr. Roberto. But it seems you have no intention of selling… As I mentioned earlier, we don’t have much time.”

“We also have a lot to consider! There are already residents living here!”

At this point, Forrest signaled to Joe.

Joe and his colleague placed the duffel bags back on the table, but this time, there were only two instead of three.

“What are you doing?!”

“We’re negotiating.”


“Yes. We’ll handle the issue of the existing residents. So, give us a discount accordingly.”

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“You’re going to rip me off for just that?! Do I look like a fool?!”

“Of course, it’s not just because of that. As I said earlier, we don’t have time. Time is a valuable resource, and it’s being consumed as we speak with you. That loss is also included.”

“Does this crazy old man think he can mess around because he has some money?!”

Unable to tolerate Forrest’s words, a burly man from Roberto’s side lunged forward and shouted.

It was a show of force, but it was an ill-advised choice.


The hefty man cried out and dropped to his knees, overpowered by Joe’s sheer physical strength, even without resorting to black magic.

His cheek stretched like mozzarella cheese, a testament to Joe’s formidable might.

“Move, and this guy’s head will explode.”

Joe warned Roberto’s associates. In District X, people were well aware of Joe’s skills and disposition, so they instinctively retreated.

Especially in District X, where physical strength often dictated the rules.

Suddenly, Roberto found himself backed into a corner.

Sweating profusely, he was immobilized until Forrest presented him with an alternative.

“Let me make an offer again. Will you take the money on the table? Or not? We’ll handle the minor issues, so you can just take the money and leave… You’re free to refuse, but remember one thing.”


“The next duffel bag will have even less money in it.”


In front of the expansive multi-family residence in District X, Oliver sat in silence, patiently awaiting the return of Forrest and Joe.

Fortunately, as Carver had previously indicated, the city had agreed to permit and safeguard Oliver and those who chose to stay in District X. However, this agreement came with several stipulations, including the prohibition of religious activities, mandatory residence in District X, and routine inspections by the city’s security bureau.

‘And there’s also the condition that we must help the city with whatever they ask, just once…’

Upon reflection, there were indeed quite a few conditions, but Oliver found them acceptable. From the city’s perspective, accommodating their presence was undoubtedly a burden, but they had willingly embraced it. Oliver considered the quid pro quo to be a fair arrangement.

“Mas… Dave.”

Mari began to address him as ‘master’ but quickly corrected herself.

“Yes, Marie.”

“Mr. Forrest is coming out.”

Marie informed Oliver, who had been lost in thought. He turned his head to gaze at the entrance of the large multi-family residence.

Forrest emerged confidently, flanked by two members of the Fighter Crew. In his hand, he held the certificate of building ownership.

“The negotiation was successful. And we’ve managed to lower the price reasonably.”

Indeed, one of the Fighter Crew members shouldered a duffel bag brimming with money. It amounted to a third of the sum Oliver had originally anticipated.

“Ah, thank you. How did you manage to negotiate the price down?”

“It’s a matter of negotiation skills. Use this money to finish building that structure.”

A Fighter Crew member handed over another duffel bag, this time to Marie and her group.

“Thank you so much for helping us.”

“Don’t mention it. I wanted to help you. Not only did you come back alive on your own, despite being my biggest client, but you also negotiated with the city. I should be the one taking care of these minor things. So, are you going to change the broker?”

Forrest concluded with a jest, but aside from that, Oliver nodded with seriousness. He genuinely enjoyed working with Forrest.

“Good to hear. Now I can sleep easier. I was afraid you would end the deal if I didn’t help.”

“Don’t worry about it. I already owe you a lot, Mr. Forrest. Where are Joe and the others?”

“Ah, those guys are currently managing the traffic.”

“Managing the traffic?”

“Yes. There were residents in that building, you know.”


“They’re persuading them. Since the building owner sold it, they have to leave too. Joe is doing a good job persuading them.”

As soon as Forrest finished speaking, a window in the multi-family building shattered, and a large figure tumbled out. Fortunately, the building wasn’t excessively tall, and a heap of garbage below prevented any serious harm.

“Is this what you mean by ‘managing traffic’?”

“Well, yes, you could often see this during the redevelopment boom… brings back memories.”

“Um… Isn’t it a bit much to suddenly evict them?”

“Not at all? New owners mean the current tenants have to leave. We can’t let them infringe upon your property rights, can we? Didn’t you know this would happen?”

“Honestly, no, I didn’t. It’s the first time I’ve bought a building like this.”

“Good. Let me negotiate on your behalf then… So, what will you do?”

As Oliver pondered, Marie cautiously intervened.


“Yes, Marie?”

“Would it be alright to leave this matter to me?”

Marie asked politely, and Oliver found the idea agreeable. Marie possessed more knowledge and expertise in this area than Oliver did.

Oliver nodded, and Marie entered the building, bowing respectfully.

“Is that young lady your disciple?”

“Uh… I wouldn’t say disciple, but I did teach her a bit of black magic.”

Forrest found it hard to believe. Having witnessed Oliver’s teaching capabilities through the Fighter Crew, he couldn’t quite accept the “bit” part of Oliver’s statement.

“In any case, she seems useful to you. She looks very competent.”

That was indeed true. Once Marie entered the building, the faint screams from inside ceased.

“Marie is indeed amazing. Who should I contact to finish the construction?”

“I’ll look into it. I wonder if there’s a company willing to come up to District X.”

“Thank you.”

Oliver expressed his gratitude to Forrest, not only for negotiating the building deal but also for taking care of this matter.

‘I have to visit the Magic Tower, look at the thesis results, report the situation to Elder, upgrade the Corpse dolls, produce more blood potions, visit Lady Bathory’s disciples, and so on…’

“…by the way, Mr. Forrest, what do you mean you wonder if a company will come up to District X?”

“It’s because of the Anti-Development Committee.”

“The Anti-Development Committee?”

“Yes, look there.”

Forrest pointed in a particular direction. In the distance lay the Sem River and the Districts beyond it.

“Coincidentally, District X is closest to the Y and Z Districts and usually serves as the gateway.”


“For some reason, whenever there’s construction in District X, the Anti-Development Committee interferes. And their interference is far from peaceful. That’s why construction companies rarely come to District Xt. That’s also why development hasn’t happened yet.”

Oliver grasped the situation. Essentially, District X served as a buffer District that even the city had given up on for the sake of Districts Y and Z.

“So, will it be difficult to construct?”

“Well, no. It’s Landa, after all. If the price is right, there might be people willing to take the risk. If not, we could get someone from the Crime Firm—”


In the middle of Forrest’s explanation, the sound of vehicles suddenly reverberated through the area.

It was the heavy rumble of 6-wheeled trucks, and it wasn’t just one or two.

Everyone turned their attention toward the source of the noise and saw several trucks approaching.

“They’ve come for real.”

The leading vehicle came to a halt, and a man stepped out.

It was a face Oliver hadn’t seen in a while. It was James.

James, an employee of Pharmacist with no aptitude for black magic, had his emotions forcefully awakened by Oliver. In return, he shared stories of wizards, Landa, and street life.

James now appeared, leading multiple trucks, and he greeted Oliver with exaggerated politeness.

“Hello? Dave. It’s James… It’s been a long time.”

With a slightly theatrical greeting and a mischievous expression, he seemed to recall the stories he had heard from Pharmacist.

“Hello? Mr. James… It’s been a long time.”

“Ha! Drop the ‘Mr.’ Anyway, nice to see you. I missed you when you left so suddenly… Can I still speak like this?”

“Yes, please speak as you are comfortable.”

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James raised one corner of his lips slightly. He seemed content that Oliver remained just as he remembered.

Well, that’s probably why the boss decided to resume business with him.

“We have a lot to talk about, but first, let’s deal with urgent matters. Come down.”

Following James’ command, the pharmacy staff simultaneously opened the cargo doors of the trucks.

Dozens of individuals disembarked from the vehicles.

All of them were members of ‘The Chosen Ones’, and among their ranks were familiar faces that Oliver recognized.


One of the chosen ones whom Oliver had first encountered in Wineham, Celine, though looking worn, brightened upon seeing him.

The others present soon recognized Oliver and were about to kneel in respect, but those who had already arrived in Landa restrained them.

“Ha… I still can’t believe it. That those cultists have settled in Landa . Did you manage to get permission?”

“I’m surprised and grateful too… Thank you for bringing them safely, Mr. James.”

James scratched his nose, displaying cautious emotions. It was evident he had something to share.

“To be honest, I should be the one thanking you.”


“Ah, you drove those fanatics away, right? Honestly, we didn’t like them either.”

James was sincere. After all, due to the Paladins, the city had experienced a somber atmosphere, and even the pharmacy, which had never closed for more than 20 minutes, had seen a decline in business.

But it seemed there was more to it.

“The boss said to pass along his gratitude and apologies.”

“What does he mean?”

“He’s genuinely sorry for not being able to help you properly during the Paladin situation.”

James exhibited caution and a touch of anxiety as he conveyed this.

“No… On the contrary, I received great help. If it weren’t for Mr. Pharmacist, it would have been too late. And you’ve brought the others as well. I’m just grateful.”

James appeared relieved by Oliver’s response.


“I will certainly fulfill my promise with Mr. Pharmacist as soon as things are sorted here.”

James nodded, indicating that he still had trust in Oliver despite his sudden disappearance.

“By the way, can you introduce this person?”

Forrest, who had been observing quietly, interjected as the conversation came to a close.

Just as their conversation was wrapping up, Oliver introduced Forrest to James, and vice versa.

At that moment, Joe and Marie emerged from the building.

It appeared that some sort of gathering was taking place.

As Oliver was about to introduce James to Joe, a gruesome sound reverberated through the air.


Everyone ceased speaking and turned their heads in the direction of the sound.


The sound emanated from something within Oliver’s grasp.

Oliver displayed his palms, seemingly requesting understanding, and reached into his pocket.

A moment later, he retrieved something from within.

It was a small, circular piece of dried meat. A compressed, desiccated human head—a type of communication device he had received from Ewan.

Everyone was at a loss for words regarding this macabre item. Oliver once again gestured for understanding as he received the communication device with an air of nonchalance.

A faint voice emanated from the desiccated human mouth. Only Oliver, who was in close proximity, could discern the faint sound.

Forrest inquired, “What’s going on?”

“It’s Ewan… He says the item I ordered is ready and I should come to pick it up.”

“Fortunately, it seems. Where did he say to come?”

“District Z.”

(To be Continued)