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Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2. Chapter 151: New Introduction (2)
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Several videos dropped at once like bombs on Almond's YouTube channel.

This was the first uploaded video perhaps because it happened first. Despite the opponent's stream sniping and psychological warfare, the rather dumb BornToB was not shaken at all. It made for quite a sad yet funny episode.

└ "Real-tLuck Trash Strategy Game"

BornToB didn’t even realize the opponent's simple psychological warfare and lacked gaming sense, but quickly putting out Almond was significant enough.

“Yeah~ Try psychological warfare~ The gends if you’re dumb!”

With OrangeKing's exclamation, the video ended as BornToB won with Almond.

The short video only lasted three to four minutes, but it was still popular on YouTube. Thanks to this, the views reached 210,000 in just a few hours.

The next video was also related to BornToB.

The video showed the scene when Almond and BornToB said their last goodbyes.

Subscribers celebrated BornToB's last goodbye, yet swished for them to play again. Various reactions appeared, but the top comment was especially noticeable.

Reading this comment, people had a weird thought.

It wasn't that.

Reading the reply made it clear what he meant. Almond had inspired BornToB, who also started streaming.

Most found it funny.

Plenty of encouraging comments appeared, but those trying to drag him down always existed too.

Despite his shortcomings, BornToB definitely possessed the most important quality of being a streamer. That was the ability to draw in viewers.

It wasn’t about the gameplay, but this video of BornToB crying and saying goodbye had reached 190,000 views in a few hours. This was encouraging.

Regardless, BornToB was attracting attention. Speaking of individuals, BornToB wasn’t the only one who featured in Almond's stream.

This video had the most views excluding the national competition videos. The scene featured Walnutty, a loyal fan who gave a bow and arrows to Almond. Almond had been fighting on horseback, lost his weapon, and ran back. At that critical moment, it brought quite a bit of attention.

A lot of comments mentioned the general in the thumbnail. Next, comments also expressed gratitude toward Walnutty.

Opinions suggested this scene had been staged.

Almond's quick decision, perfect communication with BornToB, and Walnutty's timing raised doubts. These three things perfectly aligned and made sviewers believe the video was fake.

Comments that something was staged were almost like a compliment in this industry, so the administrator didn't worry much.

Most importantly, their videos had gained higher views. The current number of views for this video was 300,000. It was the highest view count, excluding the national competition content.

The truly highest one was this one.

The video's content, like the title, showed Almond disciplining British soldiers. He used the focus trait to knock them down one by one while hiding in the bushes. The content certainly matched the title except for one thing.

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In fact, the British never disrespected Almond.

Not only did Britain not disrespect Almond, but they didn't even recognize his existence. That was why this opinion existed.

Just ignoring and passing by someone was also a form of disrespect. Then, their treatment had been a bit harsh.

This video garnered such diverse responses and gained more popularity. While other videos' growth slowed and stopped at around 400,000, only this new concept video broke through the wall of 500,000 views as tpassed and it continued to rise.

About one hour before the award ceremony broadcast, the red carpet was laid. The doors of the large vans that arrived first began opening. Today's protagonists, the streamers dressed up for the occasion, started to walk out.

#GCategory Real-tHot Video 1st Place.


"Did you really save three hundred Yi Sun-Shin memes?" Ju-Hyeok casually asked Jia in the car.

He wasn't driving and was also in the backseat with Ji-Ah and Almond.

"Of course not."

"Well, three hundred is too many..."

"It was five hundred."

"Ho… Hold up?"

"Ah. You’re crazy."

Ji-Ah, amused by Ju-Hyeok's playfulness, chuckled and patted his shoulder.

The front car door closed.

A man with a jovial voice sat in the passenger seat. He was Punk's Mr. Oh.

"Miss, it's my first tmeeting you. You're the editor, right?"

Ji-Ah nodded toward Mr. Oh's chubby face reflected in the rearview mirror.


"All handsand beautiful people here. Let's sweep up the awards."

Director Oh's words signaled the driver beside him to start the car and the luxurious black van smoothly departed.

"Thank you for lending us the car," Ju-Hyeok expressed his gratitude again.

"What, no big deal. Anyway, I also go with a management car, so just use corporate money to ride in a nice car comfortably."

Ju-Hyeok had casually brought up the award ceremony when they finally contacted each other after a while. They all had to dress up to go, but their car was small so they needed to rent a bigger taxi or something.

Director Oh brushed it off as if it was nothing. It was a big help for Sang-Hyeon's group.

"Anyway, the Bubblegum’s side all have vans. They use those collectively."

"Ah... Is that given by Balloon Entertainment?"

"That's right."

This was a different story from Punk's partner management. They could be seen as an entertainment company that managed celebrities in such a manner.

Ju-Hyeok, also interested in this field, paid attention to their conversation. They talked about entertainment for a while.

Meanwhile, Ji-Ah seemed a bit nervous and only stared straight ahead.

Sang-Hyeon leaned against the window and enjoyed the streetlight views.

"The award ceremony..."

Sang-Hyeon's first award ceremony was a community sports competition he had participated in during middle school. The result was, of course, a gold medal. Winning a gold medal at his first competition was bewildering and boosted his confidence.

Perhaps because of that, he immediately dropped to silver and bronze medals in the next competition. He complained so much then that his grandmother scolded him a lot and his coach too.

"We're almost there!"

A cheerful shout cfrom the passenger seat.

It was a bit later than planned after checking the time, but this didn't affect their participation in the event.

Director Oh tried to cover their late excuses like this.

"Everyone, fix your attire. Take your tgetting out. Just walk straight to that place that looks like the entrance of a Roman temple."

The van's rear door slid open. At that moment, cameras and people's eyes simultaneously turned their way.

“Who is it?”

“A van? A big streamer?”

“An invited celebrity? The silhouette seems…”

The voices murmured and couldn’t be seen behind the darkly tinted windows.

Sang-Hyeon took a moment to breathe deeply. He had to get off first.

"I'll go first."

After briefly straightening his black suit, he stepped out of the car.

The moment his black shoes touched the red carpet…

"Who is it?"

"I can't see."

"Camera, zoom in please..."

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The people murmured. The distance was too far for a clear view.

The broadcast camera approached and scanned up from his feet to his waist, then his shoulders, and finally his face entered the frame.




A moment of silence passed.

"It's Almond! Almond!"

As if this statement was a signal, a scream almost indistinguishable from a cheer rang out.


All the murmuring voices instantly turned into cheers.



"Wow, it's really Almond!"

"This is crazy. Crazy!"

Flashes from the cameras lit up everywhere.

Sang-Hyeon momentarily stood there admiring the twinkling red carpet.

"This is..."

A scene from a stream seen through other eyes or a camera... Glamorous dresses, red carpets, and tuxedos...

It wasn't a grand movie festival or the Grammy Awards, but it was something everyone longed for in sform. Something that couldn't be precisely defined, but everyone sought its mirage.

He was now stepping into that mirage.


"Almond!! Please look here!!"

The camera flashes created a misty haze. Numerous fans waved at him.

"... Let’s keep going."

He walked onto the red carpet.



Ji-Ah and Ju-Hyeok followed him.