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Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 109: Beyond the Wall (2)
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Almond's strategy stunned all the users on Embul and they started posting on the forum.

Even veterans of the gcouldn't imagine something like that. After all, who would think of stacking people to climb the wall by themselves? It would be futile if he went over alone, but─

Suddenly, posts started appearing in the community.

[It’s a miscalculation, haha.]

While Almond's brutality initially astonished them, they started laughing again after seeing him struggle at the top of the wall when he couldn’t reach the edge.


Almond continued climbing the wall.

“Finally, he’s going over the wall!!! Huh?” OrangeKing suddenly sighed. “No...!”

A problem occurred. Although Almond reached the top, he couldn't reach the edge.

“He’s too short! Isn't it because there aren’t enough people? It's farther than we thought!”

Viewers initially thought there hadn’t been enough soldiers to build the human pyramid.

“No, there are still ssoldiers left.”

Several archers idly watched from the ground.

If all of them had been used, Almond could have climbed up.

“Oh...! They designed the human pyramid wrong!”

Kimchi Warrior also becdumbfounded and speechless like OrangeKing.

They had enough soldiers, but just built the pyramid incorrectly.

“Oh, this is just like solving all the questions on a university entrance exam and then getting the last arithmetic calculation wrong...!”

Almond unexpectedly cup with a creative plan, but couldn’t make the exact calculations work. He failed to calculate how many soldiers needed to be stacked and ultimately failed to reach the top.

Many soldiers still remained on the ground.

“Almond needs to get over quickly. If the enemy commander notices, they’ll increase the number of guard towers,” Kimchi Warrior urgently commented.

If the enemy commander Loop noticed, they would immediately build guard towers near the wall.

For now, it hadn't caught Loop’s attention yet because he was busy advancing to the third era.

“Should they rebuild the pyramid!?”

“No, no. I don't think they have tfor that.”

The enemy was busy advancing to the third era, but Almond and the soldiers probably didn’t have enough tto rebuild the pyramid. They had to figure something else out.

“It seems like he could make it if they try harder!”

The camera zoomed in on the scene and complaints from the soldiers could be heard.

“Uh... it's shaking! Hurry up!”

“What are you doing!”

“You crazy! Is the calculation wrong or is the design supposed to be this shaky!?”

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If this were real life, swould have collapsed from exhaustion already. However, the pyramid still stood in the gdespite being shaky and off-balance.

Rebuilding the pyramid in such a short twould be impossible.

“I'm sorry,” Almond stood at the top and suddenly apologized.

Regular viewers of Almond's streams already knew.

Then, Almond slightly pushed up and down. He kicked the human pyramid he was standing on and jumped.

Due to the impact, the human pyramid violently shook and eventually collapsed.


“You crazy...!”


Despite receiving a mountain of curses…

Almond's hand caught the edge of the wall.

"Almond successfully grabbed the wall!"

Finally, he pulled himself up and climbed over.

"Wow! He finally made it! He did it!"

Despite OrangeKing's triumphant shouts, the reality remained harsh.

"But... what now?"

Looking down at the enemy's base from the wall, Almond saw countless guard towers.

Just then, the cathedral also finished.

The enemy had advanced to the third era. Immediately afterward, a worker emerged and started building a knight school.

“An advanced military building, the Knight School, is under construction now!”

Once the enemy built those buildings, knights would start to appear.

“What happens when knights cout, Kimchi Warrior?”

“Knights initially have tremendous defense against non-explosive ranged attacks. Unless you hit the seams of their armor, you can assarrows won't do any damage.”

“Ah. I see..."

OrangeKing beca bit sullen for a moment.

Even if Almond managed to hit the seams of a charging knight's armor, he wouldn’t kill them. The damage would be minimal unless he struck a vital spot.

Moreover, knights dealt additional damage against archers and were considered an overwhelming force.

As a commentator, OrangeKing decided to stay hopeful at least.

“But this could be an opportunity, couldn't it?”

"Opportunity? What do you mean?" Kimchi Warrior asked in confusion.

What could possibly be an opportunity?

"Well, isn't the knight school still under construction?"


"It's not up yet! Moreover, it’s being built in Almond’s range!"


Kimchi Warrior hadn't considered that. It wasn't just idle talk.

"So... does the range reach?"

Almond's arrows could reach the knight school’s construction site.

"Of course! The Joseon bow has tremendous range! And he can shoot even further from the wall, right?!"

"Yes, about twenty to thirty percent further."

Kimchi Warrior quickly estimated the distance and slapped his cheeks.

"It really might reach, but the angle is a bit tricky. He has to shoot between the wooden pillars of the construction site..."

Almond didn't give Kimchi Warrior tto finish explaining.

From the enemy's wall, he swiftly pulled his bowstring.

The release happened without a moment's pause.

The arrow drew a large parabola in the air. If it hadn't been so silent, viewers wouldn't even have known he shot an arrow.


As OrangeKing finished his comment, an arrow pierced a worker's head like a skewer. The arrow perfectly flew past the construction site and struck the worker.


The thrill of a perfectly shot arrow at almost maximum range made everyone's skin crawl.

"Aaaaaaaah!!" OrangeKing screamed and trembled as if someone had electrocuted him.

"It, it hit! From that distance! At that angle! It perfectly struck the vital spot!"

The knight school’s construction suddenly halted.

"The construction of the knight school has stopped! Player Loop needs more workers now!"

OrangeKing grew heated and commentated as if he was watching an official tournament. He forgot that it was only a ranked match.

Loop sent three more workers and was determined to end the game.

"Three more workers are coming! Three! This shows they really want to end it, right?!"

"Well, with three workers... it would normally take about fifteen seconds..."

"So with three workers..."

At that moment, Almond shot up another arrow.

Once again, after flying over a long distance, the arrow precisely pierced a worker's head.

"Ah, there are only two now! How much twill it take… Nani?!"

OrangeKing's eyes nearly popped out because...

Another worker fell.

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Almond had shot a double shot at a speed that even the commentators missed.

Now, only one worker remained at the knight school’s construction site. The worker deliberately ran between the covers to the knight school.

"It’s a curve shot!"

Almond's arrow slithered like a snake and hunted down the worker's neck.

"He’s fallen! All the additional workers have been annihilated! Who will build the knight school now!?"

The knight school’s construction site remained, but the building’s progress had stopped.

"It's bankrupt! The construction company building the knight school has gone bankrupt! Just like the stocks I bought! It's not rising anymore!"

"Loop isn’t sending any more workers now. Loop, what's happening?"

"I think he might just accept the loss and stop building the knight school in that location."

"Oh, but the gbarely refunds you if you cancel mid-construction, right?"

"Yes, especially buildings. The knight school is also an expensive building... so it’s a big loss."

With tears in his eyes, Loop sent workers to the opposite side to start building a new knight school.

"Another knight school is going up again. What will Almond do? It's completely on the other side."

"He can't interfere with that. Almond has to find another way to inflict damage."

"Right. Delaying the knight school’s construction won't end the game! Something must be done before the knights cout!"

OrangeKing earnestly scoured the enemy base, trying to figure out what Almond could do to win.

Alone in enemy territory, Almond faced numerous guard towers.

OrangeKing becflustered.

"There are just too... too many guard towers? Can he do this?"

No guard towers stood near the wall with Almond, but they densely filled the space between the workers and other key buildings.

"I don't know either, but only Almond can inflict damage on the enemy. The enemy is at their weakest right now when they’ve just advanced to the third era."

Almond started climbing down from the wall.

"Uh?! Almond! Are you going after the workers? What about the guard towers!?"

Over a dozen guard towers lined the path to the workers. Even one was enough to prevent an archer from getting close. Even a first level wooden guard tower would inflict significant damage.

Kimchi Warrior added on about the difficulty of the situation, "Right now, BornToB hasn't upgraded his ranged defense. Getting through the guard towers will be tough. Just three or four hits and you're dead."

"Oh... then getting through all that..."

"Normally, it'd be impossible."

"What do you mean normally?"

Kimchi Warrior left sroom for possibilities in his words as if he knew what Almond was about to do.

Shortly afterward…

As if to meet his expectations, Almond started running toward the guard towers at full speed without any hesitation.

"Eh!? He's just running! Without any hesitation!"

He was aiming for the workers chopping wood as the numerous guard towers targeted him.

Arrows poured out from all sides.