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Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 105: A Larger Stake (1)
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The enemy commander surrendered after witnessing just one shot from Almond.

At first, everyone thought the surrender occurred due to sunknown error. However, the enemy commander left after hurling insults like, “Using such an old build, eat this and die.” It didn’t seem like a technical issue.

“Why did they suddenly surrender?”

Almond knew the opponent angrily left the game, but didn't fully understand why. This was typical of players with less RTS gaming experience.Fire: Read Web s Online Free -

“… Wow, an easy win.”

“Heh. That's how it is sometimes.”


Thus, Almond's team of archers ended the gwithout getting a proper chance to fight.

The screen transitioned and displayed those two words.

The amount of gold earned was tallied, but it wasn’t anything substantial because the playtwas so short.

“That win was too easy.”

Had they been unusually unlucky in the first gor was this commander just bad? Almond couldn’t figure it out.

“Strange, isn't it? This commander was ranked much higher than me...” BornToB sounded puzzled too.

Kimchi Warrior explained what happened via a message.

The opponent had prepared a strategy to endure until the third era, but they gave up immediately after realizing they were up against a fast archer rush that perfectly countered them.

“Ah… I understand.”

Almond somewhat understood what had transpired now. Although it felt a bit off, it was still their second consecutive win.

Posts flooded the Embul community.

Despite the site requiring a login, Almond fans could be found engaging in the community. Did they hack the site? That couldn't be. Even within Embul, Almond fans simply existed.

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The fans had been cautious due to all the unfavorable sentiment toward Almond in the beginning, but started to emerge after the second consecutive win.

Veterans called the builds on both sides naive and hasty. The commanders were playing like gamblers and going through memorized steps without any strategic thought. However, the essence of RTS games was to win at all costs.

Naturally, the perception among users wasn't good. Therefore, the debate continued endlessly as Almond proceeded to the next game.

"I’m moving on to the next game."

Was it riding the wave? Or had Kimchi Warrior's hasty retro build strategy hit the mark? From then on, Almond went on an unstoppable winning streak.

Although it wasn't as extras the previous game, the next enemy commander surrendered after losing about ten of their workers.

Almond found these games surprisingly quick.

"Well... that’s three wins in a row? Let’s move on to the next game."

The fourth win csomewhat harder, but the enemy commander threatened to report and left after simultaneously losing three spearmen.

"What happens if I get reported again?" Almond asked while scratching his head.

He had already been reported in the first ghe played today.

After that, Almond also won the fifth, sixth, and seventh games in a row.

Almond broke through the ranks with his insane winning streak. Eventually, he reached nine consecutive wins.

He gained a huge amount of points even after the placement matches and finally arrived at the peak of B rank.

Almond had already reached a promotion match and skipped past B+ straight to the A rank one. Thanks to his winning streak, he had a chance at a two-tier promotion.

Even viewers who initially doubted Kimchi Warrior started to change their minds.

Even though opinions varied regarding the fast archer rush strategy, it was a fact that Almond's win rate had skyrocketed. The viewers acknowledged and accepted Kimchi Warrior based on those results.

Just then, a message arrived from Kimchi Warrior.


Almond felt surprised because they took much less tthan he expected due to the fast archer rush strategy that Kimchi Warrior prepared.

Whether it was a coincidence or not, Kimchi Warrior had indeed chosen a perfect strategy for Almond.


As expected, a video about the nine gwinning streak appeared on Almond's YouTube channel the next day. It was just a one minute short, which could seem odd after having played so many games. However, this was quite natural considering all nine games the previous day featured the fast archer rush.

Although Almond played nine games, they all essentially looked the sfrom the editor's point of view.

Ji-Ah decided to edit everything very briefly and string them together.

This was the title of the video.

Subscribers started commenting because of the sensational title. Of course, the video recapped the previous day's nine gwinning streak. It started with Almond observing enemy workers from the bushes. Any scene of him speaking or the commander giving orders quickly passed by.

The scene played at normal speed when Almond suddenly drew his bow and shot.

The video showed a close-up shot of a worker falling helplessly. Then, immediately…

The enemy commander immediately surrendered.

In the next game, Almond madly rushed in and shot one arrow again. Shortly afterward, that enemy commander also surrendered.

This pattern of Almond shooting and the enemy surrendering repeated. A rank graph displayed Almond skyrocketing past B+ to the A rank promotion match. The video made it look like South Korea's economic growth graph during its heyday.

Even the end of the video featured the national flag as the national anthem played.

The video received quite a lot of attention in a different way than last twith Nani-san, where the video was funny because of its content.

News of his challenge to reach S+ rank had spread.

YouTube users now realized he was aiming for S+ rank to join the national team competition. The news inevitably traveled slower through communities and on live platforms. Amid this, another person just learned about it.

"Everyone, don't be so upset that we didn't win the LIL World Cup this time... Ah, that's right. Even our officials... really didn't know how to explain it."

It was OrangeKing, the official commentator of the LIL Championships (the national LIL professional league).

On his personal stream, he made a not-so-sincere apology about the unprecedented situation regarding all the Korean teams being eliminated in the quarterfinals of the recent LIL World Cup (LIL World Tournament, officially named Worlds Championship).

"Well, what can we do? Ah… First of all, congratulations to the two teams that made it to the finals, MEDG and G4..."

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Anything less than victory would be criticized in the LIL World Cup, which was akin to archery or short track in the Olympics.

Shockingly, all their national teams had been eliminated in the quarterfinals. Considering the times when all four semifinal teams belonged to Korea, things had drastically changed.

"Let's look forward to the next one..."

For the first time, all teams had been eliminated before the finals. OrangeKing could only mutter about looking forward to the next one, seemingly out of his mind.

"Ah, I'm not commentating the finals. It's not my turn... and well... do I really need to?" he laughed it off with a joke.

Trumpets sounded amid the somewhat gloomy atmosphere.

OrangeKing's expression instantly brightened.

"Ah, JejuOrange! Thank you for the 100,000 won! Thank you! It will help with the baby's diaper expenses!"

OrangeKing had recently welcomed a child with his beloved wife, making him a family man now.

Meanwhile, he had lost much content for his stream with the Korean teams' disastrous performance at the LIL World Cup.

The viewers felt concerned about him taking a hiatus.

"Commentate on other games? Ah... you know I've only done LIL World, right? Commentators usually do various games, but I'm not ready for any others yet..."

He had been a part of LIL World since his youth as a player in the early days before capsule games until now as a commentator. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he dedicated his life to it.

However, the prestige of national teams in LIL World had waned. Interest in the tournament also seemed to have decreased.

It would be one thing if he didn't have a child, but he couldn't just do what he wanted as a family man.

"I should probably get sinsurance. What's popular these days…?"

OrangeKing checked the trending video rankings and saw Almond's video with Whiskey.

"Uh... Almond?"

Viewers spoke about Almond abandoning Raina, his channel growth, and more. One thing caught OrangeKing's attention.

"Almond is joining a national team?"

He focused on the news of Almond joining a national team competition.

It piqued OrangeKing’s interest.