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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 687
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Chapter 687

"Hey, why are you calling again?" Summer answered the phone, a little unhappy said.

"Well, God, I’m calling you for the first time." The man at the other end of the phone was stunned, and then said cautiously.

Summer Leng Leng Leng, dare feeling is not an Ke can call.

"Who are you?" Summer did not hear the voice, he asked.

"Brother Tian, it’s me, Chang Xiaobao." The voice of the person at the other end of the phone is a little depressed. I dare not to be remembered in summer.

"Oh, it’s you. Why is the voice on your phone so strange? Become like a woman. " Summer casually said.

Chang Xiaobao is even more depressed: "brother Tian, I don’t know what’s going on. When I make a phone call, my voice changes."

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"What do you call me for?" Summer is also too lazy to continue to pester the voice question, turned to ask a sentence.

"Brother Tian, didn’t you ask me to help you find a guy nicknamed prince?" Chang replied.

"Yes, did you find him?" It’s a little strange in summer. Can chang Xiaobao find someone better than Bai Xiaolei? He didn’t expect Chang Xiaobao to find anyone before, so he didn’t call Chang Xiaobao to ask about it.

"Brother Tian, I may have found him, but I need you to confirm whether it is him or not." Chang replied hesitantly.

Summer a little wonder: "what is the possibility to find him? Didn’t I give you his picture? "

"Brother Tian, you’ll see." Chang Xiaobao is selling now. "Brother Tian, we are in the Santa Maria hospital. Where are you? Or I’ll pick you up. "

"That hospital again?" In the summer, I found that I was really destined for this hospital. "Don’t pick me up, I’ll go there right away!"

Although Chang Xiaobao just said that he might find Cai Pengcheng, he decided to go and have a look in summer. Sister Jinghua asked him to help him with this. He wanted to do it well.

After hanging up the phone, he went straight to St. Mary’s Hospital in summer. He has been to the hospital twice. This time, he didn’t need to be led by others. He also knew how to go.

Summer soon arrived at the hospital gate, and then saw Chang Xiaobao at a glance, but this time, Chang Xiaobao was here alone, his two wives were not there.

"Brother Tian!" Chang xiaobmw saw summer and hurried over.

"What about the prince’s idiot?" Summer asked.

"Brother Tian, come with me." Chang Xiaobao did not hesitate to lead the way immediately. However, instead of walking into the hospital in summer, he went to an artificial forest outside the hospital. Of course, strictly speaking, this is also the hospital. There are some patients walking in the forest, or sitting alone on the bench in the forest. Of course, there are not all patients here, and some patients come to visit them My family and friends, and even a nurse to accompany my boyfriend there.

Summer swept a nearby glance, but did not see Cai Pengcheng, suddenly a little unhappy asked: "people? Why didn’t I see it? "

"Brother Tian, look at the man in the wheelchair." Chang Xiaobao pointed not far away and said in a low voice.

In the direction of Chang Xiaobao’s fingers, I finally saw a guy in a wheelchair in summer. However, the appearance of this man was not clear at all. The reason was very simple, because his whole head was wrapped with gauze, only showing a pair of eyes. Behind him, there was a young woman slowly pushing the wheelchair, and this woman was also strange to summer.

"You say he’s the prince’s idiot?" Summer asked.

"Brother Tian, I’m not sure. However, just one day after Cai Pengcheng disappeared, this guy came to this hospital for plastic surgery. I investigated privately. This guy made the whole face whole again. It’s said that he completely changed into another face, obviously to hide his original appearance." Chang Xiaobao said quickly, "the doctor and nurse who operated on him went abroad a few days ago. Now they are missing. They may have been killed. However, I asked the cleaner on duty in the hospital that day. The cleaner saw the situation of the man entering the hospital. Although he was wearing sunglasses, I showed the picture to the cleaner. She said it was very similar."

Pointing to the young woman, Chang Xiaobao went on: "brother Tian, the woman is actually just a support worker, specially invited to take care of him. Now this kid has a new identity, but I checked all the information about the new identity, but it doesn’t exist. In a word, I think this kid is very suspicious, but I’m not sure if he is really that guy Son. "

"Plastic surgery!" Summer said to himself like a sentence, Chang Xiaobao said so, he also think this person is very suspicious.

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As soon as summer flashed in front of the wheelchair man, he blocked his way and stared at him for a long time.

"What do you do?" Asked the young woman.

Summer did not speak, a hand to grasp the wheelchair man’s wrist, a few seconds later put it.

"It’s really you!" Looking at the wheelchair man in summer, "Cai Pengcheng, you idiot are not lame or mute. Why do you want to sit in the wheelchair and not talk?"

"Excuse me, sir, or I’ll call the police!" Said the young woman angrily.

"Well, just call the police. There’s a wanted man here." Summer a look of indifference, and then take out the mobile phone, dial the cold phone, cheerfully said: "police flower sister wife, I found Cai Pengcheng this idiot!"

The cold at the other end of the phone froze: "so soon found again?"

"Yes, the idiot has had a facelift, but even if his parents can’t recognize him, I can distinguish him." Summer a look of asking for credit, "sister Jinghua, am I strong?"

"I know you’re good!" Leng Bingbing really wants to give summer a white eye, but they are not in the video call, "so, you first look at Cai Pengcheng, I call director Hu, and ask him to inform those people in the provincial department to find you. You just need to transfer Cai Pengcheng to them."

"Well, sister Jinghua’s wife, when I return to Jianghai, you remember to reward me!" Summer is very happy now.

"Wait until you come back!" Cold ice didn’t like to say a word, and then hung up the phone, this guy still want to reward? She’s almost all his. What else does he want?

Summer put the phone in his pocket, and then looked at the wheelchair man: "Hello, I said you idiot is to stand up and follow me?"? Or do you want me to grab you? "