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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 611
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Chapter 611

"Not very free. What’s the matter with you?" Summer is a bit puzzled to ask, even across the cell phone, he can also hear that there’s a fast heartbeat of Bai Xiaolei, obviously very nervous.

"Elder brother, my girlfriend is in the hospital. The situation is very dangerous. The doctors here say that they need to operate immediately, but they are not sure. Can you come and have a look?" Bai Xiaolei was very anxious.

"Oh, it’s your girlfriend. No problem. I’ll be right there. Where are you?" Summer did not hesitate, and immediately agreed to come down.

"We’re at the Santa Maria hospital, brother. How do you get there? Why don’t I pick you up? " Bai Xiaolei asked in a hurry.

Summer didn’t answer immediately, just turned around and asked song Yumei, "Mei Mei’s wife, do you know where the Santa Maria hospital is?"

"Yes." Song replied.

"Oh, you don’t have to pick me up. I’ll be right there." Summer just then said to the phone, and then hung up the phone, holding song Yumei stood up: "Mei Mei wife, let’s go to that Santa Maria hospital!"

Song Yumei wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she promised to come down again: "my car is over there."

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Soon, song Yumei drove her Maserati and left Peking University for the direction of Santa Maria hospital in summer.

"What are you going to do there?" On the way, song Yumei asked.

"Xiaohei’s girlfriend seems to have an accident. I’ll save her." Summer casually said.

Song Yumei is a bit confused: "who is Xiaohei?"

"Xiaohei, it’s Bai Xiaolei. He’s so black, so I’ll call him Xiaohei." Summer explained.

Song Yumei is filled with a strange feeling. Of course, she knows who Bai Xiaolei is. She also knows that Bai Xiaolei is almost as black as Africans. But in this capital, there is only one nickname for Bai Xiaolei in summer.

"Do you know Bai Xiaolei well?" Song Yumei asked again.

"Generally speaking, he is the younger brother I am looking for here." Summer giggle a smile: "Mei Mei wife, I tell you, there is a little brother is actually good, little black that guy is quite able to do things."

Of course, song Yumei knows that Bai Xiaolei can do things, and he is also a member of the Bai family. Although the capital says that Bai Xiaolei is the most unpromising member of the Bai family, everyone knows that Bai Xiaolei is not a mediocre person. The reason why he is the most unpromising member of the Bai family is not that he is incompetent, but that his two brothers are too promising.

What song Yumei doesn’t understand is that how can this guy accept Bai Xiaolei in summer?

However, song Yumei didn’t ask any more questions. Today she has asked many questions in summer. She is afraid that too many questions will arouse his suspicion.

Peking University is not far from the hospital of Santa Maria. Ten minutes later, song Yumei arrived at the destination with her car. Before the car stopped, song Yumei saw Bai Xiaolei waiting at the gate of the hospital. She looked very anxious and was walking back and forth.

Until song Yumei stops her Maserati beside Bai Xiaolei, Bai Xiaolei stops walking.

"Big brother!" Seeing summer coming out of the car, Bai Xiaolei finally had a surprise on his face. However, seeing song Yumei who also got off the car, Bai Xiaolei couldn’t help being stunned. "Miss Song?"

Song Yumei smiled faintly and responded to Bai Xiaolei.

"Take me to see your girlfriend." Summer then said.

"Yes, big brother, please follow me!" Bai Xiaolei immediately responded and hurried to the hospital. While walking, he quickly introduced his girlfriend’s situation: "elder brother, my girlfriend is seven months pregnant, because she is not in good health, so I arranged her in the hospital in advance, and everything was normal, but from this morning, she began to become very abnormal. After the doctor’s examination, he said," what’s your heart? " There’s something wrong with the viscera, the blood pressure is too high and so on. In a word, there are problems everywhere. It’s said that the operation is needed to get the child out immediately, so that it’s possible to keep both adults and children at the same time, and it’s also said that at least 80% of them are sure to keep the child... "

Summer at this time interrupted Bai Xiaolei’s words: "you don’t need to introduce the illness to me, I will see it myself later."

"Yes, big brother." Bai Xiaolei nodded and said nothing more.

After a while, Bai Xiaolei followed him into a ward in summer. In the ward, there were several doctors and nurses standing there. On the bed, there was a young woman with beautiful features, but now she was very pale, and her forehead was still sweating.

"Mr. Bai, have you made up your mind? Miss Lu’s condition is getting worse. She must have her child removed immediately, or she may not be able to protect her child. " Seeing Bai Xiaolei come in, a male doctor in his fifties said in a hurry.

"Get out of the way first." Bai Xiaolei ordered.

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"Mr. Bai..." The doctor looked a little confused.

"Get out of the way!" Bai Xiaolei suddenly roared.

Seeing Bai Xiaolei’s anger, the doctors and nurses dare not say anything more, and soon back to the side.

Summer has come to the side of the hospital bed, began to feel the pulse for the woman in the hospital bed, soon, his brow will be wrinkled up.

"How are you, brother? Can it be cured? " Seeing summer frowning, Bai Xiaolei felt a little uneasy at once. Speaking of this, he added, "elder brother, it’s ok if you can protect your children. It’s important to protect your adults."

"Oh, it’s a good thing I’m here early. Adults and children can keep it. Later, children can’t keep it." Summer casually should a, and then took out a silver needle, tied in the patient.

"Mr. Bai, it can’t be treated casually, in case..." The doctor who was watching couldn’t help opening his mouth.

"You can watch it. You are not responsible for anything!" Bai Xiaolei didn’t say that.

Hearing this, the doctor no longer said anything. As long as he was not responsible, the patient’s life and death had nothing to do with him.

The ward is very quiet. Everyone is looking at the movements in summer, but the movements in summer are getting faster and faster. He has a silver needle in both hands. He is very skillful in his movements. He keeps stabbing the silver needle into the patient’s body. Gradually, everyone can’t see the movements in summer, but they can see the changes of the patient. The pallor on the patient’s face is disappearing gradually and quickly No more sweating.

Bai Xiaolei looks very nervous. He looks at the woman in bed without blinking. His fists are already clenched unconsciously. Anyone can see it. He attaches great importance to his girlfriend.

At the moment, song Yumei is also standing at the door of the ward, quietly watching the situation in the ward. She originally wanted to leave after she sent summer here, but after hesitating for a while, she decided to come in and have a look. She wanted to see for herself whether the medical skills in summer were as magical as the rumors.

At this time, in summer, the needle application was finally stopped, the patient was lifted from the bed, and a pat was made on her back. Then, the patient opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of fetid things.